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BilliJo Aldrin

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Everything posted by BilliJo Aldrin

  1. I wore the TMP free mesh body for a few weeks to see how I liked having a mesh body, then bought Maitreya Lara. I can't see ever changing.
  2. Is it cheating if you show your partner the pictures afterwards?
  3. Yes, I agree. I don't expect anyone to change in any way shape or form. Everyone should be exactly how they want to be. If a kid shows up on my property its because they want to be a kid. I don't say, hey you can stay if you change into an adult form. I just land ban them.
  4. In my mind the biggest problem about kid avis is how short adults are unfairly banned from many sims due to their height. Kids sure, ban them, but to ban adults just because they fall below some arbitrary cut off height is kind of unfair. But once again it comes down to their sim their rules. I'm about 6 ft tall barefoot, but i'm tiny compared to the glamazons and hulks that seem to predominate SL. I was once told to leave a nude beach by some 9 ft tall freak because child avatars were not allowed. She had heard me call another avatar mom. I soon set her straight and she left me alone. But if she did kick me, i'd be like whatever. I've also been told to leave "human only" sims for wearing neko or bunny ears and tail. I just laugh and tp out.
  5. Its funny, occasionally a friend of mine will show up on a new alt and say, oh its terrible, someone hacked my account and now its been perma banned from second life. I think uh huh, got caught diddling a kid didja?
  6. Yes, but there are many "family friendly" nude beaches, but I bet even in those places there's kids trying to pick up adults, and old men who go just to look at the naked child avis.
  7. I went to a Trans Siberian Orchestra concert in SL on the weekend, it was on some Christmas sim. A tiny kid showed up, profile said two years old. She just stood and watched the concert like anyone else. No biggy, we were all there for the same reason. Now if she had imed me and said I better wear panties because she could see my genitals up under my skirt, that would have been a problem. For her, not for me.
  8. Nice, we got to page 3 before someone played the race card. There's a BIG difference between child avatars and blacks. I can't be ARed because an adult black is standing beside my sex bed. But, if i did want to exclude all blacks from my SL property, that's still my right, my choice, my SL and my rules.
  9. True story. Once a few years ago I was doing my doing my weekly laundry run at the local laundromat. When I entered there was an interracial couple (he was black, she was white) and a man dressed as a woman (transvestite, transsexual, I dunno, I didn't ask). As soon as the man gathered up his stuff and left she said to me "did you see that guy, he's so disgusting" All I could think was, oh you stupid b***h, not so long ago people would have looked at you and said, "oh look at her with a black man, she's so disgusting". I tolerate everyone, even total idiots.
  10. This whole thing revolves around tolerance vs acceptance. For the longest time we have been told we must tolerate people that are different from us, different for whatever reason, age, race, religion, body mass, sexual orientation or any other thing that makes them different from us. They have a right to live as they wish so we must tolerate that right. I agree 100%. However now that hurtle has been crossed, tolerance is now no longer enough. We must show acceptance no matter how much they may disgust us for whatever reason, right or wrong. Its no longer enough that these people are no longer actively discriminated against, they must be welcomed into our homes and our families and shown the same love that we show our own. This is madness, and this is the state of the world today.
  11. You know, maybe that should be changed, Maybe child avatars should be banned from any adult region. Adult regions are adult, children don't belong anywhere on them. If children want to go to adult regions, let them go as adults. That way, instead of children going to adult regions and getting sim owners in trouble, anyone could AR any child found on an adult sim and get the child in trouble. That would end the problem real fast.
  12. I got rid of about 15,000 items when I deleted all my old system clothes including flexi skirts/dresses. I figured i was never going back, so why keep them? I got down to under 20,000 but am now just over 25,000 again. The only real sorting i do is for my clothes, they are all sorted by type For example: "a mesh dress tube red" or "a mesh jeans flared faded" I'm about to get rid of most of my applier clothes. I bought a lot of free or inexpensive ones when i first went mesh, but now i use almost entirely fit mesh
  13. Child avatars on Adult sims are not a violation, that's already been established both in here and in the LL TOS But, property owners have the absolute right to exclude any individual or type of individual they wish, regardless of if its G, M or A Why ban kids? Because we can. I don't hang around with strange kids in RL. Why would I want to do it in SL? Why would anyone want to?
  14. You created the inflammitory tone of this thread with your use of the word "hate". I doubt many people hate any of the avis you described, but you set the topic, we just responded to it. Believe it or not, second life really is a mirror of real life. Its not some "lets all hug and play nice" paradise.
  15. one time i saw a child and asked, "how old are u sweetie?" She replies "old enough" then started drinking a beer and smoking. Well, all righty then.
  16. The beauty of second life is that you can ban anyone from your property for whatever reason you chose. If only real life was like that. *grins*
  17. A friend of mine had a demom RP sim (full homestead) for a while, totally adult in every way. I didn't tolerate any children being there even if they were on the far side of the sim away from anything adult.
  18. The best way to get me to move on is to stop replying to my posts. My last post was in response to someone talking about nude sailing sims. You as OP were able to start this thread, but you have no control about who replies or in what direction the thread moves. If you think any of my posts are abusive or an attempt to harass you, feel free to report them. And of course, i can do the same with yours. Have a nice day.
  19. There is a whole set of connected naked sailing sims, they promote it as such. And yes they include nude marinas and lounge areas. The OP was offended probably because he thinks Mature means no nudity allowed, and that anyone asking about nudity or showing up nude is a troll. We can't all be held to the same standards he has in his corner of the world, but communication is the key to avoiding misunderstandings.
  20. that doesnt sound very friendly at all. you could have imed me and said sorry you must be dressed and cuffs are not allowed. im sure you were too busy laughing with your friends to send an im. never fear i've already deleted the lm.
  21. one time i did rp to a kid, i was in a store and some kid was running back and forth along the countertops. i said were is that kids mother. the mother proceeded to scream obscenities at me
  22. one example of why i don't like kids. i was visiting my sister while her brat was there. the brat imed me and said "i can see a sliver of the top of your nipples you better cover up because im a kid" i thought you little s**t you had to cam really close to see that. and for the record their rp is not my rp
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