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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. It's not the pain, it's the rancor. Sharing the pain of the demotion is one thing, debating the merits of the demotion is quite another. When sock puppets who want to argue for the sake of arguing come in to stir things up the safe place that this was is lost.

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  2. Still feeling Meh

    @BelindaN so very sorry for your loss.  *hugs*

    to those who feel bad at being demoted, very sorry for your loss too.  But honestly, do you see the difference in the losses.  A tag vs a life?  Have a heart and get out of this thread, make one of your own.


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  3. On 5/13/2020 at 12:29 AM, Jennifer Boyle said:

    My point was that it is difficult. I welcome people who just wander in uninvited. Other posts in this thread make it clear that I'm not alone. I cannot be there most of the time to invite passersby in, even though they are very welcome. Others don't welcome strangers wandering in. How is an explorer to know the difference? As I said above, I'll put up a welcome sign. Let others put up signs saying what they welcome or don't welcome.

    What I wonder is this: If people don't welcome strangers wandering in, why do they leave you land open to the public? They can easily keep strangers out without any misunderstandings just by limiting access to a group or to named accounts. If that's what they want, why don't they just use the free, easy-to-use tools that come with land?

    Why do we need more rules?  One person thinks it's rude to be kicked out, another thinks it's rude for a stranger to come wandering in, why not realize that people are difficult to predict or control and just let it be.  Wander where you want, get kicked sometimes. It doesn't hurt to be kicked out any more than it hurts to be wandered in on. Seems to me people find out soon enough what is acceptable and what is not.  The ones that are really bothered use the security available so there will be no mistakes.

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  4. 50 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    /me looks @kali Wylder sideways

    /me suspects her

    /me thinks she is a plant (not that kind of plant, she doesn't have chlorophyll)(allegedly)

    /me points and mouths "She's too nice be to a bee" (or not to bee) (scoo bee doo bee doo)


    can't I be a nice bee? Lessons From a Bear: Small Brain, Big Heart – thelifeididntchoose

    Beesides, I don't think ya'll are nearly as bad as you pretend you are.

    ETA: I'll see your cover photo and raise you mine!

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  5. 1 minute ago, Aiiyaz said:

    I was in a pretty rocky situation. But I'm so glad that I'm out of it now. I kept hope and didn't allow myself to get too upset. I'm excited. And grateful.

    I'm so jelly, I was about to sell my house back in March and the plan died and I'm in limbo. No really I'm happy for you! ☺️

    • Like 2
  6. Just now, Beth Macbain said:

    The next step is to get your doctor involved. You've been out of your medication for over a week now due to the eff ups of others. It's not like an as-needed medication. This is a serious medication that should not be screwed with. An angry doctor on the phone can make things happen pretty quickly, even if it's getting the pharmacy to just send out some bloody replacements. 

    Yeah!!! Thank you Beth! Do that @Seicher Rae!!!  and btw Beth, I stole your little dancing bee, still debating whether to add it to my sig. line.

    • Haha 2
  7. 4 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

    Sadly I think we are stuck with covid for a long time yet,

    I agree with you Marigold, except that I think that Covid19 will get watered down like so many of it's ancestors and become part of what we all think of as the common cold. Miserable to be sure but no longer lethal. Mind you, I don't think we'll get there for years but, someday, yeah.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Orwar said:

     Yikes, I hope you guys aren't fighting over me? Can't be bothered to read all that - got no popcorn! 

    /me passes the popcorn to Orwar

    Homemade Movie Popcorn | RecipeTin Eats


    @Selene Gregoire best ibtl image ever!  I'm so stealing it!


    • Haha 4
  9. 2 minutes ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    I'm also a proud Yank.

    I'm a proud swamp Yankee (been here so long we forget where we came from). Actually I can trace one line back to the second Jamestown settlement.   I am so curious about that one.  Was he a convict deportee from England(most of the "settlers" were)?  What was his crime? He left Jamestown and roamed all the way up to Maine where he settled down and had a family. Mind you, there were no foreign settlements between Jamestown and Plymouth back then, he traveled a long journey on foot to get away from Jamestown.  

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  10. 7 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

    Though he did make me laugh when he said what about my p e nis?  I said you are on your own there mate.   He can colour match that himself. 

    oh take pity on him Cindy, help him with the skin matching or at least stress to him the importance of a realistic match.  I've seen some otherwise great male avs fail at this and there is nothing like a poorly matched ***** to kill the mood.

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  11. On 5/13/2020 at 6:53 AM, Orwar said:

     ... Except that one time in Oxbridge, but that had less to do with me being a vampire, and more to do with backstabbing and drama and a zealously incompetent and paranoid staff.

    Yes, sometimes they were like that.  I spent my first 3 months in SL meandering back and forth from there to NCI and back again.  Some times they just had no sense of humor at all.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

    This, pure and simple. This.^^^ All of this "this is what the OP intended not what YOU are saying she intended" is speculation. We have the facts of her words, which were so poorly strung together to be virtually meaningless. We do not have the facts of her intentions.

    And ya know, I'm pretty anti-religion, all religion, an equal opportunity anti-religion person (which doesn't mean I'm an atheist, but I might be, what day of the week is it?). And even I mentioned somewhere that I expected "HIM" was going to be some kind of religious stuff.

    That said, I thought the few comments dissing what kinds of Christianity were the worst, were offensive. I literally blanched when I read them. What part of THAT discussion has a part in this or any other thread? Coming from people who are trying to pass as peace-n-love to all? Downright hypocritical.

    I'm not lecturing that you CAN'T say those things. I'm not the Forum Police. I just think they were in very bad taste and judgement.

    I missed the anti/pro christian comments, but I'm still working so will have to wait to go looking for them....  I so agree with you though about the this^^^, The OP is gone and she was never very clear about her intentions, we are all just guessing. 

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