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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. No, no often. Usually I can solve my problems usin a great tip I learned from you: " Try: http://slurl.com/ " Some examples: https://blogs.secondlife.com/search.jspa?q=try%3A+http%3A%2F%2Fslurl.com%2F&resultTypes=BLOG_POST&resultTypes=DOCUMENT&resultTypes=MESSAGE&resultTypes=BLOG&resultTypes=COMMUNITY&resultTypes=COMMENT&peopleEnabled=true&dateRange=last90days&username=&numResults=15&rankBy=10001
  2. If I have problems, I request the proper functioning of my PC to those that really knows about PCs. As a simply user, I only have antivirus and sometimes defragment the hard disk (In English is used "defragment" the hard disk? lol).
  3. Sí, sí que me había fijado en esa posibilidad, está genial que sea así. Muy buen trabajo, otra vez gracias .
  4. Probablemente tengáis razón, no digo que no. Sólo anoto que los datos que he enlazado por dos veces no son los económicos, sino los de horas de esuo por usuario. Y que no sé qué interés puede tener LL en mentir en esos datos de horas de uso (en los económicos sí puede tener interés, aunque si miente en los datos económicos que hace públicos todos los días, se la juega con la Hacienda estadounidense jeje)). Pero lo dicho, que quizá tengáis razón. A la hora de decidir si LL engaña o no cada quien tiene que tomar postura con los mismos datos. ¡Gracias por los aportes!
  5. Also avalaible Live Chat for your Premium account.
  6. Amada.Helendale escribió: ... ... ... si por ejemplo tienes la foto de una obra de arte de Dali que has sacado de internet evadiendo el copyright (no se si se escribe asi) , y quieres usarla en SL, para subirla al juego tienes que pagar por ella, por tanto SIMBOLICAMENTE estás pagando ese derecho de uso de la textura. (10 L$ por cada imagen o textura) No, en absoluto. Si esa foto del cuadro tiene copyright es absolutamente ilegal usarla. Pero no sólo es ilegal por las leyes de SL, es ilegal por las leyes de RL.
  7. Sobre el número de hispanohablantes en SL pueden verse sus estadísticas oficiales (son de hace unos meses, pero no creo que hayan cambiado mucho). Están resumidas en un mensaje anterior de este mismo tema: http://modularsystems.sl/index.php/templates/jsn_epic_pro/images/bg/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5&Itemid=10 Síntesis a partir del número de horas de uso (porque eso es lo que de verdad importa, no el número de cuentas de uno u otro país): El inglés de EEUU y GB se lleva el 48% de las horas usadas por los usuarios. Si le sumamos Australia, lo que se pueda sumar de Canadá, y de otros páises más pequeños, el % se dispara. El español o castellano está rondando el 4% de horas de uso (por orden de horas de uso, sería España, Argentina, México, Venezuela, Colombia, Perú, Puerto Rico, Chile, Andorra, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Bolivia y luego otra larga lista de países -pueden verse en el enlace al XSL que cito arriba). En horas de uso por idioma nos gana el portugués (Brasil, Portugal y otros), el holandés, el italiano, el japonés, el francés, y de largo el alemán.
  8. Kyra.Ishtari escribió: Many cultures outside of English speaking ones, I have noticed, don't care about how they treat other players nor if they wait their turn or do anything that we would consider common courtesy. It drives me up the wall, to be perfectly honest. My mute list is longer than my arm and seems to grow at an alarming rate! What??? Are you sure the courtesy/discourtesy is a problem of English speakers and No English speakers??? I'm from Spain. There are spanish speakers incivility in the same proportion of English speakers, German speakers, or Typonese speakers.
  9. Sorry for rebump this thread, but probably Eternus Soulstar has an answer tho the OP. See https://blogs.secondlife.com/message/81665#81665
  10. That's what I figured, but I preferred to ask .
  11. Glimmering.Sands escribió: ... In LSL (Linden Scripting Language) there is the function llGetAgentLanguage(key uuid)which returns the language the player selected when they registered for SL ... I'm not sure about "player selected when registred". The registration form ask your language or ask where do you live? What language is detected form countries as Finland (only a example hehe)?
  12. Hi Sasja. About #LSL<->Client Bridge maybe help this thread -> https://blogs.secondlife.com/message/23191#23191 or this from Emerald web -> http://modularsystems.sl/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=958
  13. Damian, no sé si decirte "fantástico", "perfecto" o "genial". Así que te digo las tres cosas: el script que has hecho es FANTÁSTICO, PERFECTO y GENIAL jejeje Muchísimas gracias, Damian .
  14. Your welcome. Please, mark the thread as "ansewred". Thanks
  15. Which part don't you understand? We can translate or maybe a french resident can explain you .
  16. You have done well sending the support ticket. See http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Why_does_Second_Life_say_%22You_cannot_log_into_Second_Life_from_this_location%22%3F : This error message generally indicates you have been blocked fromthe Second Life servers by Linden Lab. These blocks may beautomatically placed as the result of: Documented cases of fraud Use of Second Life by a minor Exceptionally flagrant abuse activity Note that these actions may not have occurred on the account you are attempting to log in with! The most common circumstances that result in this message are: Someone in your household has committed one of the "bad acts" listed above Someone in your household has used a Second Life accountbelonging to another person, who has committed a "bad act" listed above Someone in your household has provided their Second Lifeaccount and password to another person, who has committed a "bad act"listed above So what can I do about this message? You can submit a Support ticket via the Support portal.To ensure that Support can best determine what block has been placedand why it was added, be sure to include in the ticket your Second Lifeaccount name, as well as any Second Life accounts that log in from thatlocation. See also http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Why_is_my_account_on_hold%3F : What are the next steps? Log into the Support Portal. Click the New Ticket Submission link. Note:If you're unable to log into the Support Portal as usual, log in as aGuest Account and use the Ticket Type for Basic/Guest accounts as shownbelow. Basic Accounts If you're on a Basic Account: You'll see a page explaining the ticket types. Scroll to the bottom and click Click here to submit a ticket. On the "Submit a Ticket" page, choose the dropdowns in this order: Ticket Type: Special Questions - Basic account or Guest Login Basic or Guest Access - only a few ticket types allowed: Account issues Basic Account issues: The system says my account is Disabled or Suspended Fill in the rest of the fields as directed. Copy the Tracking Number for your new ticket. You'll receive an email containing your ticket information. Premium and Concierge Accounts If you're on a Premium or Concierge Account: On the "Submit a Ticket" page, choose the dropdowns in this order: Ticket Type: Technical Issue Technical issue: I can't log in Crash/Error: Error message: account is disabled or suspended Disabled Issues: Choose the one you believe to be most appropriate. Fill in the rest of the fields as directed. Copy the Tracking Number for your new ticket. You'll receive an email containing your ticket information. What happens next? Linden Lab will investigate the events that led to placing youraccount on hold. Once we have concluded the investigation, we will sendyou an email explaining our conclusion and explaining the action thatwill be taken with respect to your account. As a reminder, alltransactions involving L$ are subject to Linden Lab's Terms of Service. My account has been unfairly or incorrectly suspended or permanently closed by Linden Lab — how can I appeal this decision? Linden Lab takes violations of the Second Life Terms of Service andCommunity Standards very seriously. The decision to apply a suspensionor permanent closure for your Second Life account(s) is reached afterinvestigation of your use of the Second Life software and service.Residents are not allowed to participate in the Second Life virtualworld if their accounts have been suspended or disabled for violationsof our Terms of Service. However, if you can maintain in good faith that the violationswere not due to your actions or negligence, or the actions ornegligence of others working for you, you may appeal the suspension orclosure of your account(s) in writing to the address below. Pleaseprovide any relevant information that you believe would explain theviolations we detected. Linden Lab reserves sole discretion inconsidering whether to take any action on a written appeal. If youwould like to appeal your warning or suspension, you may contact SecondLife Support, in writing, at the address below: Second Life Support, Linden Lab 945 Battery Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Or by fax: 415-651-9221 We also accept appeals filed electronically using the ticket submission process described above. Tip:At the time of this writing, responses to electronically filed appealsusually take between 48-72 hours. We cannot guarantee this time frame,but we will do our best to send you a response as soon as we can.
  17. Some eyebrows are parte of the hair, and sometimes the eyebrows are an element of the "bald base".
  18. Quizá en estos momentos no esté disponible. Intenta conectarte a través de otra región (si no sabes cómo mira abajo). En todo caso, sería útil saber de qué región se trata y cuál es el mensaje exacto de error que recibes al intentar conectarte. saludos Para conectarse a otra región: Abre Second Life. Antes de conectarte, arriba del todo ve a Editar > Preferencias > General > y marca "Mostrar localización inicial en la pantalla de conexión". Pulsa OK. En la parte de abajo de tu pantalla de conexión aparecerá una nueva posibilidad que dice "Posición inicial". Pulsa la flecha y elegi "<Escriba el nombre de la Región>". Borrar eso y escribe cualquier región (por ejemplo, Pooley). Conéctate normalmente.
  19. Hola tod@s. Enttre las muchas cosas de SL de las que no tengo ni idea está el LSL. Así que no sé si lo que voy a preguntar es algo muy elemental o es algo dificilísimo o imposible. Pero allí voy. Me gustaría saber si puedo sincronizar dos cronómetros. Me explico. Yo tengo un objeto "A" con el script que pongo abajo. Cuando alguien lo toca empieza a correr el cronómetro y cuando se vuelve a tocar se para (y si se escribe "cero" en el chat el cronómetro se pone a cero).Lo que me gustaría es tener a cierta distancia otro objeto "B" que estuviera sincronizado con "A". Que cuando alguien tocara "A" empezara a correr el cronómetro no sólo en "A" sino también en "B". Y que cuando luego alguien tocara en "B" el cronómetro también se parara en "A".¿Eso es posible? Gracias adelantadas. Copio aquí abajo el script opensource que uso: //  StopWatch //  Created by Water Rogers for IBM/Opensource //  Purpose //  -------------------------------------------------------------- //  This is a basic example of how you can create a stopwatch. //  //  Requirements //  -------------------------------------------------------------- //  A single prim is all that is necessary for this example. //  Usage //  -------------------------------------------------------------- //  Touch the object to toggle the timer off/on //  type "cero" to reset the timer. Not case-sensitive. //  GLOBAL VARIABLES //  -------------------------------------------------------------- integer g_Seconds   = 0;        //  Globaly store the Seconds integer g_Minutes   = 0;        //  Globaly store the Minutes integer g_Hours     = 0;        //  Globaly store the Hours integer g_Ticking   = FALSE;    //  Toggles the timer off/on vector  g_TextColor = <1,1,1>;  //  Text color for the timer. <1,1,1> = White //  FUNCTIONS //  -------------------------------------------------------------- //  This is a simple function to zero pad the numbers 2 spaces to make //  the timer look more authentic.  It takes an integer as an argument //  and outputs a string. string zero_pad(integer number) {     if(number < 10) return "0" + (string)number;     return (string)number; } //  EVENTS //  -------------------------------------------------------------- default {     state_entry()     {         //  ------------------------------------------------------         //  This is the entry-point of the script.  After a script         //  has been saved or reset, this event will fire off first         //  ------------------------------------------------------                 //  We call llSetText() first to reset the text above the object         //  back to 00:00:00 time.         llSetText("00:00:00", g_TextColor, TRUE);                 //  Set up a listener so that we can reset the timer by typing         //  "reset".  This particular listener will listen to any chat         //  typed by anyone (or any object)         llListen(0, "", "", "");                 //  Finally, we set up a timer that will repeat itself every         //  g_Ticking seconds.  Since g_Ticking could only ever possibly         //  equal 0 or 1, we can use this to our advantage in optimizing.         //  This particular example is not necessary, but can have a         //  dramatic impact on larger scripts.  Note that setting a timer         //  to 0 (False) will indeed turn off the timer.         llSetTimerEvent(g_Ticking);     }         touch_start(integer num_detected)     {         //  If someone touches the object, it will toggle the timer off/on                 //  We can avoid using if/else statements here because of the         //  nature of our timer.  Using an exclamation in front of the         //  variable "flips" the bits.  In this case, our variable is either         //  only ever TRUE (1) or FALSE(0).  Since we need the timer to         //  tick each second, this becomes a nice optimization method.         g_Ticking = !g_Ticking;         llSetTimerEvent(g_Ticking);     }         listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)     {         //  This event is fired off whenever anyone chats around the object         //  and a proper listener is set up, such as in state_entry()                 //  We take the message and make it all lowercase so that the word         //  "reset" is not case-sensitive         message = llToLower(message);         if(message == "cero")         {             //  The filter determined that the word "reset" was typed.  So             //  we need to reset everything back to 0, and turn the timer off             g_Ticking = FALSE;             llSetTimerEvent(0);             llSetText("00:00:00", g_TextColor, TRUE);             g_Seconds = 0;             g_Minutes = 0;              g_Hours;         }     }             timer()     {         //  This event fires off each second because the integer 1 is being         //  passed as the argument for seconds in llSetTimerEvent(float seconds)                 //  Incriment the global Seconds variable by 1         g_Seconds++;                 //  If seconds are at 60, then we've just made a minute         if(g_Seconds >= 60)         {             //  So we increment the global minutes by 1, and reset the seconds.             g_Minutes++;             g_Seconds = 0;                         //  If the minutes are at 60, then we've just made an hour             if(g_Minutes >= 60)             {                 //  Increment the global hours by 1, and reset the minutes.                 g_Hours++;                 g_Minutes = 0;             }         }                 //  Display everything above the object.  Notice the use of the zero_pad()         //  function that we created earlier to make the timer look better.         llSetText(zero_pad(g_Hours) + ":" + zero_pad(g_Minutes) + ":" + zero_pad(g_Seconds), g_TextColor, TRUE);     } }
  20. Complementary info at https://blogs.secondlife.com/community/land/blog/2009/10/21/setting-a-scripted-agent-status
  21. ¡¡¡Graaaaaaacias!! PD. Podían esconderlo un poco más. Total, para qués e van a molestar en la página del Live Chat jajaja
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