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Wildcat Furse

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Everything posted by Wildcat Furse

  1. GD is not back at all ... it was just a consolidation project to reduce the number of subfora, they just had to give the cat a name .... :matte-motes-sick: *meows*
  2. goodmorning everyone!!!!!!! .... yes it is monday, time to work :smileymad: *meows*
  3. I love the silence in many occasions in-world and have no problem to explore alone or to go out alone, my real life requires me to come in contact with a lot of people business wise which is very stressing and consuming much of my energy. SL offers me rest and peace, a place I use to escape reality and a place where I can chill-out in "MY WORLD", a world I created around me, a safehaven I am fully in control off this together with my partner. No I don't need to be surrounded by friends or people to make me feel good in second life. So to answer your question, you're not alone (close your eyes and listen to this song, one of my favorite tracks) :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  4. Imnotgoing Sideways wrote: And, I have more 'traditional' stuff. =^-^= amazing avatar and picture!!!!! :matte-motes-dead: *meows*
  5. I subscribed :matte-motes-delicious: *meows*
  6. think I am gonna punch your eye .....LOL!!!! :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  7. Peewee Musytari wrote: The reorganisation has been planned for the last couple of weeks and discussed at the CTUG meetings. It is a combination of merging together lesser used sub-forums to clear up the clutter and clarifying places where certain things should be posted to save the mods having to keep moving the posts all the time. There was lots of GD type stuff being posted in both feedback and Off Topic and it looks like they have both gone and been replaced with this one. so based on the reply from Lexie and yours nothing has really changed then? everything is now just stuffed in one group called 'general discussions'? but general discussion is not the general discussion concept from the past, right?....sorry just trying to understand it :matte-motes-sour: *meows*
  8. here you will find the LM's to the official stores *meows*
  9. you need to buy a home (stump) check the Meeroos website for the official in-world store locations .... 250 l$ each, these stumps can store maximum 8 Meeroos :smileyhappy: *meows*
  10. food is no-copy Val :matte-motes-crying: *meows*
  11. did you buy a stump (home) Valerie? *meows*
  12. I've got 27 babies so far, average cycle was 5 days .... :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  13. Happy sunday ALL!!!!!! Anyone Tandoori chicken???? /me is cooking for an Indian dinner with friends today :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  14. I visited your place yesterday and I must admit this is PRO!!!! I love the concept and think it has a lot of capabilities to grow moving forward .... no doubt that more art developers will expose artwork @ your place in the next ... I am a fan of you Koto :smileyhappy: *meows*
  15. Carole, each resident is fully entitled to develop their own personal virtual world, life and character, second life is a fantasy world and/or we accept it or we just log off and do something else, no? .... Lolitas don't bother me at all nor do all the other RP gamers, it is fun to watch....:smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  16. Hippie, like Griffin said, but here the visual help .... :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  17. :smileyhappy: ... *meows*
  18. everytime when I see my RL partner Reuler log-in I feel BLISS (we both travel a lot in RL and SL brings us close again) ..... she makes me sooo happy and she brings joy in our lives same like I do to her :matte-motes-inlove: *meows*
  19. check-out a reliable estate group that owns hundreds of sims ... look in 'search->classifieds->estate' ...*meows*
  20. Hey all!!!!! Happy weekend!!!!! Aww Hippie, thank you for visiting, be welcome anytime :smileywink: *meows* (a perfect song for a party and BBQ today ..... We are the people .... :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:)
  21. ...... go to the reclying factory for some fun with ......
  22. it took me one week to get the skin color right on my N-CORE shoes ... :smileymad: since I have now the correct skin color code I keep buying N-CORE's of course .... :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
  23. very interesting really ... I would also like to see how many prims are available on each plot on the map or if there are banlines, when flying over I can change course if I see the plot has no prims left or is locked, otherwise I end up in many cases this way ...... :smileymad: *meows*
  24. thank you Lexie for the clarification ..... :smileyvery-happy: *meows*
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