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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Any takers! This won't last much longer. It is a fun and fast ship to fly! Peace!
  2. valerie Inshan wrote: Hey Dee, hugs! I am on a diet today. Sushis anybody? :smileytongue: Yum Val! Hippie drives the boat up on the shore until if grounds. We are here! Hippie helps everyone out, and spreads a blanket on the sand! Hippie sits down and munches on Vals Sushis! Nom Nom! So good! Peace!
  3. DQ Darwin wrote: Weeeeeeeeee!! /Dee waves to everyone. OMG just remembered I'm scared of heights "WHAT AM I DOING UP HERE" Oh oh! Coming Dee! Hippie throttles the boat down. Dee lands with a splash in the water. Hippie turns the boat around and collects Dee, and her parasail, wet, but unharmed! There you do Dee. Hippie help his friend into the boat, and points to a seat next to Val! Okay? Far out! Hippie throttles boat up and resumes course towards island. Peace!
  4. Good morning Dee! Okay we will take off and collect Wildcat later! Okay everyone here we go. Woot! Hippie casts off the bow line and a stern line, and starts up the motor. Hippie backs the boat away from the dock, and turns her towards open water. Hippie throtles up the the boat. Hold on! Away we go. The boat speeds away, pulling Dee behind, on her parasail! The sun peeks over the tree line, as we clear the point. Heading out to the island for a day of sun and fun! Life is good no? Peace!
  5. valerie Inshan wrote: Lia Abbot wrote: /me moves over and welcomes valerie into the boat. Got your life jacket? Yep! And I brought more for everyone. :smileytongue: Oh good! One for Greta too? Woot! I got one for her! Peace!
  6. Lia Abbot wrote: /me moves over and welcomes valerie into the boat. Got your life jacket? Hippie throws some Life Jackets into the boat! There. Hippie shouts! Dee! Wildcat! Hurry up, the boat is about to depart! Woot! Peace!
  7. valerie Inshan wrote: Hello Hippie and Lia! Good morning everybody! Yay, I'm ready for a swim! Good morning Val! Hippie helps Val into the boat! HEHE! Love the baby duck. I stole it! Oh yeah, forgot! Hippie runs back to the cabin for his swim trunks! Woot! Peace!
  8. Lia Abbot wrote: Woo hoo! /me puts on my summer dress, grabs my parasol and heads for the water! Good morning Lia! Hippie puts lunch basket in the boat, and help Lia into the boat. We will wait for the others Lia okay? Far out! Peace!
  9. Good morning everyone! Lets go for a boat ride around the lake! Hippie launches the boat into the water, and waits for his friends to come down to the lake! Peace!
  10. Ok People! This ship is still free if you want one! Just post here and it is yours! Far out and groovy! Peace!
  11. Void Singer wrote: ok just had to share.... a several dozen or so physical tram cars, backed up across 2 regions, some wandering around vacant lots.... Just proof that that machine revolution had it's roots in the age of steam! (but hey the region is still usable, so the servers are getting better) HEHE! So funny Void! Great picture! Thanks! Peace!
  12. Phil Deakins wrote: No, he didn't fire anything. He simply told me that I'd really regret ejecting him, and then he built some toy canons etc. Strange person Ahh! Strange indeed! Peace!
  13. Lia Abbot wrote: I think it needs some marmite spreading on... Yes! Yes! That's what it needs! Marmite! Hippie spreads some Marmite on his Fish pancake! Peace!
  14. DQ Darwin wrote: Oh that didn't look good. Okay Tabasco good plan. uuummm eeeer best keep the emergency service numbers handy you know just in case Oh yes! Tabasco hides a multitude of sins yes? LOL! Peace!
  15. valerie Inshan wrote: OMG! "Kippers confits au sirop d'érable" + pie!!!! /me faints dead Oh no! Hippie catches his friend Val as she slumps to the ground. Hippie grabs a paper plate and fans his friend, and applies a cool towel to her forehead! Peace!
  16. valerie Inshan wrote: Sorry guys, it was a first test. I think it needs some more salt and Tabasco sauce! :smileytongue: Stay tuned, I'll keep you informed. HEHE Val! Hippie runs back to the cabin to fetch the salt and Louisiana tabasco sauce! Peace!
  17. Wildcat Furse wrote: Hiya all .....hugsss ...... Apologizies for being late today ..... pie anyone? *meows* Hi Wildcat! Hugs to you! Hippie eyeballs the pie! Wow! Yes please! Peace!
  18. DQ Darwin wrote: LMAO Hippie Laughs and Laughs and Laughs with is friend Dee! HAHAHAH! Peace!
  19. DQ Darwin wrote: Great Lia. I have the patent papers ready all we need is Val's consumer trial report. Seems Hippie opted out of the trial. But I think I have a way to get him back in. The following smiley shows how, it's good stuff I smell something! Far out! Phtttt! Okay! Okay! I am ready to eat fish and pancakes! Peace!
  20. Storm Clarence wrote: Is it me or is anybody else getting dizzy in this thread? Dizzy? Dizzy? Hippies are always dizzy! HEHE!! Peace!
  21. Phil Deakins wrote: I like the stories in this thread. I could picture the griefer going flying (above) - great story Here area a couple of lesser ones:- (1) I used to rent skyboxes out. They were made so that, from the inside, the walls were see-through windows (no doors), but the walls were opaque from the outside. I was in one, one day, when I saw an av hovering nearby and facing the skybox. A few seconds later he was inside it even though he must have seen it was occupied when he cammed in. A few seconds after that, he'd been ejected. He IMed me to say something to the effect that I'd regret the day I did that. He owned a very nearby parcel so he created a platform opposite my skybox and I and a friend watched as he built a small row of canons pointing at my skybox. We shouted stuff at him as he busied himself building them and had a good laugh at his expense. Then for a week or so he would spend short times of standing with his canons, facing the skybox. The idiot made us laugh a few times. He reminded me of the evil character in "The Great Race" (Jack Lemon) - busying himself with evil schemes to get ahead of the good guy (Tony Curtis), but his schemes always went wrong and he never got anywhere. (2) In my skybox business, I sometimes modified the boxes for tenants. More than once, I've accidentally sent tenants plumetting to the ground when making a modification. One poor girl plumetted 3 times in succession before I got it right :-( So funny Phil! Did he every fire on you from his platform! LOL! Oh that poor girl too! I have done something similar. I deleted a house in the air, and planned on moving her later. Little did I know that she teleported home, only to plummet and splat on the ground. 3 times! LOL! I made it up to her. LOL! Thanks for sharing Phil! Peace!
  22. Void Singer wrote: writing a quickie script to do something or rather I don't even remember.... shuffle things around to make it easier, and boom, region hangs, and I get red mapped.... well that blows log back in write a few more line, save the script again, a few moments later it happens again... you see the problem now, I'm sure, but I didn't because it wasn't happening immediately... or at least I didn't notice it... so I relog, assume the region is dying on me and move to a different one... a few minutes go by, I go to move.... I'm stuck... minute later... redmap. oh damn.... did I just? yup... but how... this script is dinky and doesn't do anything special.... stare at the code for awhile.... call in a friend to test it, boom, we both get locked up and red mapped. I'm staring at the code some more... oh I shouldn't have copied that line there... it shouldn't even work there.... OHHHHHHH and that was the day I learned how to stop a region dead with only three lines of actual script code. (and I was a good girl and reported it.). the funny thing was, it didn't crash the region... just caused it to stop dead for as long as the script ran OH that's funny! Funny what only 3 lines of code can do huh? HEHE! Thanks for sharing! Peace!
  23. DQ Darwin wrote: Good Morning all, wooot:) Gee hope I brought enough, dig in Good morning Dee! Oh yeah!! Love pancakes! Hippie digs in! Thank you Dee! Peace!
  24. Lia Abbot wrote: If it's breakfast it's gotta be kippers, Hippie! Wooo! Good morning Lia! Hippie finds some kippers for breakfast! So good! Peace!
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