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Hippie Bowman

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Everything posted by Hippie Bowman

  1. Good morning all! Happy peak of the week! The weather is getting cooler here in Florida at last! It has been as hot as he'll here as always in Florida. Come on winter! Bring it on! Peace!
  2. I remember when this song came out. I was dateing LadySue at the time and was commuting across Florida every weekend to where she lived at the time in Hobe Sound Florida. Her son James loved this song and asked if I could leave the CD with him for the week and I could get it back the following weekend. I said sure and was happy that I could, in a small way, encourage James's interest in music and the arts. When I returned the following weekend, he had memorized the entire song. Word for word! This impressed me. James is a good boy. All grown up now. He is a nurse. RN and works in the emergency room! Peace!
  3. “You will never be told when the next bit of education is coming or where it’s coming from or who the teacher will be. That information will only reveal itself after the fact. All that you can do is leave a little room there for the next lesson to come through. Someone will be carrying it. You just leave the door open a crack.” ~ Tom Petty Good morning all! Happy Tuesday. We lost another great artist yesterday. Tom Petty . R.I.P. Tom. Peace!
  4. Good morning all! Ugh! It's Monday again so soon? Well have some coffee and or root beer to take the edge off today. Have a great day all! Peace!
  5. Good morning all! Happy Sunday! The Breakfast club pulls up to Lagrange Point Spaceport today at 8 AM! All are welcome! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lagrange%20Point/152/39/22 Peace!
  6. Thrilling is a good word for it Maddy! Terrifying is another! It is like flying a big bag of money around, wondering if you are going to go broke! LOL! Peace!
  7. The tilting and moved props is a great idea! I guess I just have to fly slower when when I can. The controller does tend to flip if you let it go. But not bad. I use an apple mini 2 and the clamp grips the pad good. I love it. It reduces strain on the hands! Peace!
  8. Hey Maddy! I got the prop protectors along with a lanyard for the controller. The protectors are very large and you can see them as the drone fights it's way upwind. However do like them. Peace!
  9. I hear ya Akasha. It is a lovely place. I think I will start some live singing there from time to time to bring in traffic! Peace!
  10. Good morning all! Happy peak of the week! Have some toast with your coffee! Peace!
  11. I will be flying my drone out over the gulf of Mexico this coming Saturday. 1 and 1 half mile out from the park to a small island. In preparation I am doing a series of range tests. This one is a 1 mile range test. Enjoy! Oh and good morning! Happy Tuesday! Peace!
  12. Good morning all! Ugg it is Monday! Well make the best of it! Have a great day everyone! Peace!
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