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kali Wylder

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Posts posted by kali Wylder

  1. Have you read the Travis McGee books, by John R McDonald.  They are a bit dated but still very enjoyable.  Travis is a Florida based private detective who is doing his retirement on the installment plan.  He takes on a job, then retires til he runs out of money then takes another job. His novels were written in the 1950s - 60s and so it's a bit of a time trip. All the books have a color in the title and while they do have a vague sequential flavor, each is a stand alone, and can be read in any order without being too confused.


  2. I'm an OK singer, strictly amateur.... I wish I had a more powerful voice.  I sing along a lot when I listen to music alone. And if I'm not listening to music, there is usually a song playing in my head.

    Can't name just one:

    Men: Damien Rice, Van Morrison, Eddie Veder,

    Women: Cee Cee James, Shemekia Copeland, Beth Hart

  3. So anyway, back to the OP's original question, I don't get in world much except on weekends.  I did get in earlier this week during the day and got myself a BLM tshirt and put it on.  Last night I wore it and went out "in public"  in SL and hung out at my favorite place to unwind on Friday nights at the Junkyard Blues club.  Not one person commented to me about my shirt. Probably because there is a long held rule at the club to not discuss politics.  I've been reflecting about it and I think it's prolly a sign that JYB is not a racist place. I didn't get any IMs about it, prolly because nobody there felt the need to correct me and tell that ALM. That felt good.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

    I haven't followed the discussion sufficiently closely to know what's being discussed here, but when someone takes exception to something I've said or done and tells me I'm being racist or sexist or homophobic or whatever, my reaction, unless I think they're deliberately misunderstanding me, is to take what they say seriously, look at what they object to, and ask myself myself what exactly I was trying to say, and how I have said it differently, in a way that would not have merited this criticism.

    If I can see what the problem is, I'll apologise and try to rephrase and reformulate my point (unless I wish to withdraw it altogether) or, if I still can't see the problem, I'll politely explain why I think they've mistaken what I was saying, and see what their reponse is.

    I think it's always a criticism worth taking seriously, unless it's obviously bogus.


    (bolded and embiggened by me)  I really like what you said there Innula.  I think that a willingness to re-examine one's actions and motivations is the mark of a truly open mind, Something I also strive to have.

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  5. 2 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Ugh, you lost me on 'tla'


    I'm with a few others in that the meaning of 'smh' does not always jump right into my mind.

    I had to look that one up too, TLA = three letter acronym

    go figure

    energy cat.jpg


    Seems like SMH was being used a lot at the club where I hang out and I didn't know what it meant for months, I would make stuff up in my head that I thought kinda went in context, but never really hit on anything that worked from context to context, and that was months ago so of course I can't remember now what I thought at the time.  But I remember fessing up when I finally learned what it did mean and we all had a great big laugh over it.  There was much shaking of heads.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Gatogateau said:

    Some people really don't have anything  I want to read. Anything. At all. Irrelevant. But we all know you're nicer than I am, Kali. My BS meter is set too low for people who have proven themselves to be annoying gnats time and time again. I've never learned to suffer fools gladly or otherwise, and I'm not sure why we are supposed to suffer them. 

    greengreengrass | a meditation on the good things in life, from a natural cynic

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  7. 40 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

    I'm sorry, but the misanthrope in me read your sincere reply and laughed. I tried not to, honest. All I could think of was the saying, "And how's that working out for you?" Like you I believe that facts, logic, education and information plainly given *can* make a difference. People have to *want* to change, though, and not everyone is a customer, so to speak. There are a lot of people entrenched in their views, validly or not, and as much as I might want to move a 14-ton boulder out of my property by pushing on it, no matter how hard I try that boulder ain't budging. Of course I know you know all of that. As I was pretty sure I knew what your answer to my question would be (not verbatim, but the gist).  Carry on! Maybe that boulder will move... (said more wistfully & not snarky)

    oops there goes another rubber tree plant

    Oops! There Goes Another Rubber-tree Plant! Drawing by Victoria Roberts

    • Haha 2
  8. 1 hour ago, Gatogateau said:

    /me just stares at the screen with mouth hanging open and then starts kinda laughing


    How the heck...?

    What the heck...?

    I couldn't be further from a black woman. I was born in a very white area, of a very white middle America, of a very white middle class, of ... yeah. Pretty much a poster child for something.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that (gah, I can't believe I just wrote that), but I can't imagine what I could have said that would have... OHhhhhh. When I started back on this forum I was still in my black avatar! I'll bet that's what did it.

    Last year, when I turned 10 in SL, I decided to do a major change. For 10 years I had been much like my RL self, pale, green eyes, brunette kind of sweet but wussy looking, ya know. What could be more different? A strong black woman. So I made one, based on a bunch of photos that drew my attention. I love her look. Love it. And I never felt comfortable in "her" skin (I was still me, I didn't "act black" whatever that would mean.) She just gave off an air of... competence and self-assurance that I simply lack! Since I really identify with my avatar, I had to go back to the wussy pale girl with self-esteem issues. I did and I feel better (??!?). Some people can change avatars freely, I can't.

    Early on in this thread was the conversation about "wearing" a black avatar if you're white in RL as support for what is going on now, the consensus was it wouldn't be quite right. I sure feel like the answer to that is "No" and I won't be doing it.

    But this is probably how you first got to know me. This was my avatar picture for quite a while. Have you not noticed changes? My flickr? & sorry to have disappointed you. ? ♥



    This must have been before I came back to the forums.  Very beautiful avatar. 

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  9. 5 hours ago, Clover Jinx said:

    Rhonda accepted a promise ring from me today. There's a long road ahead but we're taking it together, one day at a time.


    I thought the two of you had been partnered forever and a day by now, but I'm really happy to hear you are promised together too, and that picture is just beautiful!

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  10. 1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Prior to the last few weeks, I had only ever put a few people on ignore for short time periods mostly as a time-out for me from them so that I would stop engaging.

    The last few weeks got a bit too contentious, more so than usual around here -- at least, IMO.

    I popped a few on ignore for my own sanity.  I've been doing okay at just skimming past most posts that quote those people.  I have been debating with myself if I'm ready to go back to my normal forum processing and thus eliminate my ignore list.  

    that's how I do it too.  When things calm down I go back in and delete all the ignoreds.

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