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Mickey Vandeverre

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Everything posted by Mickey Vandeverre

  1. well...not clear on what the options are. was told in another thread basically not to question the moderators, not to derail....and to play the game. tried that...and it ended up worse. there is a third option? eta: I have not flagged any posts in this thread....and will not. I tried that yesterday, simply to see if it would eliminate a problem. evidently it does not.
  2. I have put up with this particular person's repeated badgering and rantings for over a year now....as have others. Rarely have I flagged posts over the years. I will start flagging now in order to play the game. By responding over and over again to people who abuse the system....and ignoring others' questions....it sends a message.
  3. This is a copy of the feedback and questions that are sitting in another thread. beginning with your quote in that thread: "I think it is fine to discuss how we can make communication better here on the forums. I do see your point and maybe we can be more lenient on pulling whole threads. We will work on this. Thanks for the feedback!" this is my feedback expressed more clearly: I am not receiving notices that posts are being pulled, and saw comments from others in another thread that they are not receiving them either. has this changed? or is that a glitch in the notification system concerning just a few individuals. if the latter....how shall we report this. with notification....we are sometimes able to go directly back to the thread in a timely fashion and try to determine what happened. we can also rephrase our thoughts if we were responding directly to someone, rather than leave them hanging with no response. I find this particular aspect crucial in the merchants forum where some of those discussions may or may not impact marketplace features. someone mentioned in another thread that we may contact a moderator and ask why a particular post was removed. is this true? do you encourage this...or is it frowned upon. and how do we know which moderator to contact if we were not sent a notification as to who removed it. if we feel as though our thoughts are continually being tagged in an abusive style fashion, with no clear reason as to which guideline they did not adhere to....what would be the process to address that. I do not think that contacting an individual with an IM will solve it, but rather make it worse. In order to limit the above...simply knowing whether a moderator pulled the thought immediately without a flag from another customer...that would nip speculation of abuse in the bud. a simple statement on notification saying "the moderator has determined this post unacceptable" or "this post has been flagged, and the moderator determines this post unacceptable"....like that. I believe that everyone should have the right to request that their thread be removed if they are uncomfortable with the outcome or if they have a change of heart on information provided. Others will have a different opinion. if you believe that a poster should have the right to that request.....then perhaps a tag that says "removed by moderator" or "removed by OP request" would distinguish. Although that sets the OP up for possible harassment by others...it might eliminate confusion or extensive discussion on "why" an entire thread was pulled, and might possibly reduce the frustration levels. thank you. eta: also - trying to contact a moderator now with a question...and am not clear on how to do that. I think that my private messaging system has always been turned off. if that is enabled...will an option appear? ------------------------------------------------- Those questions went unanswered while you answered questions in another thread...that "assumed" wrongly what I was actually asking. You answered his questions....that were not even addressing correctly what I was asking with all the info. I made a new thread with the correct info....as it was implied that I derail threads. His thread was wrapped up...it did not have the specifics from the horse's mouth. I chose not to "derail" it....and made my own thread with the specifics accurately. I don't have access to the original wording. It went something like this: I am no longer receiving emails that a post has been pulled, as I did in the past. My email is current and proper...as you just sent me a renewal notice for premium membership yesterday, and as I receive marketplace notices and IMs from inworld hourly. (adding here - and I am receiving post notices from this thread) I asked if your mode of communication on that has changed....and I figured out how to reactivate PMs....and yes, received a PM on a thread removal...so I have it under control now. Venus clarified some points on what may or may not get pulled now and what we may or may not get notification on. I communicated with Venus and ignored the Yahoo. Then The Yahoo started pulling a hissy fit....so I addressed him politely to get him out of the thread. I told him that I would prefer to ask the question myself, with all the details spelled out correctly....and he continued to badger. I was repeatedly polite to him. Then he became UNGLUED. I flagged his Unglued posts. And this morning the entire thread was gone.
  4. my tone was fine in that thread. I cleaned it up to "play the game."
  5. I was sort of jiving with you but jive talk not allowed. no yiddish or pig latin allowed I'll even step it up a notch and try not to say "ain't" too many times, and go easy on the southern speak. maybe even throw in some big words. but it must stay on topic. or it will get removed....like the very simple question thread was removed. dang...wish I had kept a copy of that entire thread.
  6. My questions are already sitting here. You ignored them...while you catered to forum abusers. NO - you do not treat people fairly.... and you are not even subtle about it. My report will be presented elsewhere. Of all the crazy stuff that LL throws to the merchants on any given day.....survive it all. But this is Last Straw. You dissed a long term customer. Big Time.
  7. I don't feel like looking up the word "castigated" if you have something on your mind, spell it out normally
  8. thanks Venus, but I work during the day, and can't attend a meeting. and I think that I shall send the sequence of events to another party.
  9. Ya'll are cool but bottom line is.... it's their forum. my bottom line is.... you take away every single thing that made the virtual world special....and that list is getting really short in my book..... having a voice and participating with others without being harassed and badgered and hounded and called a bigot??? they take that away.... I'm outta here
  10. dang...wish I would have kept copies of everything. kinda screwed on that. but I AM going to formulate the sequence the best I can. and it's nonsense.
  11. no, actually I'm not. but have had serious stalkers before.....and know what the signs are.
  12. I was informed. Because it went off topic and was derailed. The Yahoo was the one who did that. I repeatedly asked him in a round-about way to get lost.
  13. Knowl....let me explain.... they are removing my stuff....whole threads.... I did not break any rules...in fact, put up with a badgering idiot..... they kept his thread open... and mine was removed. it DOES NOT MATTER if you follow the rules or not.
  14. Hey Dartagan! I followed the rules. He went nutz in my thread. He needs to be removed. If they punish me for following all the rules ..... then I'm damn sure gonna break them.
  15. I reported inappropriate conduct on that "customer" all day long...post after post....after he badgered me continually with the most far-fetched stuff I've ever heard from out of the blue-who-knows-where he came up with that stuff. He posted that in my thread - it was public.
  16. Excuse me.... But I have played by ALL THE RULES..... and my stuff still gets pulled. I DO NOT CARE. They are catering to a dozen people who are manipulative.. Two of them have practically stalked me for a solid year, to the point that it is downright scary. If that's the type of person that they cater to in forum..... it's a representation of what they want inworld. that's not the virtual world that I arrived in several years ago.
  17. There is no sense in spending precious time from your life mixed in with a bunch of goons with issues that drown out at least a halfway centered individual's voice. If they want to market SL as a haven for those who cannot cope in the normal world all day.... Fine.... they certainly have it represented right here.
  18. I don't care. I do not enter the virtual world in order to be manipulated by people with serious issues. If that's what they want to portray and market with this forum.... I'll simply watch and record. But that ain't good marketing.
  19. ahh! thanks for the reminder....better go make a copy of the other thread! Holy cow....this forum has had some serious stupid spells....but this one takes the cake.
  20. And to top it all off...that thread was removed just after another thread (which I was pushed out of).....decided that they would not pull whole threads..... I am going to blog this whole series..... you bet your ass on that.
  21. I'm not happy about that thread with a simple question being pulled this morning. All I wanted to know was why I was not getting email notifications for pulled posts. There was nothing wrong with the phrasing of the question. I followed every single freakin' rule. Some yahoo that has way too much time on his hands butted in and started raging in the thread. I am not here in this forum to babysit This Yahoo all day - and I'll be damned if he follows me around like a lost puppy on a Dr. Phil show that needs 24 hour care. I'm not the one. Plenty people here can take on that role. I don't have a copy of the simple question. But I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to formulate the sequence of events the best I can - - then send a letter to The Man. And then I'm going to blog my ass off about it. Their moderators are catering to people with serious "issues" I do have a copy of The Yahoo's last response - all I asked long after he had wrecked my simple question thread.....was what doe "kvetch" mean. And then he starts calling us all bigots: Y'know .. I didn't live around a lot of other nationalities growing up either. But I knew the definition of "kvetch" very early on anyway. I learned to read, listen, ask questions and study to expand my knowledge. I learned to accept differences among people and respect their own influences and societies as part of what made them interesting and valuable. I didn't look at them as "different is bad", I looked at them as "different is an opportunity to learn more and grow more." There are a number of other voices in this thread that have made it their mantra to exclude others because they are different. In fact, their "grande debut" to the Lithium Forums was to create an exclusive, bigoted and "insular core" that treated others as less than worthy because of some very superficial and ultimately racist criteria. And now those same people are attempting to insult or demean me for trying to help you out. They've even decided to twist history in the mistaken belief that people have forgotten what they really said .. and what I really stand for. There were a lot of ways this could have gone Mickey. I chose a path that would spare your dignity and still get you to a solution that made you feel less persecuted and less ignored. I tried to make you "whole" again while not making you publicly say the words "it was my fault .. sorry folks". And for that effort, I have been attacked, called pompous and targeted as the next "victim" in the long line of crushed souls and hurt feelings those same people rack up daily. Of course the problem is .. I am neither crushed nor hurt .. nor even minutely upset .. except for one thing. I am disappointed that you would turn your anger on me for aiding you, even behind the scenes aid, without asking so much as a thank you from you in repayment. Had you just let it be, no one would ever have been the wiser, you could have just enabled your PMs and kept the whole thing as just another of those moments we humans all encounter once in a while. I've lent you a hand many times. Some you knew and some you didn't .. and never once did I expect anything in return other than a polite thank you (for those times when it was obvious. When it was hidden, I expected nothing at all.) And yet somehow my having respect for your feelings, caring and paying attention to what you felt, how you felt and what you wanted to portray about yourself .. somehow those turned around inside your mind to insults and attacks against you. I am disappointed Mickey that you think so little of others that even an earnest show of basic human decency becomes an evil thing that must be removed from your world. That outlook on life will not ever bring you happiness or satisfaction .. ever. It will handicap you with the need to protect everything from everyone and result in a life of isolation and heartache. So really, I am disappointed that the one thing you most need in this life .. a peace in your soul that lets you accept a hand of friendship .. is the one thing you will reject at every turn. And I will still help you out whenever I can Mickey .. no matter what. --------------------------- That's insanity. if that's what this forum is for.... double insanity
  22. I would prefer to ask the question with specific details as they apply without going through a middleman. if you don't mind. please do not PM me.
  23. when details are left out, I would prefer the opportunity and ability to ask the question specifically without the possible appearance of derailing a thread, as it appeared happened in the last thread where I attached other questions, and it was pointed out that they were already answered.
  24. I added more specifics concerning email since it is actually happening (or not happening) to me personally, and you were asking on behalf of others without the specific details. did not want to derail a thread that looked like it was wrapped up. if you don't mind...started a thread with the specific details.
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