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Eve Greymoon

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Everything posted by Eve Greymoon

  1. If the dress is done in standard sizing, there should be a notecard in the package with the sliders you need to change. Here are the XS sliders and whatthey need to be set to -XS Body Fat: 5 Torso Muscle: 31 Breast Size: 48 Love Handles: 25 Belly Size: 2 Leg Muscle: 45 Butt Size: 34 Saddle Bags: 30 If you need another size search 'standard sizing package' on marketplace the sizes are listed there. You may have to slightly tweak a few of these, I find I often have to take the saddlebads or love handles down just a tiny bit from what's listed.
  2. It amuses me to no end that people believe mesh fits those with double Ds. It doesn't even come close. Trust me on this there is not a single standard size that comes anywhere near fitting over my chest. Or butt for that matter.
  3. It is possible, but not recommended because generally speaking wireless connections tend to drop packets. Fine for regular browsing, not good for SL. You will not get optimal performance with a wireless connection.
  4. Thanks for the suggestion. I searched and searched marketplace (and google) and no luck. The creator of the implants finally responded on the 'developers kit". HA. I'm pretty well on my own I guess.
  5. Yeah I dropped a notecard on her requesting the developers kit but haven't heard anything back. I've been doing research in the meantime, and I "think" it's basically just a modified clothing layer but a template would be helpful. I'll try to be patient. *sighs* not one of my virtues.
  6. I'm looking for tutorials on how to make the textures for the clothing appliers for prim breasts such as Lolas. Anybody seen anything like that?
  7. Me too I can't wait! (Yes, this is a shameless bump)
  8. I have a blog but I don't think anybody reads it LOL. I'll post the info there though and also make comments on the blogs I read and follow that are showing alot of mesh clothing and try to get them to put a call out too.
  9. Idk if they're identical but you can find them here Look for the file named Default Male & Female rigged avatars.zip. I believe they're provided int hat package in several formats.
  10. Hello everyone! I'm not a designer so i can't help with this. Mesh Deformer Testing I really really want to buy mesh clothing, and really really want the deformer so I can do it without changing my shape. Unfortunately, I'm not a designer, know nothing about creating mesh so I can't contribute test clothing. But I can buy your stuff if this gets implemented...and I probably will! Please everyone who is, check out the link and help if you can. This may not be important to some people, but it's very important to others. Thank you in advance for your help!
  11. I believe this is a known bug. Jira I see some things in here that say turning off basic shaders stops it from happening.
  12. Yes thank you I've seen the developers blog, the last update on the JIRA. They're a month old so I didn't know. That is good that Oz added something on it though on the 31st. So we know it's not dead Yay. /me waits impatiently
  13. I like Orange Creations though they have a small selection worth a look. I think their feet are great. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/OC-Mercy-Sandals-Sculpted-Heels-Black/934893
  14. *sighs* I so want to wear all the mesh pretty things. Please hurry.
  15. Hello everyone! This JIRA https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/STORM-1716 hasn't been updated in about a month. Do we know if it's still being worked on? Thanks!
  16. No you're not the only one. I contacted support about it hey have no clue. I tried Rolig's solution, however, it seems that this problem is different, as even residents who have purchased from marketplace cannot be found. Anyway, support said to start a JIRA on it. So I'm gonna do that.
  17. If dragging a default avi out of the library onto his avi doesn't work, try a character test: First, enable the advanced menu by hitting ctrol+alt+d. This will make the advanced menu appear at the top of the screen. Advanced --> Character --> Character Test --> Test Male or Female this will remove EVERYTHING he's currently wearing and replace it with a default avatar. It's not pretty haha. He can then go into his inventory and put on the the things he wants to wear including shape, skin, hair, clothes, ao, etc.
  18. For work in SL, I breed and sell horses. It doesn't seem much like work, and since it's my own business, I can do it on my own schedule, as much or as little as I want. As for what there is to do? Imagine it, and you can do it in SL. We took up surfing recently. We love to go to art installations and random sim hop by opening the world map and clicking. We have a photo studio too, though don't promote it much because it's more a hobby than a job. We enjoy going to poetry readings, and attending sunday church services. What there is to do in SL is limited only by your creativity and imagination.
  19. I love mesh clothing, but alas, I'm too curvy to wear it. I would cheerfully make small changes to my shape to accomodate clothing, but except for boots I have found nothing that would require only small adjustments. While the standard sizing is probably a great boon to someone who is already close to that size, I'm no where near any of those sizes. And so, I wait...not too patiently I might add... for the deformer so I can play too.
  20. I don't buy clothing if the prims are no mod, at least not on purpose. My shape is so drastically curvy that using a resize script to fit prims takes forever and rarely gives satisfactory results. That said, I have had great success with getting a mod copy of an item from a creator instead, usualy just takes a notecard explaining the problem.
  21. I wear pantyhose instead when I don't want the tops to show. Try Toshy, No 9, or uhm.... drat I can't think of the other one. But sometimes you find them under pantyhose or tights.
  22. There are several issues like this in the JIRA now related to alpha textures and invis-prims. Unfortunately I have no idea which might be your issue since I don't know what you're wearing. Make sure your graphics drivers are up to date as well. Don't do this from windows update, do it from the manufacturer of your graphics card to get the most up to date driver.
  23. A friend dragged me into SL back in 2008 to prove a point...he proved it. And I never left. What fascinates me about SL is the wide variety of people I get to meet. For me, that has been the biggest draw, and what keeps me here. It would be unlikely that I would have the opportunity to meet and learn from people from such diverse backgrounds and cultures in the "real" world.
  24. Wolf ctrl+alt+t to see invisible and find the facelight attachement floating around the avatar. Then right click the object and derender it. Or just skip that highlight invisible objects step and right click and derender the whole avatar. That's what I do with offensively bright facelights.
  25. Nalates Urriah wrote: There is a lot of confusion in regard to what is meant by shared experience. A viewer can give you any render on YOUR screen that you choose. Oz Linden gave the example of a viewer developer making a full on 3D image render (like with nVidia glasses) the R2D2 viewer or whatever. That doesn't change the shared experience. You only see it on your screen. If that viewer messes up what I see when using Firestorm or the SL Viewer, then it is changing the shared experience. Basically, you can do anything to change what you see that you want. New render engine, whatever. But, you can't change what I see on my viewer. I get to choose what I see. So, I can use Exodus in Torley mode and turn the world on my screen to vivid watermelon. If your viewer moves a cube, I must see the cube move on my viewer. The cube is part of the shared experience. So, whatever you or I do to the cube must show up in ALL viewers. HOW you move the cube is irrelevant because the user interface is not part of the shared experience. You can move the cube by clicking it, dragging it, clicking in a panel, or ESP telekinesis. It doesn't matter. We just have to both see the cube move. OH this was an excellent explanation, and cleared up quite a bit for me. Thank you
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