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Ima Rang

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Everything posted by Ima Rang

  1. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: Hmm...you know, it seems like at least one of those videos should include your Pips. Three times the jiggliness!! Ah! Great idea! When are you two available?
  2. Willow Danube wrote: Camtasia's good! I used that for work training purposes too. But it can used up your resources pretty quickly. Yeah, I am loving Camtasia, but you are right, it is a resource sucker. I'm just using the free trial version now...so you only have 29 more videos to go before you are glad my trial version expired :smileywink:
  3. Jessika Rang wrote: Wow! Hey Cousin, I knew we had good genes but... yours rock a bit more than mine (at least in the video - me lolz). Congrats on a fantastic work! Hey, they don't just rock, they roll, and clap, and sway...hahahah! Thanks!
  4. WADE1 Jya wrote: Congrats on your first vid! Thats my first sighting of the new avatar physics everyones been talking about. Looks great! Thanks! I really had a lot of fun with it! The avatar physics are outstanding...I of course, for fun, over emphasized but at the right specs...it comes off as very natural movement.
  5. Wildcat Furse wrote: I am jeaulous, I love it ..... :smileyvery-happy: *meows* It was so much fun to make! Get jiggly I need to respec the buttocks...looks like Ima has not been spending enough time on the treadmill....
  6. Darrius Gothly wrote: /me grabs the duct tape and popsicle sticks ... OMG!! I got dents from the INSIDE of my monitor now. Them things gotta get secured in place .. or I'm gonna have LCD shards all over my desk! /me scrolls back and plays the video .. again ... hehehehe! Oops, sorry, I should have prefaced the video with a list of protective equipment required while viewing. I sure would hate to put an eye out
  7. Keli Kyrie wrote: What did you use to shoot the video? I used Camtasia. I like it because it is very user friendly and intuitive.
  8. Argus Collingwood wrote: Woohoo.. we needs settings specs:smileywink: Hahahah...yes we do...although it is not near as funny with the slider to the left
  9. Qie Niangao wrote: As a service provider, LL is somewhere between AT&T and the guy who cleans your pool. It's a business, that's certainly true, and like AT&T, they have to keep their channel partners happy -- hence the Atlas program meetings. Ultimately, however, it's the end-user landowners and tenants who pay LL's bills; those are their actual customers. The job, then, is to retain those customers and somehow acquire more of them. That's the main purpose of having forums, user groups, blog posts, etc. (Those aren't the only things they do to get and keep customers, of course.) And it's not just to placate us. For one thing, it's very inexpensive market research (if a bit noisy). They're also in the enviable position of having some very sophisticated customers who are even willing to both share expertise and do real grunt work for them, unpaid. Forums and user groups are useful for recruiting and coordinating such efforts. Historically, as soon as front-line Lindens set up structures to harness that crowdsourcing, a change in policy or staffing tears it all down again. It's very odd. I had to do a bit of research as I am not familiar with the Atlas meetings. Is this the program where LL says we will give you deep discounts if you purchase in bulk and provide us your business model that will show a sustained growth of 15% per quarter? Or...do you have to agree to grow your holdings by 15% per quarter? Hmmm...I can't imagine that these forums or the blogs provide much in the way of market research.Especially when SL is the benchmark for this type of service at this scale. Additionally, with ~approximately 22,000,000 registered users, I'm not sure that the ~500 to 600 you see logged in here (a cumulative total of registered and guests)at any given time, that the information gleaned is representative of the market. They're also in the enviable position of having some very sophisticated customers who are even willing to both share expertise and do real grunt work for them, unpaid. Forums and user groups are useful for recruiting and coordinating such efforts. Sometimes I'm not so sure that is an enviable position...lol...but I do see other technology groups that have individuals that provide apps, plugins, etc., for shiggles and/or personal profit. Sharing and providing unpaid labor is still a voluntary act. Or am I wrong? Is LL actively recruiting free labor sources? Or are you saying that a group who has an interest in specific functionality convenes, creates, and then presents to LL for consideration? I could not find the information...it may not be published...but what percentage of the 22 million registered users are free basic and/or unique accounts? I guess if you have user groups that total 40 or 50 people that are disgruntled and/or screaming for more, more, more(and I am not saying that is the main utility for the groups)...but you have 55,000 that are logged in at any given time that simply enjoy shopping, dancing or popping over to Zindra for some spanky spank...as a corporation, you are still recognizing a greater degree of customer satisfaction than not. Having 30 people saying I'm going to pack up my pixels and go do something else if I can't type the clinical name for human genitalia on a forum would not, as a business owner, concern me to any great degree. I am just a user of SL...so I may be way off on the actual negotiating that LL does with the land baron or merchandiser customer base. I'm just looking at it from the high level perspective. Specific to the forums: I do wonder why the G rating in the forums. As SL is geared heavily toward and has a greater portion of the 18++ adults as the greater population demographic...I'm unclear, except for damage control, why you would not either provide a space for adults to speak as adults do about adult stuffs or make the forum exclusive to the adult pop...as opposed to giving the area a club penguin feel...I mean really, all that is missing is a predefined set of standard chat phrases in drop downs. If the goal is to obtain new members to SL via the content that is readable on these forums...fail. Drama sells...drama draws people in...everyone posting kumbaya sentiments of their SL experience is about as exciting and attention grabbing as watching grass grow. If the public wanted bland, passionless, interactions...Hollywood could make 1.5 hour long movies of people gathering in a room and sharing photo albums and make a fortune. Blech. It also makes it seem like a sham when you see nothing but positive sentiments posted...what are you hiding? Ok..sorry that was all over the place...typed before caffeine infusion
  10. Dillon Levenque wrote: Deltango Vale wrote: Why go through all this trouble? Okay - deep breath - let me try this again, from the beginning, step by step. The purpose of usergroups (inworld or fora-based) is to: facilitate communication between resident experts and Linden Lab employees enable realtime communication There are two media suitable for usergroups: inworld meetings special sub-fora with regular, 'live attendance' timeslots How would fora-based usergroups be set up? create a new forum called User Groups (Second Life, Content Creation, Technology, Commerce, Buy and Sell Land, International, User Groups) create 11 sub-fora within the User Group forum (Scripting, Mesh, my.secondlife.com, Simulator, V2, Viewer Evolution, Marketplace, Community Translation, Community Tools, Events, Server Beta) only LL employees can create threads in the User Group sub-fora each User Group sub-forum has a top-level thread called Agenda Linden employees would create threads for agenda items (which would persist) How would these sub-fora usergroups work? members and employees could post in the usergroup threads at any time, 24/7 employees would have a 'live attendance' schedule when they would participate in realtime Advantages of fora-based meetings: the location of the User Group forum is fixed and obvious to everyone members could contribute at any time (bypassing RL constraints) members and employees could read posts, think and prepare for 'live attendance' slots realtime communication (text, image, video) contributions persist and can be added to even if a 'live attendance' slot is canceled business is conducted in non-competitive posts employees can post on an ad-hoc basis if they wish (outside of 'live attendance' times) no need for transcription no need to log inworld Disadvantages of fora-based meetings: no visible avatar less fun Advantages of inworld meetings: avatar-to-avatar visual symbol exchange realtime communication (open chat, IM, notecard) more fun Disadvantages of inworld meetings: participants must search for date, time and location of meetings participants must be available at time of meetings (RL schedule, timezone differences) meetings are very limited in terms of time no business can be accomplished outside of alloted time meetings may be canceled, resulting in zero productivity business is conducted mainly in competitive, open chat time wasted in non-business banter chat history must be transcribed (including non-business banter) lag and crashes So, if the goal is to meet up for a bit of fun chitchat, then inworlds meetings are definitely better. If the goal is to actually accomplish something, then let's set up the Use Group forum. Really, Deltango. If you'd just take a second to organize your thoughts before just blurting stuff out like this.... I would like to comment. Not from a participatory point of view (as I'm clearly not qualified) but as an informed observer. I'm impressed with Darrius' argument regarding the 'face to face' aspect of the inworld meetings (and I also thank you for the transcript and the Linden highlight was a great benefit) and if they really were face to face—that is, spoken—they would probably be an improvement over what Deltango suggests. In a true face to face there is a fast exchange of ideas, and sometimes an ability to exert influence that can't really be matched in print. But in a real meeting, there's very little 'aside'. In the two transcripts I've read the usual chat asides that are part of SL are everywhere. It makes following the thread of the conversation almost impossible. I realize it's worse seeing it in print, but it would have been almost as bad live. Nobody has meetings like that in RL, at least nobody that gets anything done. Given that the actual ambience of a face to face meeting can't really be captured in SL (even with Voice, in my opinion) it would seem to me that Deltango's suggestion is a superior method on that basis alone, to say nothing of making things more accessible to those who cannot meet the Inworld schedule. I tend to agree. It could just be my perception of things, but it seems to me that the in-world CTUG meetings are placatory at best. I'm not offended by the gesture, but...it seems pointless. The majority of the dialog seems to be: LL: No, sorry, you can't have that. UGM: Wait, wut? UGM: Waves UGM: Why not? LL: Even if it were to be provided, it would still be G rated. UGM: VP farted. UGM: LOL!!! Teehee. Slight derail to follow: I think that it is awesome that LL offers a forum at all. They don't have to. It is very cool that they have Linden' participating in the forum from time to time. But I don't think that should become the norm nor the expectation. When you get down to the skinny of it, LL offers a service and we are voluntary users of said service. I don't have an expectation that when my cell phone is acting like an **bleep** that I can bust up into the AT&T corporate office and and insist that they hold a meeting at which I can start negotiating the placement of their towers to better suit my needs or wants. I also don't expect the CEO or any of the functional area managers of AT&T to text, email, or ring me up to see how things are going with my service or call the 250 people in my address book to see how they enjoyed the call quality that they experienced with me. Although I recognize that LL offers a unique service...ultimately, they are still just a service provider.
  11. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: I find SL too real, actually. Not that it feels real (you will never feel the wind in your hair or the sun on your skin), but it's too closely oriented on reality. There should be places and sights that can't be found anywhere in the real world, places where physics and gravity work in completely different ways. For example, imagine yourself walking through an MC Escher painting such as this one: I thought about building something like this back in the day, but walking upside down on a staircase at the ceiling would require you to attach your avatar to the stairs (i.e. sit on them) and wait for an animation to play. As soon as you stood up, you'd just fall down again. The same goes for things like walking through a door that leads to a completely different area, hundreds of meters away (and upside down or sideways). Of course this could all be done with a scripted teleport system, but it just wouldn't feel very realistic. Or unrealistic, as it is Why can't we turn off gravity in our sims and have people float around in a zero-g environment? Or change how gravity works in order to create a true upside down experience? Or mess with the terrain physics and let visitors bounce around like rubber balls? Simulated down-to-earth reality gets really boring after a while. That sounds like a great time and I would be will to pay L's to visit such a place. Just what SL needs right now IMHO as it does seem too rooted in reality presently.
  12. Darrius Gothly wrote: Okay okay ... I'll break this one out .. but just remember, you guys FORCED me! Are those satin pants???
  13. Ackley Bing wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Ackley Bing wrote: This game already exists in SL. I've played it a few times. The investors want you naked and on a rack 24/7 just for a couple L$, and then they don't give you enough and then they demand their money back. Keep in mind L$25,000 is only about $100USD. If they've only given you that much you can keep it, it covers the hour or so spent in time just meeting with them. Interesting. So a second life content creator commands at least $100 USD per hour wage? Considering the minimal cost of items in SL and the low ROI, $100 USD could be considered considerable bank for most. What specifically do you think the creator was not "given enough for?" Yes, behind every avatar is a RL person. Designer's want at least 50/hour or they probably aren't even worth it. You get what you pay for. You can get minimal cost items yes, even from me. But when you want a custom project (needs funding) then expect RL prices. Well that seems pricey to me, but I'm sure someone might be willing to pay that for a custom project. At those prices you could buy the software and take classes and learn to do it yourself what with the money you would spend in a week or so. I assume that is more the exception than the norm? I was speaking more about investing in someones dream or invention as opposed to funding a custom project. They pitch an idea to a group or an individual and that group or individual funds an amount with an expectation of a return on their investment...perhaps even a ongoing royalty if the investment is of a sizeable sum of cash.
  14. Ackley Bing wrote: This game already exists in SL. I've played it a few times. The investors want you naked and on a rack 24/7 just for a couple L$, and then they don't give you enough and then they demand their money back. Keep in mind L$25,000 is only about $100USD. If they've only given you that much you can keep it, it covers the hour or so spent in time just meeting with them. Interesting. So a second life content creator commands at least $100 USD per hour wage? Considering the minimal cost of items in SL and the low ROI, $100 USD could be considered considerable bank for most. What specifically do you think the creator was not "given enough for?"
  15. Wildcat Furse wrote: I bought a business years ago in SL, a fashion business that had loads of potential growth, the person that sold me it was about to leave SL and would after transferring everything to me delete his part........ ofcourse that last bit never happened and many other people got scammed the same way ....:smileysad: ...... how good the idea would be today, I never would invest in another digital dream ... *meows* Hmmm...not good. I suppose it would be difficult to RP an investor in SL
  16. George Orellana wrote: @Peter. Shark tank is basically a reality show where people come to pitch their ideas (some new invention, concept or product) to a group of wealthy investors in an attempt to raise enough caipital to start the business or in some cases sell them the business entirely. During this week's episode a man turned down $4Million from an investor who wanted to outright buy out his company. I was so proud of that guy! I would invest in a digital dream, but just like I do in RL, I would require to see milestone achievements before I forked over the entire motherload of funding. I think it could be fun and bring a new something to do in SL.
  17. I'm addicted to the show Shark Tank. Do you think it would work in SL? Is it already working in SL? Would you be willing to invest some start up cash to a SL creator who may be short of the funds necessary to bring his/her digital dream to fruition, but has a fabulous idea that might become the next SL trend or craze? Are there even creators out there who have this issue given the relatively low expense of doing business in SL? Share thoughts or just fun ideas that you had but did not have the money, time, or skill/expertise to move them forward?
  18. Darrius Gothly wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Bwahhahahaaha...You are going to get an ass whoop'n if Scylla sees this...:smileyvery-happy: Huh? What? Sorry, I was watching the game. What's that you said about "nice wooden spiller"? Hey, since you're already up, I need a fresh Pepsi. Grab me one, will ya? Thanks doll. (Ladies and Genltemen, we are now prepared to test our new flame-retardant undies. This phase of the testing will include "Solar Flare" and "Neutron Beam" levels of heat.) *GRIN* Awww...you are just precious :smileywink: That Pepsi will rot your stomach lining away...Ima knows what is best for you...Got you a frosty mug of prune juice to take care of that colon to cranium impaction problem that has you thinking like a farm animal :smileyvery-happy: You're welcome. Good call on those flame-retardant undies...given the magnitude of impaction and the concentration of the exlax fortified prune juice...you might want to fetch a hazmat suit. Safety first :smileytongue:
  19. Darrius Gothly wrote: Quinn Morani wrote: I'm back! I'm back! I was just on vacation for a week, honest, but I'm really back now, I promise! :smileyvery-happy: Welcome Home!! We missed you! (Mainly cuz we ran outta clean dishes and clothes. *wink*) Bwahhahahaaha...You are going to get an ass whoop'n if Scylla sees this...:smileyvery-happy:
  20. Quinn Morani wrote: I too miss a lot of the people who were regular posters here. They've scattered all over. Some are on Twitter and others are on various third party forums. And some have migrated nowhere and can only be found inworld. I'm nostalgic for the community that had formed here. Ima, I agree that "disjointed" is the perfect word to describe the new forum. I never know which subforums to look in to find interesting threads. It's too splintered. It seems even worse than disjointed now. It feels like a graveyard. :smileysad:
  21. Tolya Ugajin wrote: The new Forum format, (specifically, the incredible pain in the ass to go through a thread and the lack of recent posts on my dashboard and the crushingly repressive "thou shalt only talk about SL!" mentality) has made it so unappealing that I only come on when I am excruciatingly bored in an airport and the only other thing to do is lacerate my flesh with rusty objects, which are hard to come across once you are through security. Hmmm, maybe smashing my head on the corner of this mini-cubicle in the lounge would be more entertaining than working my way further through this "forum". Lord knows it cannot be much less entertaining than this is. I feel disconnected from folks I regularly interacted with here previously, whom I miss a lot, and that has indeed undermined my engagement with SL as a whole. Now, I pretty much stick to my own little world there in SL, rather than meeting people here and thereby finding new friends and places to explore. This disconnect is well demonstrated by the fact that it took 5 days for me to reply to you, Ima, and you're one of a dozen or so whose names I would routinely see on my dashboard and say, "hmmm what's Ima got to say on that?" I miss you too :smileysad: It is hard for to determine if LL really wanted this forum to turn into a pool of apathy or if those who demanded 24/7 moderation delivered with an iron fist just got what they asked for. I have a fo rum that is empty...please come by Toyla, we will have all the bandwidth to ourselves:smileywink:
  22. Venus Petrov wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: It is time that we PICards start a new analogy. One that is independent from any other 'entity' basking in it's fading glory. This one will more closely reflect our spirit and intent. Since we already have a 'Prime Directive' : (this forum) should become a place where people can confidently play and disagree without being disagreeable. We seek to recruit more kindred spirits to make coherent arguments regarding the conduct of the forums to Lexie and her Mods. If we are successful then I am sure that we will be able to enjoy ourselves and develop the interest of lurkers and new joiners in participating confidently and comfortably. I propose that we embellish the Star Trek analogy with some new visuals. I propose that we use the USS Enterprise crew metaphorically to emphasize the POSITIVE of posting constructively, yet retaining enough of a sense of humor to keep people interested in reading and posting to the forums. Those supportive of this can add the image to their badge. No pressure, just fun. As we have the attention of the Moderator Team, we need to continue to demonstrate our support of the type of forum we, as residents, and they, as staff of LL, can work with and sustain for the benefit of everyone who wants the same. I am open to all suggestions; I was thinking a PICard rank image: a bald, sexy one for males, Deanna Troi deep cleavage for female - and redshirts for disposable alts. I am not sure how create these images, or if they would be effective; like I said, I am open to all suggestions. So we are 6 pages in and the directive has already failed. So far it appears that the PICards, which is way to close to PICtards for my liking, will be a group of self-deluded a$$ kissers who will, in their deluded state, deny that they engage in actively demeaning others because they are prone to do so, but instead cite such activities as crusading for righteousness and righted behaviors from the non-PICards? It is starting to smell to coffee in here again. Thanks for your post, Ima. What would you like to see in the forums? What in the Prime Directive can you not live with or support? I would like to hear your constructive suggestions, Ima. Sorry, I got a page ahead an missed this post. I think the Prime Directive has holes as has been proven by this very thread. What some people decide is constructive behavior can easily be construed, or misconstrued, as destructive behavior. The Prime Directive therefore becomes subjective and the objective gets lost. My constructive suggestion is that we pay heed to these words that my father shared with me many moons ago...mind you he borrowed them from one of his favorite authors: Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature. Tom Robbins I think that particular quote played a keen role in who I am today. I think, also, that you don't have to read it too many times to realize that SL itself came to fruition based on that very philosophy. My suggestion is that you ignore the people that you don't like, reserve comment if you are afraid of repercussion, or jump in feet first if you have something to say...but don't try to turn the residents/participants of this forum, of SL into a group of grid/forum Stepfords that will bring nothing but sameness and stagnation to an area of the intewebs that was built layer by layer on a foundation of diversity of interest, personality, etc. In other words, take me as I am or don't take me at all. Ignore me, if you must, but don't tag or label me.
  23. Venus Petrov wrote: Ima Rang wrote: I like the fun and witty exchanges we are enjoying in this thread, now. The building of friendships and community through humor. Your interest in suggestions is probably going to get this thread moved to Community Feedback now...Maybe if you start a similar thread there, they will leave this one for us to continue to enjoy? Enjoy away. If they move it, so be it. They do not need to move it to read it. True...but I suppose they will remove all of our "off topic" posts in this thread and it will just fade...like the rest have...sighs..
  24. Venus Petrov wrote: Ima Rang wrote: DQ Darwin wrote: Yes, but I get to watch There are rules. Okay I will work on a Prime Directive. Should be able to copy and paste most of it there are enough of them floating around. Oh good...we can be the HICs or the LICs or maybe the HICLICs since we have some preference for Honesty and Logic. I can't get on board with the PICards, I'm not a Star Trek fan nor do I have any desire to turn SL or the SL forum into the virtual Oprah Winfrey meets Dr. Phil show. Do we need a mascot? My dog isn't doing anything useful with his time. The acronym is just a tag, you can call yourself whatever you wish. Keli has made plenty of badges..pick one or more. My interest is in your constructive suggestions to making this the type of forum you would like to participate in. I like the fun and witty exchanges we are enjoying in this thread, now. The building of friendships and community through humor. Your interest in suggestions is probably going to get this thread moved to Community Feedback now...Maybe if you start a similar thread there, they will leave this one for us to continue to enjoy?
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