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Mickey Vandeverre

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Everything posted by Mickey Vandeverre

  1. I understand for a while I had a copy of the last notice that I received, and it was on this laptop which was purchased in April I think. must have deleted it. So it would have been after March or April.
  2. holy cow...that explains a lot. was not aware of that...thought it would be a clear violation issue. thank you for that info!
  3. Thanks Venus - a little confused. a post would be pulled if it did not violate community guidelines? in the past, a copy of the post was attached so that we knew which one was removed, and it was sent in email.
  4. I'm not receiving notices that a post has been pulled. I always received them in the past, and you have the same email and the proper email as you just sent me a bill yesterday for premium account renewal and as I get IMs from inworld and marketplace sale notifications daily and hourly. I had PMs turned off, but that never effected the post removal notifications. I always received them until the last month or so. I have turned on PMs in case you have changed your methods. Please advise on how to correct the email glitch. thank you.
  5. Thanks, Dresden. You can copy and paste those questions for another thread, or I can insert them. thought best that I do not start a thread.
  6. "I think it is fine to discuss how we can make communication better here on the forums. I do see your point and maybe we can be more lenient on pulling whole threads. We will work on this. Thanks for the feedback!" this is my feedback expressed more clearly: I am not receiving notices that posts are being pulled, and saw comments from others in another thread that they are not receiving them either. has this changed? or is that a glitch in the notification system concerning just a few individuals. if the latter....how shall we report this. with notification....we are sometimes able to go directly back to the thread in a timely fashion and try to determine what happened. we can also rephrase our thoughts if we were responding directly to someone, rather than leave them hanging with no response. I find this particular aspect crucial in the merchants forum where some of those discussions may or may not impact marketplace features. someone mentioned in another thread that we may contact a moderator and ask why a particular post was removed. is this true? do you encourage this...or is it frowned upon. and how do we know which moderator to contact if we were not sent a notification as to who removed it. if we feel as though our thoughts are continually being tagged in an abusive style fashion, with no clear reason as to which guideline they did not adhere to....what would be the process to address that. I do not think that contacting an individual with an IM will solve it, but rather make it worse. In order to limit the above...simply knowing whether a moderator pulled the thought immediately without a flag from another customer...that would nip speculation of abuse in the bud. a simple statement on notification saying "the moderator has determined this post unacceptable" or "this post has been flagged, and the moderator determines this post unacceptable"....like that. I believe that everyone should have the right to request that their thread be removed if they are uncomfortable with the outcome or if they have a change of heart on information provided. Others will have a different opinion. if you believe that a poster should have the right to that request.....then perhaps a tag that says "removed by moderator" or "removed by OP request" would distinguish. Although that sets the OP up for possible harassment by others...it might eliminate confusion or extensive discussion on "why" an entire thread was pulled, and might possibly reduce the frustration levels. thank you. eta: also - trying to contact a moderator now with a question...and am not clear on how to do that. I think that my private messaging system has always been turned off. if that is enabled...will an option appear?
  7. The angst from another thread was displayed in OP. Pamela got her issue resolved. I stated that I do not understand. and I will not get an issue resolved. in a nutshell.
  8. What I "get" right now.... is that Pamela Galli is flat out stating that I am disrespectful to mods.... after posting a thread that calls them... let me grab that phrase..... your quote: "That comes across as excessively totalitarian censorship, which will choke the life out of a forum as quickly as weak moderation."
  9. I see... and you "think" that you determine what is offensive and what is not. and you "think" that it's all pretty clear....yet was not clear during OP. so....the fact that my first post got removed and your thread stayed.... everyone is pretty clear on that now? you "think?" eta: this is a response to a post that was edited. the sentence I was responding to is no longer there.
  10. I do realize that you have been granted permission to post as you please.... but did not realize that you spoke for MOST of the people. how many would that be....specifically?
  11. If it's pretty clear....then why is this thread sitting here.
  12. I'm sorry I have to give personal example. I cannot speak for others. They have to supply their own example (at risk) of how the moderation process does not seem be handled fairly. I can only come up with one reason why my first post in this thread was removed.....and that would be that it questioned the moderation process or found fault with it. It really did not do that....it spelled out specifically what NOT to do. the reason I gave for it being removed was sarcasm...meaning that we are supposed to be left in dark. If that post was removed....why not the OP removed....it questioned process far more than I did. If a moderator removes a post....they have to think in their head "why" they are removing it....simply press a button that attaches that reason to notification....and we can see clearly. possibly. I am not getting notifications of removals at all. To blatantly pick and choose "who" you cater to or give preferential treatment to, in this forum....even within ONE thread no less....is just asking for difficulties. When I see this go on in forum....I translate it to what goes on inworld, and why I have had such difficulty with customer service. Same philosophy. Some have voices. Some get heard. Some get taken care of. Some do not. I don't have to put up with this level of customer care in forum, can simply say to hell with it...but this is a base...and do have to put up with it inworld....and it ain't workin'. Don't really see this forum workin' too great either. A dozen people ruling the roost and controlling discussion, with several other dozen saying WTF every other day..... isn't all that great of a marketing splash. IMHO
  13. NO...I did not participate in a "slugfest." "emotional baggage" is going a bit too far. seems like matter of fact sentences to me. I have left that baiting alone for almost a year. That method did not work. I'm calling it out now....and if my posts keep getting deleted I do not care. as far as making a "Federal Case"....YOU were the one who asked for clarification.
  14. "deteriorate into a slugfest" "without having to slog" "flame wars in progress" "stepping into a minefield" "offending posts" add violating the questioning the moderation guideline....although that seems to have been waived for this thread. this thread came shortly after a specific thread was removed....and I'm not aware of any other threads being removed. OP opinion was clear in that thread....so those who had a different opinion are probably identified with those phrases....and last time I read that thread before removal, those phrases actually applied to those people with opinions similar to OP....so I view it as a personal judgment call that is out of line and directed and baited toward particular posters in that thread. plus (personally) there is a year long history of similar behavior. that breaks a guideline....and add spam for advertising. appears to be 4 guidelines broken to me. I did not flag it because I do not feel like playing games and just assumed that it would be removed anyway. I do agree with the concept that an entire thread should not be removed, as I had left posts in the thread she is talking about and have no idea why the thread was removed, but was not able to follow it overnight. but I don't like to be baited as above. and OP idea of offending is probably entirely different than mine, and perhaps way off course in general. eta: even the title...."How about not pulling a whole thread"....could be judged as combative in some instances.
  15. Ralph! you are coming around....seems like just yesterday that you were blaming the demise of SL on Freebies.
  16. awwww shucks. sending a Virtual Polyester Care Bear your way.
  17. yeah, in a nutshell....they will mold and shape it for marketing purposes. reminds me of when I watch the social media "experts" list tip after tip on their blogs to instruct people on how to "be" on twitter.....for their "audience." very similar process, that molding and shaping. but always regarded the virtual world as a break from that....kind of a last bastion sort of thing. pretty soon we will all be molded and shaped to the same ideal on the Internet....and everything will be hunky-dory. make sure you hit your "Like" button a few times today. Don't let the troops down.
  18. in case you didn't catch my post - no apology necessary.
  19. ok - thanks for clarifying. was under impression as Kurt, that there would need to be a single folder for each item, and had begun process of unpacking all the boxed sets, so that there was a folder for each....and that's when it started getting scary.
  20. going through my own messed up inventory and a bit concerned about a few things. in effect...stuff will be pulled directly from what I consider a very private stash. was way more comfortable knowing a box from another tool was being delivered, rather than a hand slipping into my personal stash. assume that you better not have any other folders labeled the same as that title on the marketplace listing (that's how it works?) - - because I do. many folders labeled the same, but with different items in them. and looking at them now....some stuff accidently got slipped into those folders. some of it was full perm stuff and some pics here and there. people better make sure they do not EVER slide a pic or a full perm item or this and that into the wrong folder....if I'm understanding this correctly....and may not be. but a bit worried about all those people that never get a heads up that something is coming. well, maybe they get a heads up....maybe not. do you suppose there will be a button that you have to click to move on and activate this feature? or will it be automatically activated?
  21. I don't understand. This thread is an obvious attempt at baiting. There are at least 5 phrases in the OP that by any Internet standards are considered baiting/flaming phrases.
  22. Very Interesting. on this "we" and "they" thing.... is there a chart somewhere? on this "we the forumites" thing.... is there a roleplay group for that too? "who" exactly built the forum? you mean the ones who "stick around".....? does that mean that you are required to be here all day to participate? or once a week? you got a chart for that requirement? "our" taste..... and whose taste might that be? would that be the "we" or the "they" group?
  23. seems to be some extra nuances and subtleties that are not quite spelled out. but this OP breaks more "guidelines" than the post that got removed.
  24. Don't have the energy for this anymore. (maybe that's what they're counting on)....but 3 things: 1) Pics worked fine as a determiner. 2) the GO feature was invaluable for a shopper, and saw that the very first week it went into effect. 3) Product labeling, amount of real product and product set to sale is invaluable. It is what it is....now. Not much.
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