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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. 10 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    It sounds like she wants to focus on something else with her creativity.

    Seems to me she left and we are just talking amongst ourselves now

    10 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:


    yeah, the wrong word choice was noted earlier, by Seicher I think.

    15 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

    see this as describing how some people do indeed view SL -- not seeing all the potentiality within it but rather seeing it as ONLY about sex. I sure have gotten the raised eyebrows from, for example, by CPA when she found out what I did for a living.

    She then went on to describe how SL has so much more than sex in it, and how she wants to participate

    I thought she said something to the effect that she'd been in SL for 12 years and now she wants to stop being all about the sex and be a "realistic dreamer" whatever that is

    20 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

    From page 2. "This is not my area of acceptance.  Not interested as this is not an area that I offer my support to … despite any data in support of what drives commerce in actual or virtual society."

    Yup, definitely anti sex now

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  2. 49 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    We have a local pizza place that makes all sorts of 'dessert pizzas', similar to what you describe.  I can understand those. 

    I just don't get sweet pineapple mixed with my savory pizza toppings.  Sometimes sweet works with savory, but for me, pineapple on pizza just doesn't.  

    To each, their own though.

    I don't even like ham with pineapple rings on it, so why would I like that on a pizza?


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  3. 13 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

    How has no one ever corrected me? I know I absolutely overuse ellipses (ellipsis?) but in my defense a period seems so final and most of my thoughts actually do just trail off into something else (in my head)....

    That's why I use them too....  To be honest, I didn't learn this in school like we were all supposed to. As a former juvenile delinquent, I missed most of high school (long story that I'm unlikely to elaborate on)....  I read it in some forum somewhere when somebody 'splained it.  I took it to heart, looked it up to be sure that they weren't just blowing smoke up some body orifice, and practiced a bit to make sure I had it down.

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  4. 6 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

    Just woke up feeling excited for the first time in a long time.

    I'm so glad Cindy!  A beautiful spot filled with warm feelings of love and tenderness is just what everyone needs right now.  So happy for you, you deserve this spot!  Enjoy it!

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  5. 22 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    Meanwhile, back in Bizarro Land, the 2-page comment I wrote to the Intellectual, is somehow unseen! I'm getting a complex. It is really hard to tell if it is a sincere person acting like a troll or just a troll that's acting like it has ingested too many strange shrooms, or... Well, it is late here, I need sleeeeeeeeeeeep, and you guys seem to have the entertainment well in hand. But... sincere? Troll? Whack job? Sincere trolling whack job?

    you're not alone, I didn't get a reply either. 


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  6. 1 hour ago, JanuarySwan said:

    So, after reading this thread...there is no "him"?  

    What's up with the title then?  

    Whom or what are you seeking?   A relationship?  Those tags say relationship.

    Hey, that's what I was asking, Who's the him?  And what's with the ...s?

    • Like 4
  7. 49 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    /me daintily snort laughs. Thanks, Beth.

    Oh. My. And I probably didn't need to respond there, pretty sure of it, but sometimes, ya know... I amuse myself too much. Sylvia was there. She was more succinct. :)

    and I was seduced and succumbed to the temptation to 'Splain to the OP that she was doing it wrong.  As if @Seicher Rae and @Beth Macbain and @Sylvia Tamalyn hadn't 'splained it enough already.

    Oh and I'm peeved now, ya'll are bad influences on me. (just kidding and trying to be on topic).

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  8. @LittleBittieOne I don't want to belittle your efforts, but I don't think you understand what a forum is, and you don't seem to get that this is Second Life's Forum, and the people reading and posting in here already know all about SL.

    So what does the title of your blurb, essay, epistle, whatever, have to do with your blurb?  Seeking him?  All you said was the cliche "Sl is all about sex" is not true. Then you romanticize the notion of doing something other than sex, which I gather has something to do with making and selling things which you've labeled "realistic dreaming" and confessed that it's taken you 12 years to arrive at the point where you want to do something other than sex and be a "realistic dreamer" yourself. Then you thanked us for reading  and something about to be continued....(and by the way the right way to make an ellipsis is three dots and a period, in other words 4 dots, which should follow directly after the last letter).

    • Like 8
  9. 6 hours ago, Panteleeva said:

    My grandma was with mom at shoes store and bought 2 pairs of shoes for grandma. Ok,2 days later she says she don't like purple ones and she asked ME to return them to the store.I came to grandma and asked whatse wrong with these shoes, and her complain was weird,but ok.she said she is in bad mood and I was like OH HERE WE GO AGAIN .so she said ok I'll keep them for later using.And after 20 minutes mother calls me and said she will not return shoes or she don't know because after she saw my ugly face and this just ucked her mood. It's funny and sad how sger uses the fact that I don't have anyone to protect me from this

    Don't let them lay these guilt trips on you.  Your life is much more important than a pair of shoes.  Stay safe.

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  10. 10 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    This thread came out of a chat several of us had in another thread. It also came out of a hope for some of the Forum Kerfuffle™ to settle down. It is obvious that there are people who prefer a more "photos only!!!!" environment and so, even though there isn't a stated theme, there's places for those folks to post in peace. It is also obvious that there are people who like a little more laid back approach, and now there is a place for that here.

    as a strictly amateur picture taker, I keyed in on post raw shots, since that is the only kind I can do.  All these picture threads intimidate me but I love to take pictures. So I think today is my first time posting a pic of mine. 

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  11. I am not very sophisticated with my sl photography.  I know how to derender things that get in the way of my shot, and sometimes I will fool with the pre made windlights, but that's it.

    Web 5eb8cb3973ed176875fdbcb2

    I do wish I knew enough to be able to fix the hair here.


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  12. 41 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    Back to "The Midwest is a schittshow" meme for a moment...

    I've lived there, for considerable periods.  Yes, there are intolerant people.  But you can find intolerant people anywhere, and I also met some of the kindest, most caring people I have known.

    Oddly, some of them were the most bigoted.  While they would speak ill of other races, genders, or religions as a group, when it came down to individual cases, they treated people with kindness and grace.

    I want to believe this.  I didn't experience it when I lived in Indiana, but I have known extremely kind and generous bigots in California. There's some kind of disconnect where people they don't know they can dehumanize and despise intolerantly but the individuals they come in contact with they don't identify as "other".

    Now if only we could fix it so they understood that "those people" are not "other" either.

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  13. Totally agree with feeling protective of my avatar who I worked hard to make unique and she is me the way I wish I looked.  I never want to copy someones entire look. And I certainly don't want to drag someone down who's out to party hearty with mundane talk of shopping.

    I don't have any opinion on Vikings, I've never watched the show. ;)

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  14. 7 minutes ago, AyelaNewLife said:

    I've bought more stuff from the marketplace because I run into someone wearing something cute, zap them with my attachment reader, look up the creator on the marketplace and buy that item, than I have through actually searching for something.

    That's how I shop! Every Saturday night I host I find my self attaching the "what is she wearing" thinger and then look at creator profiles and going to marketplace to find the item. I don't even have to demo the item to see how it moves while dancing, i see it dancing for me.

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