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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Good morning All! Happy Tuesday! Storm is gone. We survived. It's back to work for me! Funny. Today seems like a Monday! /Me shakes it off! Have a great day all! Peace!
  2. Hi Clover. We are back home. Power just came back on. No damage to the house. We are lucky! Happy Monday everyone! Peace!
  3. Good day to you all! We are hunkered down and awaiting Irma to arrive. The worst of the storm for me and mine will take place around 3 am Monday morning when hurricane cat 3 winds will arrive. I will keep you updated as long as I have cell service. I am sure we will lose power at some point in time. We are safe and not in a state of panic. Let it unfold! Peace!
  4. Thanks Moirakathleen! The SL Forums has held a special place in my heart for years! It warms this old hippies heart to see the concern the forum dwellers have for each other! Peace!
  5. Hi everyone! I have cleaned the yard of all projectiles, everything is packed including extra coffee and provisions and we are firmly ensconced in comfort at my sons home. The recent track don't look good as the storm track takes it more to the west. That will put dirty side of the storm , the northeast quadrant, facings the Tampa Bay Area, as well most of the west coast of Florida. Check out the pictures. However, we are safe and comfortable and hunkered down. I will continue to keep you informed! Peace!
  6. Yay! It's Friday! We at the Bowman household are closely watching hurricane Irma as she plods north by northwest . She is expected to take a turn to the north later tonight or tomorrow. The expected track as shifted once again. More to the west. This is not a good thing for us here in the Tampa bay area. I will keep a close watch on the storm, and if it looks like it will come up the center of Florida, me and mine will evacuate to my son's house. If it shifts a bit more to the east, we will stay put. But anyway it is friday! Happy Friday everyone! Peace!
  7. Hey there forum dwellers! Happy Thursday! For those in the path of nasty Irma, stay safe and dry! Picture is Irma as viewed from the ISS. Peace!
  8. Good morning Akasha! Seeing a loved one is always a good thing! Peace!
  9. Sure Go! I will get online after work and find out where we will be! Thanks! Peace!
  10. Thanks Maddy! The path has shifted a bit more towards the East. Good for us in the Tampa bay area. Not so good for Miami! Be safe down there. Btw. Not a drop of gasoline can be found near me. People went out and filled up in a panic! Also true for bottled water. All gone. I have plenty. Had to buy bread that I don't particularly care for, and all the peanut butter and jelly are gone from the shelves! Lol! The picture is Irma from the ISS. The storm is huge! Peace!
  11. Thanks Par! The storm is a nasty one. We will keep an eye on it! Peace!
  12. Good morning all! Happy peak of the week! Us here in Florida are watching closely powerful Hurricane Irma. We will get out of dodge if it decides to visit our neck of the woods. Have a great day everyone! Peace!
  13. Thanks Maddy! One way or the other, me and mine will be safe. Even if we have to flee! Peace!
  14. Good morning to all of you! Happy Tuesday. Back to work today. Today seems like a Monday to me! Ugh! Well I will make the best of it! Peace!
  15. Thanks Rhonda! Good info! I just hope I won't have to use my drone in Florida as Irma heads in our general direction! Peace! Peace!
  16. On a different note. We are back from Naples Florida. We had a wonderful time. However it rained hard most of the time. However, I did find a window in time to fly the drone. I did not fly long as it began to sprinkle. You can see some water drops hitting the camera lens. So short video of a community under construction where I stayed the long weekend. Peace!
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