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Wildcat Furse

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Everything posted by Wildcat Furse

  1. ty Venus .... here is my saterday contribution (got inspired by comic books) *meows*
  2. gratulacje z forum polski!!!!! *meows* (PS. Polska to taki piękny kraj) :smileyvery-happy:
  3. helping this amazing thread staying alive .... *meows*
  4. I am really amazed to see all these beautiful shots from everyone ....keep going NHAM NHAM ... *meows* :matte-motes-inlove:
  5. hehe true ....... /me purrssssssssssssss ........ *meows* :smileyvery-happy:
  6. my respect for this tough decision .... no doubt success will stay at your side Phil!! *meows*
  7. in many cases lag is caused from client side; graphic card performance, processor, system, memory, and more .... reducing your 'draw distance' can help in this case .....of course the more active scripts on a particular sim will also affect your computers general performance .... *meows*
  8. this SCREEN brings me back such good memories Torley.....it makes me smileeeeeee *meows* "while Lindenlabs was banging on things, I am pretty sure some people, when seeing this message popping up on their computerscreen, were banging on things in real life I think ......their partners, furniture, .....talking about DRAMA"
  9. @HOME - may 13 a long weekeeeenndd!! black shirt roll-up denim jeans
  10. Wildcat Furse


    hehe thanks Storm ..... I invented it while replying to your post ......*meows*
  11. give me the 'teasing taser' then ....... *meows* PS. very pretty boots by the way ... :smileytongue:
  12. I don't know Identity, that why I stick to using Phoenix only, it seems to be working better than the official viewer in general .... *meows*
  13. looks like you have a slow internet connection, try again or check your connection (reset router or maybe get a faster broadband package) .... *meows*
  14. I have the same error in Viewer2 .... in Phoenix everything is working fine ....YAY ... *meows*
  15. In Phoenix you open the contacts window : select the names with CTRL and click on IM/Call In viewer 2 open people ->myfriends: select the names with CTRL and click on IM *meows*
  16. ty Rhonda!! yes I love lingerie, it is like a little secret only I know ..... but I know pretty well it excites others though, I like to teaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! You seem to have a busy day ahead, no doubt your very nice outfit will result into success today *meows* :smileyvery-happy:
  17. exactly Ansariel .............*meows* :smileywink:
  18. ty VAL!!!!! the background picture did it, isn't it ......it is one of the open offices @LEGO HQ *meows* :smileyvery-happy:
  19. AND MANY KISSES TO EVERYONE ELSE TOO!!!!! just feel like kissing today........*meows* :matte-motes-inlove:
  20. desktops are soooooo handy ..................*meows* :smileyvery-happy:
  21. Heya Love, it will be ok, but if you want to use high graphic settings I would opt for an i7 processor ....the graphic card looks otherwise good to me ..... *meows* :smileyvery-happy:
  22. @OFFICE TODAY - may 12 waiting for my lunch .... dress bag
  23. this is a very nice pic Val, well done ...and the pictures from all others too.... WOOT!!!! *meows* :smileyvery-happy:
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