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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. Cinnamon, you have discovered a bug in the Spanish version of Viewer 2.0!! I did not see the "Invite" button because in the Spanish Viewer is not. See the images: Viewer in Spanish: Viewer in English: Buf, another problem in localization (http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-17527) Thank you very much, Cinnamon!!
  2. Two questions. Probably the answer will be simple, but I do not see it. How do I invite someone to my group?Where is the "Resident Chooser" to select multiple residents to invite at a time to my group?Thanks in advance PS. For readers clueless: this question is about Viewer 2.0 Beta
  3. BlckCobra.Shikami wrote: Actually I was logged out very rudely without prior notice (yeah, I know - it was announced in the status blog)... I don't understand why LL don't use the "Tip of the Day" for advice that maintenances. Yes, we can read the status grid report before login, but...
  4. You will see that some items of the Advanced 1.23 have been moved to anothers menus in 2.0 Beta.
  5. Me not. A friend yes (and others residents, as you can see in the other thread linked in my first answer) .
  6. We are in maintenance: http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2010/03/03/post922/ PS. See also https://blogs.secondlife.com/message/117396#117396
  7. Your land moving to another region? Sorry, I don't understand. EDIT AND ADD: Or the whole private region will be moved to another location?
  8. In this new system og blogs/forums/... thre is no a forum for land sale Only a real esate feed in Commerce Forums. When you list as usual in Xstreet that should be showed automatically in that feed (probably a waste system, but...). You can see all the blog's directory: https://blogs.secondlife.com/thread
  9. Hi Suchi. About money, a possible resource for jobs is http://www.slprofiles.com/secondlifejobs.asp Can I give you a advice? Forgot jobs and money and land in your firsts weeks in SL. Fun, Explore, Socialize, look for thousands of free items, learn about your viewer... That is the best way for future jobs, money, land... Just my opinion.
  10. No problem. The Viewer Beta 2.0 is new for all . You're welcome.
  11. I agree. I think we, the residents, must help to LL with our thoughts, ideas... But sometimes it is difficult use the JIRA for some issues. For example (only one): I think it's a bad idea that some actions need 3 clicks in the 2.0 when in 1.23 only needed 1. But I don't know hoy report that in a JIRA (a different JIRA dor each case???). Sometimes the problem is'nt a specific issue, but the overall designof the new viewer. But I repeat that I basically agree with you.
  12. As far as I know, there is a "Build" menu in top bar (with a Scripts sub-menu). And the build window and tools have not changed (at least major changes).
  13. Clint, I don't know answer your VERY INTERESTING (at least for me) question. To answer your question, I need to know something I do not know: What is the position of LL in launching this new viewer. We, LL, have launched this viewer to hear your opinion, please tell us what should stay and what should be removed or changed. We, LL, have lauched this viewer, and this will be the official viewer, this, not another. Please tell us bugs and possible features. But remember that basically already decided that this will be the new viewer. If 1 is correct , I think input is valuable. But f 2 is correct, the input is very limited. In any case, I will use JIRA (is not the better way, but it's the only way) and separates JIRAs.
  14. Thank you very much everybody! I thought it was me who could not find it ... Buf, I don't understand the Beta Viewer. Sometimes it seems as if Microsof release a "Windows 8" that had to type "delete", "dir *.*", "copy c:"... Thanks for the answers (of course, JIRA voted).
  15. Thanks Faubio, but this thread is in Second Life Answers > Viewer 2.0 Beta Probably I should explain in my first message that my question was about Viewer 2.0 Beta.
  16. If this question has been answered already, I have not been able to find it, sorry. In the 1.23 Viewer I have a buttons (bottom right) for Pla7/Pause/Stop music, video... Where is that in the Beta 2.0? Are there buttons for that, or a contextual menu, or...? Thanks in advance.
  17. If this question has been answered already, I have not been able to find it, sorry. In the Map I can write and search the name of a region. But how/where can I write a specific coordinates for that region? Thanks in advance.
  18. Ypo can localize scripted objects using beacons for scripted objetcs --> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Beacons
  19. Interesting answers in this thread: https://blogs.secondlife.com/message/71936#71936 And from Canada in this thread: https://blogs.secondlife.com/message/88893#88893
  20. Probably the object the object will not be under the ground. But have you seen under the ground? Adcanved > Rendering Types > Surface Patch / Ground
  21. Lushvelvet.Nightfire wrote: I've had a reply from LL Support - which tells me to check my inventory and my lost & found *rolls eyes* - so I think I may just have to accept that it's gone and buy another (very expensive!) script set :-( Maybe you should answer to Support that you have checked your inventory and your item isn't there.
  22. Have you read mi previous post? Your are using TWO threads with identical question. I cannot answer two times. I have answerd about the ticket type in the other thread, see my previous answer with the link to your other thread
  23. Duplicated. You have opened two threads with the same question I have answered you in the other thread: https://blogs.secondlife.com/message/112128#112128
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