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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Good morning all! The Roger Waters Concert last night was fantastic! It was there Us and Them Tour. The concert was expensive. 15 dollars for a beer! My seat was 56 dollars. I was in the nose bleed section. Some people on the floor paid over 700 dollars for there ticket! Insane! Nonetheless, I enjoyed the concert! Happy Peak of the week all! Peace!
  2. Yes it does remind me of that too Maddy! Check out this Video of the Demolition of a home on Ovid Drive July the 11th 2017. Right down the street from me! Wow that machine made quick work of that home! I wish I had got there when it took it's first bite! Peace!
  3. Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! Enjoy this video called Fallen! Peace!
  4. Good morning all! Ugh! Monday again already? I thought we just had one! Nonetheless, have a great day! Peace!
  5. Good morning all! Happy Sunday! The Breakfast club pulls up to the Commune Utopia today at 8 AM! Watch my feed here https://my.secondlife.com/hippie.bowman for the location and your ride to breakfast! Have a great day all! Peace!
  6. Good morning all! Happy Friday! Lots of pool time for the Bowman's this weekend! Have a great day all! Peace!
  7. Good morning all! Happy Thursday! Oh dear Clover! Here. Have some ice! Peace!
  8. Of Course we are thinking of you Talligurl! Please don't work too hard! Peace!
  9. I received my Drone back again from repair yesterday. This is a test flight of my Phantom 3 Advanced Drone after return from repair for the second time with the same problem. 8 Second Video Lag. DJI repair gave me no documents on what they did to repair the aircraft. Nor did they give me documents on the previous repair. However this time the controller was swapped out for a new one. Everything is working great so far. No lag. Aircraft responds instantly to commands. All is good so far! Hopefully this is the last repair for the same problem and I can get out and get some good shots elsewhere! Soon when I gain more confidence in the aircraft (after all the trouble I have had) I will search out more interesting place to see and post them here. Not saying that Club Wildwood (Where I live) is not interesting! Enjoy the test flight video. Peace!
  10. Good morning all! Happy Tuesday and happy 4th of July! Enjoy this patriotic song and this funny video about pigions! Have a great day all! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTKmjhJ1__o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIlIVFBBbNw Peace!
  11. Good morning all! Happy Monday! And what a glorious Monday it is! I am off today and tomorrow for the 4th! Enjoy this short Animation about the 4th of July! Peace!
  12. Good morning all! Happy Sunday! I will sing for my breakfast today as the breakfast club pulls up to the Party Place. Breakfast starts at 8 AM and all are welcome! Watch my feed at https://my.secondlife.com/hippie.bowman for the location. Hope to see you! Peace!
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