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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. Faubio.Alter wrote: You must be joking! Me or Jesus?
  2. If anybody call me "ass", I think my right to quote a universal sentence: Why do you see the speck of chaff that is in your brother’s eye, but don’t consider the beam that is in your own eye? Or how can you tell your brother, ‘Brother, let me remove the speck of chaff that is in your eye,’ when you yourself don’t see the beam that is in your own eye? You hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck of chaff that is in your brother’s eye.
  3. Hola, Cuerdas. El tema de si merece la pena o no ser Premiun es un eterno debate de SL. Unos opinan una cosa y otros otra. Así que en esta respuesta me limito a decir lo que te ofrece ser Premium, ¿vale? Mi opinión personal (yo soy Premium) la dejo aparte. Te doy los datos objetivos y tú te formas tu propia opinión Los Premium pagan una cuota (mensual, trimestral o anual) a Linden Lab. Y con eso: Pueden COMPRAR tierra en mainland (o sea, en los continentes que pertenecen directamente a Linden Lab) y también pueden, desde luego, ALQUILAR terreno a otros residentes que son dueños de regiones (este alquiler también lo pueden hacer las cuentas Basic). Dependiendo de cuánto terreno en mainland posea una cuenta Premium, paga cantidades adicionales a LL (mira https://secure-web28.secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php?lang=es-ES). Los Premium pueden usar todos los posibles tiques de soporte (petición de ayuda) al equipo de soporte de LL (los Basic sólo pueden usar unos pocos). Los Premium pueden pedir soporte a través de un chat directamente con empleados de LL (en inglés). Los Premium pueden tener gratis, si quieren, lo que se llama un "Linden Home" (se ha traducido en la documentación oficial como Hogares-Linden), esto es, un terreno de 512 metros en mainland con una casa ya construida por LL (se puede elegir entre varios modelos: mira http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Home/es). Cuando te haces Premiun recibes a los 45 días 1000 L$. Y además, todas las semanas recibes 300 L$. Eso son los datos. Luego estará qué opinamos unos y otros sobre el Soporte, sobre los Hogares-Linden, o sobre lo que sea. pero lo que te decía al principio, tú preguntas por las ventajas y yo te contestos egún la respuesta oficial Saludos.
  4. Oh, my apologies, I thought this is a forum/blog/blogrum/ (a site where if a resident ask other resident answer)
  5. Twice: Ansariel.Hiller wrote: Did you read the Linden Home FAQ?
  6. I agree. Applause for Lindal .
  7. LOL And it's true, I don't care about points. All of us can vote!: http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-1498 (advertising ).
  8. PeterCanessa.Oh wrote: (Supplemental: have these defaults been changed? I'm sure in viewer 1 'medium' was what I was comfortable with)Yes (it seems)
  9. You're welcome. I have not other solutions (of course, the ticket is a possibility ... useful or useless in this situation, do not know) Probably other residents will have more answers.
  10. Or maybe a firewall problem?: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Is_my_firewall_responsible_for_problems_with_Second_Life
  11. Have you FULLY uninstall (http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_do_I_fully_uninstall_and_reinstall_Second_Life%3F)? That FULLY is the advice in the KB for your message error: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/When_I_log_into_Second_Life,_I_receive_an_error_message_that_says_%22Despite_our_best_efforts,_something_has_gone_wrong...%22_and_tells_me_to_submit_a_log_file_to_Support.
  12. Generally, you can add the script to a object (prim) in the 'Contents' tab, and then you can touch the object and the scripts will run. But this is a very general explanation.
  13. Tonks.Palfrey wrote: Should I turn it off? hehehe For me yes, please. But nevertheless I can live with that (%$$!!!ck) click .
  14. Indeed al male avatars are censored. The male avatars without underpants looks... gelding?
  15. Beast.Valeur wrote: ... She gives me her password and I ... Your lady friend must change her password immediately. It is important, really. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Safeguarding_your_account_and_protecting_your_password#Do_not_give_your_password_to_anyone Do not give your password to anyone This means friends, family, loved ones or Linden Lab employees inworld. Pets too; you never know.
  16. A very common confusion with that attachment points in Emerald: Forget how see you who do not use Emerald .
  17. Hi Berlin. This image can be helpful to you for understand the great answers of Ansariel and Peggy (using the offcial Viewer):
  18. But maybe problems with get out of full screen: https://blogs.secondlife.com/message/108513#108513 And maybe problems with full screen: http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-17123
  19. You're welcome Can you mark your thread as "answered" please? Thanks!
  20. You're welcome . And thanks for post that great advices.
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