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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. On a different note. We are back from Naples Florida. We had a wonderful time. However it rained hard most of the time. However, I did find a window in time to fly the drone. I did not fly long as it began to sprinkle. You can see some water drops hitting the camera lens. So short video of a community under construction where I stayed the long weekend. Peace!
  2. I hear ya Maddy. Root beer is needed to wash down those rascals! Here's a root beer for ya!! Oh! And some ice cream to float in your root beer, or a place for the maggots to float on! Peace!
  3. Good morning everyone! Happy Monday! And what a glorious Monday it is! Happy labor day! Peace!
  4. Happy birthday Little! LadySue and I are in Naples Florida just relaxing! Good down time. Btw there is a breakfast today. Gospeed is heading it up today. She should have notice out. Have fun! Look later for lots of pictures and Drone videos! Peace!
  5. I am so looking forward to the trip. I tested my drone one last time last night. All is good and go with it. I will post some videos when I get back! Peace!
  6. Good morning to all of you! Happy Thursday! So looking forward to the holiday weekend. Traveling to Naples Florida Saturday morning for the long labor day weekend! So yes! Monday will be glorious! Peace!
  7. Thanks Maddy. We were scratching our heads until I remembered how much air the props produce. "The monkey used a tool" if you will! Lol! Well well! Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! Peace!
  8. Ugh and pftt! Monday again already? Well make the best of it. I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I did! I even found a use for my drone. Rescuing stranded rc boats from the middle of the pond! This is a flight test after the third and hopefully the final return from repair for up to 8 seconds of Video Lag. All good so far. As an added bonus, my friend stranded his RC boat in the middle of the pond. No wind to blow the boat to shore. I I created wind with the drones prop wash and pushed it back to shore for him to retrieve! Around 7:15 in the video I find the boat on my screen and begin to blow it towards shore. Enjoy! Have a great day everyone! Peace!
  9. Yes there is Ivan! The Breakfast Club pulls up to dragonfly park, Phlegethon today at 8 AM and is hosted by Texp! All are welcome! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Phlegethon/114/225/21 Good morning all! Happy Sunday! Peace!
  10. Good morning all! TGITDBF! (Thank goodness it's Thursday, day before Friday! Peace!
  11. Good morning to all of you my friends! Happy peak of the week! Peace!
  12. Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! I hope you all had fun eclipse chasing! Peace!
  13. Good morning! Ugh Monday! Have fun chasing the eclipse, those that are. It will be about 80% here in the Tampa bay area. I should see a darkening. I made a pinhole projector from a piece of cardboard with a pinhole in the center. Enjoy this video called ETA. Peace!
  14. Good morning all! Happy Sunday! The Breakfast club pulls up to Helping Haven Gateway today at 8 AM! All are welcome! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Helping Haven Gateway/40/53/24 Enjoy this short video - Relics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdvEPa6H5SQ Peace!
  15. Good morning all! Happy Thursday! Almost Friday! Woot! Enjoy this short video. Laika and Rover Peace!
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