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Kaidin Ulrik

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Everything posted by Kaidin Ulrik

  1. and on another note, check out my thread in lifestyle and relationships... i think it goes really well with this topic..... or just click my profile and look for the "Do friends even exist" thread
  2. I'm over RP, it's boring and ultimately just constant masturbation.... It's not what I wait for in spending time with a female, I'd prefer face to face interaction. That and I have too much I actually want to do in sl.... sucks most would rather rp or loitter around instead of getting stuff done... I'm having to break the rp world bad habits =P Plus rp is easy when your mindset is to go for hours at it, most are just trying to get a quickie which then pisses off someone like you ^ ^
  3. I just don't get why I have to spend more time digging than talking. I've had maybe 2 threads carry on for some time but most of them are short lived, even if I'm just replying... I've never seen that one..... Hmmmm i may have to check it one day... We have always had really tall edifaces on Anarchy Insland, so to compare would be wellllll.... a long way up =P I am glad I said something to catch a little attention though, just maybe it will get a few more rants that will turn into a session of awesomeness
  4. Be ready seems the newbies are far more sex crazed than could be expected =x At least you didn't spend time with someone for a good bit of time only to learn that their sexual pursuits totally make you want to vomit ^ ^
  5. Most topics that I see people speak on are very specific and don't look to be for the sake of just having conversation. I have to say it makes the net quite boring. I love forums, blogs, and chats but since 1999-2002 ish things haven't been exciting at all, and it bleeds into rl. I've noticed my social interaction with 'friends' in physical is hand in hand with the people I talk to on the net..... If I'm not at work I'm usually keeping myself company! And what's odd is a know a good bit of people reading this are in the same place. Yet what is it about the topics that doesn't make you want to at least rant a touch of random for the sake of interaction???? Do I really have to spoon feed convo to enjoy this!?!?!? o.O
  6. For most you will find it's never case of boredom that drives them away, it's either feeling alone or a sudden shift in life that means less time at the keyboard. I know I am one who can say secondlife isn't a getaway it is a part of my life, it helps me to focus on my career and studies. I don't wish to gain a minute back spent here unless it's having people that will actually be there. Most of what I would express in sharing your feelings isn't boredom, but being lonely trying to meet people..... doesn't make sense to feel outside of things when trying to interact. But that's what makes SL so great, when people are being lame or just haughty, there are many sims to get away to find a few minds that are looking just to meet up and get away. I only spend time away when I get really busy, but I have lot of plans that I want to see to life through SL and no matter how many years it takes, I can say I've found one place on the net I know I belong.
  7. I'd love to check out what ya got... but I do enjoy forums as well... I'll stop by if you respond... =P
  8. how's it going?! i know all about the lack of friends thing. seems people are met only to forget about them these days..... I'm totally up to chat my in world name is my sn here so feel free to message me... I'm a bit all over the place right now so I dunno if I'll be able to time you being on to reach out and say hi, but I just may try.
  9. I've recently taken over a small project that needs some help staying alive. I am currently trying to work to get some promotional events going at Body Barre so that I can get a full scale Media Network going. Don't have a whole lot to pay but I can manage to compensate based on efforts put in. Please message me In-world and I will give you Landmarks and More Information if you are more so interested in a promotional and talent consulting position using thist tasteful full clothed cabaret as a resource spot to simply promote the arts. Thanks Kaidin Ulrik
  10. oh hunts also..... some of the best freebies come from hunts
  11. the best answer by far is lucky chairs... sucks to have to sit and wait but they are becoming more popular and they tend to give out the better stuff seeing as how it is older product line being replaced by new stuff coming out weekly most places...
  12. hi ya to all of u looking to find more people to hang out with... hopefully i can rub off on ya all the right way on here to get u to come party with me and my people's at our spots in world, til then happy surfing!
  13. Kaidin Ulrik


    !welcome! hope you find everything that gets ya out of the blah zone in life =D
  14. don't give up, you have to find the people who aren't tied up to much and if they are, those who have been waiting to get access to people all over the world at the very least.... it's rough i tell people about it and their eyes light up and then i never hear anything again. granted if i made an awesome presentation and showed just what can happen in just a few minutes of actually taking in sl, i'm sure it would be far different if i was able to figure out what is a draw for each person. this target audience stuff is crazy, but sl shows just how the business world and personal lives come together to keep opportunity at hand, even when things are on a dry spell like now. sl is just in recession periods because a lot a lot a lot of the people who saw it as the thing to do to be cool or the place to let their adult fantasies go are on their way out. fashion, music, and art are definitely coming full force and making it hard for those who just use sl for erotica to stay balanced using it.... prolly because a good bit of us who do use this for business are tired of hornballs invading our creative time =x
  15. it's my whole point in being on sl... not glued to just making money, but i am networking, i dj, i have some club builds i started on, but right now i'm focusing heavy on school getting this programming and such down and learning how to build systems.... i'm gonna bring that into sl and open a computing store in second life with a real time ordering system for computers being built by those i'm starting to get stuff together with... i also look to bring solar and renewable energies in, do some work in online schooling, continuing my art in graphic design and architecture plus many many more things to come, ultimately i'm just going to have a consultation firm hosting all the various avenues i'm developing it just takes time to get off the ground and get the funds needed for this stuff. that's what i'm pointing to most about bringing more people in, if they knew that they could suuplement their income from sl while just having fun and getting to do all the stuff that seems so confined in rl, they would see what an opportunity we all have to develop this world and even further space!
  16. imma have to take some time and check out what you're doing, i've been looking for those who are actually trying to get stuff circulating in sl and not just doing the whole if you build it they will come deal
  17. i stopped paying her attention hours ago =P
  18. it was a general statement i didn't apply to every person living.....
  19. here's my issue.... u taking this post of me trying to connect to sachiko telling my story of how i feel about something that made me want to go and start a dating service that i might be able to exchange some efforts with her to help her Creative Commons, and turning it into a ditzfest of trying to tell me what i'm about and how i'm delusional and far from ur perspective in life.... you have a mate so seems from ur picture so please understand ur opinion in single world means little because ur not single going through it! ur taking my post and turning it into just what my post said and making sachiko feel that things are becoming hostile instead of fostering connections and networking, where people get to say what they feel to introduce why they have a certain motive in doing something, and having a place to make more pathways to do more in life besides look at why they started something new!!! sorry to bring drama to ur forum sachiko
  20. thankies charolotte! she further just proves the point of what i said to begin with =x more drama i know not all females bring drama, but this just goes to show when those who can't see the whole picture, decide to try and tear something down from a single image in the whole clip
  21. <<palm slaps self>> :matte-motes-sour:
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