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Ima Rang

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Everything posted by Ima Rang

  1. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: What I would really not like to see seep back into the forum, is people posting threads, however carefully disguised, with the intended purpose of airing some grievance with an individual or group of individuals, formal or informal. I just think there are better places for that kind of behavior. But people will do what they want, right? ...Dres And its also another thing when people respond to a disagreement about 'One thing' with, not a comment about that 'One thing', but a personal attack on 'A'. Ie: rather than saying "no, blue is better than mauve", saying 'A is just a socialist'. Even saying 'anyone who like mauve is an idiot' is, while not great, better than 'A is just an idiot.' Why is insulting many, "anyone who," better than insulting one, "A is just an idiot." ? Attacking the stance versus attacking the person. Attacking the stance would be, "mauve is a hideous color and deserves to be rejected as it looks like organ meat." Where, "anyone who likes mauve is an idiot" is attacking the group that likes mauve.
  2. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: Ok, so first I thought . . . I should say something about the sniping and nasty stuff going on here. And how no one is improving the image of their "group" by including damning quotes in their signature, or saying overtly nasty things to each other. And how, at the same time, saving the really nasty stuff that you say for a third party blog, rather than saying it here, isn't really an improvement, and is maybe even a bit cowardly, even if it means that, for most people, you seem to be playing nice, when you are really just being nasty elsewhere. Well...what about that time that you....or that other time when....and let us not forget....ok...yeah, maybe.
  3. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Again I'm speaking in general terms... it's not "their" forum... it's not "our" forum... it's actually LL's forum. I fail to see how an us versus them mentality will do us any good. Sure we have different views, but don't we really all want the same thing? A thriving forum with a sense of community that is enjoyable for all? I'd rather see us all get together and help LL make this a better place to be for all of us, than see us fighting amongst ourselves. Yes, and we would also like to see the lower half of your avatar pic. Kthnxbai.
  4. Eloise Baily wrote: *sigh* Why the sigh? Good to see you, BTW :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  5. Maryanne Solo wrote: Call it what you will Ima:smileyindifferent: A fair comment given the relentless negative behaviour. It is in fact a direct quote and is shrinking as time goes on, for I am far too busy making stuffs and having inworld fun to persist with the hatefest of the baiter/s and troller/s. Lol:matte-motes-big-grin-squint: Well, not that you were or are soliciting my opinion, but I would say that sig line is; persisting with the hatefest of the baiter/s and troller/s. But who am I to talk, eh?
  6. Maryanne Solo wrote: I think the forums are almost great now. But, in order to guarantee a level playing field and eliminate the undeserved, self appointed spokesperson/moderator mentality, there should really be a mechanism in place whereby you can only post once per 5 hours of inworld presence, or similar, with an allowance for new avatars up to a certain age. That would go some way toward addressing such unsavoury practices as starting threads specifically to antagonise others and the inclusion of inane comment from such self appointees in every single thread. Eg: Kind of like how my little sister has interrupted me three times as I type this lol. ('cept she's way cool). The beating of ones pixel chest or public preening is a tad irksome and funnily enough, not a positive contribution at all. Excessive noise does not indicate quality. (such grandstanding is unfathomable quite frankly, very distracting and leads me to forget to inculde paragraphs as well:() Eg: See *speshul post below. I see no reason to take the bait I am afraid, soweee. That is an interesting proposal to control....but as an adult who actually pays to utilize the LL service and the associated elements of that service, I personally would not be pleased with that scenario. Life is full of annoying people, situations, conditions, restrictions, so on and so forth. I don't think putting a restrictive virtual time leash on the SL residents would be embraced even if it were for the greater good of the community. I know that it would result in me canceling my account Do you really not feel like your sig line is a bait or are you pulling our leg? I have to relearn the humor here
  7. Ha! I don't recall too many from childhood. I do remember when I was around 4, being pissed that Mrs. Butterworth, who was always waving her arms and talking up a storm to the kids on those tv commercials, would never speak to me. It was about that time that my parents decided that my proclivity to take things so literally would not be best served by watching television. Truth be known, I still a little pissed about the whole situation. False advertising is what that was!
  8. Eloise Baily wrote: I've tended to stay away from the GD forum and lurk around the others more. I Learned a lot from the texture forum. I recently started glancing in here and I much prefer it now. Nobody seems to read and take it wrong. Nobody jumps to the wrong conclusion without asking, using another question, what was meant by the first. Civilly. Nobody seems to climb on a high horse in rage and then face deciding whether to back down or keep climbimg. I don't miss that side of the old GD. We're not all warriors. I really disliked my own old GD persona, because I felt I had to sneer to survive. I like the real me better. I hope the forums continue to be as fluffy and lemon-fresh as they are for a good long while if that's what invites calm and reasoned people here. I really disliked your old GD persona as well--and I am totally kidding. I never found you sneery
  9. Canoro Philipp wrote: you are welcome to come whenever you want, is a public forum. you know why the forums are not like the old GD? because the people who had the old GD that way was not here. this is the result, the forums at their current state. you are welcome to post threads and comment, i invite the old GD to come back to the forums, maybe you will give it a new direction. lets see how many come. Thanks! For a minute there I was thinking we were not welcome to come back. For the record, I am not saying that I don't like the forums, I am saying that it is lacking in the personality department, where before, we had some wonderful parodies, satire, irony and generally a set of humor that was appealing I suppose to a particular personality type. I see most of those type threads pulled, and pulled quickly...Why? Sugar and spice and everything nice is awesome and a loving and endearing community where everyone states they agree with each other in 150 threads with 10-15 agreeable post each is great...but...nothing you can really chew on or laugh at. Laughter is good medicine. Why can't we temporarily derail a thread for a bit of humor and then migrate back to the topic at hand? Why can't I tell Chris Norse that he is insane as he damn well knows that Malted Milk balls are digestive tract grenades, disguised as confections, manufactured by satans minions, and I know this to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth because I am lactose intolerant! Happy my ass...oh wait... As far as some of us going away, well yeah, we did. I have a child and a job and the new forum did not get situated well until early spring. I, and I suspect a lot of others have been engaing in spring and summer vacations and family fun and sun stuffs.
  10. Canoro Philipp wrote: i dont know how can they come and complain about how the forums are, when they didnt lift a finger to build it back, they decided to not come back until the forums fill their taste again, we, the ones who stick around build it from the ground up, making threads, commenting, answering questions, we build it this way and we like it, and we have a strong sense of community, its not the community you are used to and maybe dont like, but its not important if you dont percieve it, youre not gonna stick around anyway. the forums we have built are what they are, and we like it this way, if you dont, theres a lot of third party forums out there that you can enjoy. we the forumites that have build this forums are supposed to change it to fill their taste? how about we continue building it to fill our taste? If I did not know better, I would think you were inviting those of us who have not been here for a while to GTFO
  11. Pamela Galli wrote: wot? I was agreeing with Pussycat. Lol! Yes, I guess it was my very verbose way of saying that I don't completely agree.
  12. Pamela Galli wrote: Pussycat Catnap wrote: Mayalily wrote: Forums could get rid of the problem of having to be PG only, but allocating a particular part of the forum for over 18 only; keeping it closed to the public, but allowed for a sign in with an 18 or over verification. My only problem with this is many would see 'over 18' as meaning 'rules of civility no longer apply.' Which it shouldn't, but on some certain third party forums, that's exactly what has occured. This. "Adult" is often a euphemism for "adolescent". When I see statements like this I often wonder if I live on a different planet or something. Does every person over the age of 18 that you are friends with, work with, live near, engage with in passing, etc., act like they are a mature adult that never opens their mouth or responds to anything unless it is to impart for the enjoyment of all within ear shot some sage and reasonable advice, comment or expression, that makes angels sing, and even the wildest of animals stand up and salute and tear up in awe and admiration? I have a very visceral reaction when I see/hear Michele Bachmann, the walking hate crime, on tv. When Jon Stewart flames her, I laugh. Is that uncivilized and not a very adult reaction? Probably. However, I seriously doubt that my adolescent reaction in that circumstance is rare among the 18 and over crowd. I suspect though, that there are a few out there who find it a travesty for her to be ridiculed on an entertainment newsy show, on the internet, billboards...etc., If you were to agree with me regarding MB, then you would not regard my reaction as adolescent in nature...However, if you disagree....now I'm just an uncivilized adolescent who does not meet your standard of behavior. Civility and "adult" behavior....How restrictive.
  13. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: What I would really not like to see seep back into the forum, is people posting threads, however carefully disguised, with the intended purpose of airing some grievance with an individual or group of individuals, formal or informal. I just think there are better places for that kind of behavior. But people will do what they want, right? ...Dres And its also another thing when people respond to a disagreement about 'One thing' with, not a comment about that 'One thing', but a personal attack on 'A'. Ie: rather than saying "no, blue is better than mauve", saying 'A is just a socialist'. Even saying 'anyone who like mauve is an idiot' is, while not great, better than 'A is just an idiot.' Why is insulting many, "anyone who," better than insulting one, "A is just an idiot." ?
  14. I hope that what my OP conveyed was not a message of bring back the hate. I know it comes up because I was routinely involved in feuds on the old GDF. Despite all the feuding/fighting, there was still a sense of community, and moreover, an opportunity to glimpse the personality of the posters. Some of the more fun posts that resulted in inworld activity or group developments were often due to thread derails or heavy subjects being lightened with a bit of levity. I see now, that even in a area called general discussion, that any attempt to go forth on an impromptu derail filled with humor and nothing more, is immediately pared back down through post ninjas to serious discussion as it relates to the thread topic. It is fine, civil, but IMHO, edits out the personality, uniqueness of the posters and the community. I posted the trailer for the upcoming Life 2.0 SL documentary that is airing this week on my blog. In the trailer, Philip makes a statement about virtual worlds (he may have said internet) that I found interesting. I'm sure I will mangle, but in paraphrase he said "In order for 'it' to be interesting, there has to be a sense of danger, a feeling that something can be gained or lost...that there may be pain involved," again, I paraphrased it all to heck, but you get the idea. My very not so obvious point is, that premise is not reflected in these forums, IMO. If this forum is the welcome mat to SL and a PR tool, should it not reflect the true nature of the grid instead of a forum that appears to be promoting a club penguinesque world that is being invaded by care bears? Sorry for the disjointed post...at work...trying to post in between meetings.
  15. Pamela Galli wrote: But was it really gone? Yes, the thread was pulled, but now it is back! Hope renewed!
  16. LeeHere Absent wrote: Tolya Ugajin wrote: Somebody say boobies? LOL Looks like we'll have to trundle off to Huffington Post for the occasional Tolya fix. I don't know, he seems to be easily persuaded at the promise of a show of bewbies. I bet he would like:
  17. Tolya Ugajin wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Tolya Ugajin wrote: Hey, no being helpful! This is the Forum, not SLA! Tolya (is surprised that between his advanced dementia and heavy consumption of drugs in his youth and drinking in his old age that he even remembers...what was I talking about again?) You were just saying that Charlie Sheen is a Weiner! I mean....Winner! and you were proud to have him under you Sooooo my new sig should be "Charlie Sheen is my bitch?" Yes, yes it should!
  18. Tolya Ugajin wrote: Hey, no being helpful! This is the Forum, not SLA! Tolya (is surprised that between his advanced dementia and heavy consumption of drugs in his youth and drinking in his old age that he even remembers...what was I talking about again?) You were just saying that Charlie Sheen is a Weiner! I mean....Winner! and you were proud to have him under you
  19. Tolya Ugajin wrote: I miss the old Forums as well. Following the lure of Ima's bounteous breasts, I see a comment that there is now a GD forum? That would be cool. I could even live with immoderate moderation. But this software makes my eyes hurt. This was actually my first internet forum/blog/whatever thingy. I tried SLU for a bit after they switched software. It sucked less to use, but the people there seemed to have a SERIOUS "forum elite" issue and seemed to lack the intelligent dialog we had here. Lately I have been on Huffington Post as, apparently, the only rational Conservative able to string together two sentences. I have to say, despite how nasty we sometimes got in the old Forum, on the whole we were better behaved and far more eloquent a bunch than anywhere else I have found. Well, for Ima's sake, I have now violated my vow to never participate on this forum unless I was so bored that the next least painful thing to do was catheterize myself with broken glass, and I am not currently that bored. So, assuming I have now met Ima's craving for a bit of Tolya, I'll bid you all adieu and feel free to stop by and say hi inworld. Tolya (wonders how to change his sig line, since Charlie Sheen has lost his humour value) See how he does it! Really sparks a reaction! I mean, I don't even have a penis and that brilliant post made the penis I don't have hurt! I can never get enough Tolya...I hope we will have the winter together....Huffington is bound to get boring sooner or later...
  20. Roseysun Galicia wrote: Ima Rang wrote: Good points. I guess, as I stated in my OP, I often see threads pulled and I have followed them while at work on my droid, no evidence of TOS violation, but when I come home and try to log in to post, the thread is just gone. I'm not sure I understand why things are so strict, what is the purpose of being that rigid? If the TOS and CS are not the only rules we are to follow, how are we supposed to know when we are pushing the boundaries? I enjoy posting, but I don't really want to shovel snow in a blizzard if you know what I mean Good to see you btw Also supposed to follow these rules: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Discussion_guidelines I remember the old forums as I spent time reading/lurking there. There are people that used to post there that dont post to the new forums and I do miss their posts and points of view on subjects. The good part is that LL listened and brought back the General Discussion board. :-) Thanks! I was really glad to see the general discussion forum. It gave me hope. I am really longing now for a big fat juicy sarcastic post from Tolya. I wonder if he would come back if I showed him some bewbs?
  21. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: hi Ima what is the LWL? Hi! Ladies Who Lunch
  22. Quinn Morani wrote: A very nice OP, Ima, and some excellent questions. My own attitude about the forum has undergone some changes lately. I was mostly away for about a month due to RL commitments, and since coming back I've had a hard time getting back into the "groove" of keeping up with various threads. I can't quite put my finger on why. I'll have to ponder this for a bit. In the meantime, a warm "hi" to those I haven't seen posting here in a while! Hi Quinn! There was a groove to the old GD. Even with all of the shenanigans, it had a groove...something that just made you get up in the morning and take a look at your email and check to see what your favorite posters were up to....a real draw. I miss that.
  23. Perrie Juran wrote: It is quieter, more peaceful here. I don't know the number of unique posters here compared to the old GDF. But I do feel the overall quality of the active posting community has, for lack of a better word, improved. Some people have been censored (banned) and some people have chose to censor themselves. Adult topics do get discussed. Lively debate does happen. But what is gone for the most part is the endless flaming of those who mistake anarchy for freedom. Some people might find the absence of the flame wars boring. If someone flames in the Forums now they will get censored. If all someone wants to do is stir up a ruckus they will get censored. If you abide by the rules here you can still have fun and good discussion. Do I think that sometimes it is a little too strict here? Yes. But I still enjoy it here. Overall, when people do disagree, the active participants still stay respectful of one another. Showing respect for another persons point of view isn't just given lip service. So topics are discussed with more intelligence and less emotional vitriol. If someone prefers emotional vitriol there are other places that they are free to take it. It's just not allowed here. If someone finds that boring, why should it be my problem. What is wrong with me having a place that I don't have to deal with it? I deal with enough B.S. in 1st Life. I really don't want more of it here. for whatever my two cents are worth Good points. I guess, as I stated in my OP, I often see threads pulled and I have followed them while at work on my droid, no evidence of TOS violation, but when I come home and try to log in to post, the thread is just gone. I'm not sure I understand why things are so strict, what is the purpose of being that rigid? If the TOS and CS are not the only rules we are to follow, how are we supposed to know when we are pushing the boundaries? I enjoy posting, but I don't really want to shovel snow in a blizzard if you know what I mean Good to see you btw
  24. Knowl Paine wrote: Greetings Ima, I'm motivated to respond because I believe that it is important for everyone to recognize that SL is a Company which operates under the permissions and regulations from City, State, County and Federal Governments. European Countries have their own rules and regulations. Value added tax is money taken from people at the transaction point; who controls that? It's not LL. If I wanted greater liberty I would first look at who is currently controlling it. In my current personal opinion, I am not completely satisfied with SL's direction and course. As our final destination is not yet defined, there are few other options but to stay on the journey. Pushing boundaries is what made SL and I do not believe the spirit is lost. In times long ago, if a crew was unhappy with the course of the ship, they would stand together on one side of the boat and change the ship's course. Awesome post, Knowl. I think that even if we all were to stand together that we could do so without having to give up our individual ideals or snuff our individual personalities. I'm sure that even as they agreed to stand together, some arguing as to who was going to stand where took place first
  25. kattatonia Wickentower wrote: Hi Ima! Nice to see you! I dunno what's going on (love that song though). I miss the old jive forum as well. But time marches on and this lithium forum is all we've got. Those that are still boycotting are both missed and missing out. I wish Tolya would come back Hi Katt! Nice to see you too! Oh, wow, it would be really great to have Tolya back! He is a riot!
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