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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Good morning all! Yay! It's Friday! I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! /me stocks up on root beer for Monday! Got coffee? I do! Peace!
  2. Good morning all! Happy Thursday! TGITDBF (Thank goodness it's Thursday day before Friday) Got coffee? Peace!
  3. Looking Forward to Breakfast at the Cartel Hangout! Yes plenty of low Cal Food and good conversation will prevail! The Bar will be open too for anyone who likes there breakfast in a liquid state! Breakfast starts at 8 AM SLT and breaks up at 10. Peace!
  4. Not at all! /Me cuts some likes and grabs his salt shaker! Peace!
  5. Oh dear! Sounds like a transformer blew. They make a glorious bang when they blow! Thank goodness for Starbucks huh? Peace!
  6. Feel free to add me too! I am always looking for friends! Also I sponsor a breakfast club. We meet every Sunday morning at 8AM sl time. We are a traveling breakfast so we meet at different places each week! I would love to see you at breakfast. It is a good way to meet people and see different places! Watch my feed at https://my.secondlife.com/hippie.bowman Sunday mornings around 7 AM to find out where we will be for breakfast that day! Peace!
  7. Hi Dre's! This song by David Gilmour comes to mind. Peace!
  8. Ugh! Monday again already? It figures that it rains all weekend and now today Monday we have clear skies! Ugh! Well make the best of Monday with a root beer float!
  9. Good morning all! Happy Sunday! It is going to rain all day again today! Sigh . Well we need it but cant it rain on the weekdays or Monday? So I am grounded today too. Maybe next weekend for a video over the water! Got coffee? I do! The Breakfast club pulls up to Helping Haven today at 8 AM on the beach and is hosted by Lily. Our DJ for today is GoSpeed! Hope to see you! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Helping Haven Gateway/86/19/23 Peace!
  10. Good morning all! Happy Saturday! Going out to Brasher Park to fly drone today. Watch here for a video tomorrow! Peace!
  11. Yes Maddy! Glorious indeed! I will try to prepare and reflect and stock up on root beer for you. Root beer seems to make Monday special! Peace!
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