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  1. IM new and my main avi got corrupted somehow, so i was wondering if i can transfer linden and maybe other items to a new one i jus created?
  2. I cant logn. I sign in and After 3 min of loading it logs me out. It sais Darn, you have been logged out of sl this region may be experiencing troubles. please check your connection to the internet. Ive check my internet connection and its ok and Ive tried loging in in diferent areas but the same results. But i can login with another avi and it works just fine, i get the same results with any computer i use weather its desktop, laptop, wireless or not. This is the second time this has happened, It happened to my first avi too. I am still new to the game and i really like playing and am considering upgrading my account but want to know this isnt gonna keep happening, please help!
  3. I cant logn. I sign in and After 3 min of loading it logs me out. It sais Darn, you have been logged out of sl this region may be experiencing troubles. please check your connection to the internet. Ive check my internet connection and its ok and Ive tried loging in in diferent areas but the same results This is the second time this has happened, It happened to my first avi too. I am still new to the game and i really like playing and am considering upgrading my account but want to know this isnt gonna keep happening, please help!
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