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Dora Gustafson

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Everything posted by Dora Gustafson

  1. Qie Niangao wrote: I do have one suggestion. Although technically, as the notecard states, "The SitTarget will survive script resets..." that only works in practice if the target ball is removed from the seat's contents after the sit target is set. Otherwise the script re-rezzes the ball upon reset, and then when the rezzed ball is deleted, the sit target is reset to correspond to wherever the ball was when deleted. I think it might be better if the ball only rezzed when the seat is touched, not when the script is reset. You are right. The mode of action is inappropriate. I'll change it and update with a new version v2.07 Thank you for taking the time to try it out. Qie Niangao wrote: FWIW, long ago while we were still working out the wonky geometry of sit targets, I scripted a slightly different approach, to make it possible to set the sit target in a prim to correspond to that of an existing poseball, before ripping the animation out and putting it in the new prim. That's especially useful for couple poseballs, to preserve the animator's relative positioning of the avatars. Unfortunately, I could never figure out a way to make that simple enough to be palatable to end-users, so I never boxed it up for distribution, but the basic source is buried somewhere in the archives. You might use this Easy SitTarget Tool to do that. More of them can operate side by side without interfering. It does require the furniture to have more prims because this tool can only set one sit target per prim
  2. Your script modified so it change the object name to what is said: string ObjectName;string ShoutMessage;default{ state_entry() { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ObjectName = "*>gG<* Raid'N'Trade Alarm Bell"; ShoutMessage = "The Amarm Has Been Rung!"; //Leave these, these will be used when the script is reset to defaults. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// llListen(44,"",llGetOwner(),""); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { llSetObjectName(message); }}
  3. Take a look at this thread It has a lot of different tips and tricks
  4. I have a handful scripts and scripted tools Contact me in world and show me your shop
  5. Kuda Oh wrote: Since I see no edit post option I am just adding ... Open the word Options in the upper right corner of the post and edit --||-
  6. It is the other way around. When you own land you pay fee. How much you pay depends on how much land you own. See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Beginning-land-owner-FAQ/ta-p/700035 for the prices and for FAQ
  7. We have the permission system to prevent people from stealing what we make But you can not prevent someone from using your idea to make their own stuff like yours
  8. I have two swings outside my shop in Suniaton They are operated by the SL physical machine and moves very convincingly The avatar on the swing moves in a way that gives you no problem believing it is the avatar that makes it swing Jump on it for some time(5-10 minutes) and see what happens. Nothing is planned. The swing just obey physical laws like a real swing.
  9. You can! Look up llGetParcelFlags in the Wiki Here is something I've used myself(in principle): inverse_mask = PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_SCRIPTS | PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_OBJECTS;select_mask = inverse_mask | PARCEL_FLAG_USE_ACCESS_GROUP | PARCEL_FLAG_USE_ACCESS_LIST;if ( !((llGetParcelFlags( region_coord ) ^ inverse_mask) & select_mask)) land_ok(); land_ok() will execute if the land at region_coord is public, allow scripting and create objects Edit: sorry I didn't grasp the scale of it:smileysurprised: I am talking about parcels in a region but you want regions in a continent Try to look at llGetRegionFlags
  10. Have you tried to make it phantom? Bounding boxes may collide and make your object rotate.
  11. It is not clear to me if you apply any rotation to the physical object. If you are not you can try to limit how the object can rotate by using: llSetStatus(STATUS_ROTATE_X | STATUS_ROTATE_Y | STATUS_ROTATE_Z, FALSE); you don't have to apply it on all three axes, see the wiki
  12. You can buy land with double prims On a 512 sqm parcel with double prims you get 234 prims for the same monthly tier as you pay for one with only 117 prims(on mainland) Land with double prims are usually more expensive to buy, but tier per prim is cheaper
  13. You can have one texture per face as mentioned One way to making a prim with 3 faces facing the same way is to take a BOX prim, cut it in half so the cut faces are in the XZ or YZ plane, then hollow it and make it flat by decreasing the the y or x measure to minimum You end up with two cut faces and one 'inside' face all facing one way
  14. Gearsawe Stonecutter wrote: Note: use CTRL-8 and CTRL-0 to increase/decrease FOV. Those keys are for zoom out and zoom in (changes the focal length of the camera lens) FOV is one of the graphic settings in preferences (decides how much of the world is rendered) None of them can be set in LSL even though they are all important if you want to communicate what you see with your camera
  15. I noticed the same thing The reason is that the advanced physics changes the avatar mesh dynamical and statically in the case of gravity Since clothing are textures placed on that mesh then they will change with the mesh the good news is that you don't have to use advanced avatar physics I made a compromise: Gravity is set to zero(not showing) I only have Sway and Cleavage active
  16. I have followed the Jira SCR-15 and I see it is almost impossible to add slice parameters to the existing list structure in the llSetPrimitiveParams function family without breaking it. I wouldn't mind new functions though. Since new functions don't break easily that would be worth considering May I suggest: vector llGetLinkSlice( integer linknumber); llSetLinkSliceFast( integer linknumber, vector slice);
  17. Amazing! We get new functions all the time, but who fill the cavities we had for years like the missing slice functions for BOX, CYLINDER and PRISM prim types?:smileymad:
  18. There is one way In the wonderful world called SecondLife your avatar can have as many separate stores you like:smileyvery-happy:
  19. We just had a link from shop owner to owner's profile:smileyvery-happy: That will do it for me! I am watching the jira since voting is disabled OMG voting is back:smileysurprised:
  20. I would welcome that:smileytongue: It would make it more human when you can see there is a chance to contact the shop owner
  21. You can't send any of that to the Marketplace You can send it to the merchant, the shop owner Go to the shop and click on the owners name This will open the owner's profile (very new feature) From the profile it is easy to send an IM, note card or whatever
  22. Correct me if I'm wrong. On the receiver side you still need to set up a listen channel with llListen including filters and all?
  23. Land fees are paid monthly and you have a Next bill date for land holdings and one for your premium account. You might be confusing these two:smileyvery-happy:
  24. I sure miss the slice parameters in LSL too:smileysad: Slice was introduced in viewer v1.23.4 for BOX, CYLINDER and PRISM primtypes Since then a lot of us have begged to get the parameters accessible in LSL:smileytongue: I can only guess how things are at LL but I can imagine how they could be when you have an never ending TO DO list "What do I want to do to day?" "Make the oldest one first? I don't think so, it is difficult and not fun at all" "I would rather do something fun like introducing display names functions into LSL" "that is much easier than slice parameters" "pity it has been done, what else would I like, lets see..." "what about something completely new with my name on it?"
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