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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. Exact Cinnamon's answer (as always): We will not need you to abuse report this, instead we will monitor the Search results. (from Linden Lab Official http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Inworld_policy_on_bots)
  2. I'm not sure, but maybe be a account from TSL to SL will be "automatically" age verified, because he/she need to prove the age scanning and sending a document. But I'm not sure.
  3. Jonathan, please, if you only read my first answer, please, notice that I corrected it. I made a mistake, sorry.
  4. No, you don't need provide any sort of age verification . OPS, mistake!!!! Sorry From Linden Lab Official document: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:What_happens_to_my_Teen_Second_Life_account_when_I_turn_18%3F Teen Second Life is for people 13 to 17 years of age. When you turn 18, you will become eligible for transfer to Second Life proper, where the age limit is 18 and older. To move to Second Life from Teen Second Life... You may be asked to send us: A copy of a school or government-issued ID showing your date of birth. A driver's license, passport Or military ID are all acceptable forms of identification. Send us a scan, photocopy, or fax and we will process your account and wish you a happy birthday! When you arrive in Second Life, don't forget to send Blue, Claudia Linden or Matthew Linden an IM. They will make sure you are invited to the Teen Transfer group and receive all the associated perks! Sending us a scan File a support ticket at http://secondlife.com/support Attach a scan or photograph of your identification Sending us a photocopy by mail Linden Lab 945 Battery Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Sending us a fax copy: Send your fax to us at (415) 243-9045 Process About a week before you are going to turn 18, submit a support ticket letting us know you have a birthday coming up. Happy 18th Birthday! Attach a scan or photograph of your identification and provide the names of your alts as well. Start taking care of business in TSL. If you are the Founder of any of your groups and you wish to keep them open, make sure there is another owner in the group. Partnerships will not transfer and you may want to dissolve it before you move to SL. Take care of any land you own in TSL. What happens to land I own in TSL when I turn 18? Questions & answers Will my inventory transfer to SL? Generally, yes! Will my forum access transfer? Yes, however it may take a few days to complete this transfer. How do I get to SL when I have been transferred? I guess it is time the mystery is revealed. Blue Linden puts on talons and swoops into TSL where you are picked up and carried (all the while he is doing his infamous double barrel rolls) to a giant crater. In one valiant swoop, Blue drops you into the hole where you will find a miners pick. Take the pick and start digging your way to SL. OK, I'm kidding. When we transfer you to SL, your next login will put you into the Second Life grid. It's not quite as fun as digging your way, but it's a lot faster! You will receive a response to your support ticket letting you know the transfer has been completed. Once you log into SL, contact Matthew Linden for an invitation to the Teen Transfer Group via IM or ticket. We'll provide you with a region location where you can build and use to set-home for a while.
  5. Hola Josho. Sólo añadir un pequeño detalle a la ESPLÉNDIDA respuesta de Lucille: contacta con Soporte (tal y como te dice Lucille) CUANTO ANTES. A LL le gustan poco los morosos (pero le encanta la gente que paga jejeje). Como te indican lo más practico es acudir al Live Chat y te lo solucionarán en un santiamén. Y no te preocupes del idioma: usa el Google translator para entender lo que dicen y para lo que les quieras decir tú. A Soporte les es igual que hables "bad English" jejeje De hecho, yo lo primero que suelo decir después de los saludos es "Sorry for my bad English, I'm from Spain". Y luego ya les suelto el rollo. Y, al menos en mi experiencia, ellos son súper educados. Pero eso, que no te duermas en los laureles .
  6. In each group you should unmark "List group in my profile".
  7. Interesting. I agree wiht you, the problem began with the personal change. Just my opinion, of course. Thanks for the links! I did not know Dwell On It .
  8. Is it cheaper to have two Premium accounts that have only one for own land? I'm not certain but I'm very awkward for mathematics.
  9. And perhaps LL will show in the next statistics the number of Premium accounts ... and their increase (Linden Home) .
  10. Lucille.Babenco wrote: ... otra cosa distinta es que esa gente que conoces haya modificado o retirado su método de pago, bien sea la tarjeta de Crédito o en su defecto la cuenta Paypal, o directamente se hayan negado a pagar las cuotas, en cuyo caso es normal que les sancionen la cuenta.Sólo como curiosidad y para subrayar esa perfecta explicación de Lucille, anoto que hace más o menos un año, en una Office Hour del Governance Team (cuando el GT aun tenia Office Hours inworld, grrr), un Linden nos comentó que una de las causas más frecuentes de expulsión de una cuenta era precisamente esa. La gente quitaba su información de pago o daba orden a su banco de no atender los recibos de LL, pero olvidaba (o no daba importancia) entrar a su cuenta e indicar que esa cuenta pasaba de Premium a Basic. Evidentemente, LL tenía que suspender esa cuenta, porque en su banco de datos se encontraba una cuenta Premium a la que no había forma de cobrarle la cuenta. Y, claro, luego, en los foros en español aparecía gente diciendo que LL les había expulsado sin razón y que tal y que cual... cuando varios de esos casos eran problema del usuario, no de LL.
  11. If that script exist, use it is against the TOS .
  12. You're welcome. It's the old problem and debate betwwen "buy" in mainland or "rent" in private region. I'm sorry you had that problem.
  13. Many thanks . But as you said the problem is that the number of Premium accounts has disappeared from the statistics long ago (as far as I know).
  14. I often read the Statistics Metrics that LL published quarterly. But I've never seen (my fault?) the number of Premium accounts. Does anyone know where to find this information? (in SL web or in another web). Thanks in advance. Message was edited by Irene Muni: correcting typo.
  15. De nada, espero que se solucione pronto .
  16. Linden Lab Official:I rented a land parcel from another Resident (either on the Mainland or in a private region) and it's being taken back from me, even though I've paid the agreed-upon fees or rent. -> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:I_rented_a_land_parcel_from_another_Resident_%28either_on_the_Mainland_or_in_a_private_region%29_and_it%27s_being_taken_back_from_me,_even_though_I%27ve_paid_the_agreed-upon_fees_or_rent. Linden Lab does not enforce or uphold rental agreements between Residents. Please contact the Resident with whom you have a dispute, andrequest that they make good on the deal. While you may have a validagreement with another person, Linden Lab is not a party to and cannotresolve your dispute. Linden Lab Official:I paid for something, but didn't receive it as promised. Or: I provided something, but wasn't paid for it as promised. -> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:I_paid_for_something,_but_didn%27t_receive_it_as_promised._Or:_I_provided_something,_but_wasn%27t_paid_for_it_as_promised. We're sorry: Linden Lab cannot verify, enforce, certify, examine,uphold, or adjudicate any oath, contract, deal, bargain, or agreementmade by the Residents of Second Life. Please contact the Resident withwhom you have a dispute, and request that they make good on the deal.While you may have a valid agreement with another person, Linden Lab isnot a party to and cannot resolve your dispute.
  17. And also you need a FULLY uninstall and reinstall of your viewer: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_do_I_fully_uninstall_and_reinstall_Second_Life%3F That button must be in a normal viewer
  18. Venga va, que seguro que se soluciona. Es verdad que estas cosas son un latazon, pero en fin, a por ellas
  19. Pues descartado que sea un problema de PayPal me temo que el único camino es que acudas a Soporte. Puedes enviar un tique explicamndo tu problema: Special Question > I can add a payment method. Si eliges esto del tique, usa el inglés aunque sea un inglés chapucero, te atenderán antes. Más rápido es usar los teléfonos gratuitos (están a la derecha de la página de ayuda en secondlife.com) del Equipo de Facturación. Si tienes suerte puede que haya alguien que hable español en estos momentos. Y recuerda que si más o menos te manejas en inglés a través de chat, puedes usar el Live Chat porque tu cuenta es Premium. Disculpa que no te ponga los enlaces directos a los teléfonos y el Live Chat, pero es que yo soy Concierge y me parece que no es lo mismo que para Premiums. En todo caso puedes ver todo eso en tu panel de control de secondlife.com en la página de Ayuda. Creo que sólo Soporte puede solucionar tu problema.
  20. ¿Estás usando PayPal o una cuenta bancaria?
  21. You cannot see the unmute button?
  22. Nada, tranquilo, no pasa nada por liarse con este dichoso sistema de blogs. Te acabo de responder en el otro tema: https://blogs.secondlife.com/message/100120#100120 .
  23. Por un despiste, Josho ha respondido en otro tema: Josho.Niosaki wrote: Gracias por responder con prontitud. El mensaje de error es el siguiente: "We´re Sorry...It appears that your accountis past-due, or that you courrently have outdate/no billing information on file. Please update your billing information and try again." La verdad es que estoy bastante desilusionado, pues en cuestion de pocos minutos ya he perdido dos de las casas que quería, y el problema con mi cuenta continúa. ¿Qué puedo hacer? Gracias. Por alguna razón, LL tiene problemas para comprobar en estos momentos los datos de cuenta. Puede ser algo meramente temporal, un problema de LL (o, esperemos que no, un problema con tu banco o caja). Intenta esto: Ve a secondlife.com > Cuenta > Actualizar la información de facturación. Y vuelve a poner tu información de pago, aunque sean los mismos datos que ya tenías. Espera unos minutos y vuelve a intentar lo de tu Linden Home. Si eso no funcionara habría que mandar un tique de soporte.
  24. Estoooo... un momento jejeje Si abres un tema para cada mensaje que escribas esto va a ser una locura porque no hay forma de leer todos eguido lo que vamos diciendo. Por favor, marca como "respondido" este tema y sigamos EN EL PRIMERO QUE ABRISTE: https://blogs.secondlife.com/message/100085#100085
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