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Mickey Vandeverre

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Everything posted by Mickey Vandeverre

  1. It appears that the algorithms used to determine relevance are still off or have been switched to use different determining factors. over a week now. Will this be explained? are you in the middle of tweaking? are these factors secret? is it permanent? it used to update overnight....is it behind? is it smart? I've got a 950 set that has sold enough times in the last week that it should not be listed under 25L merchandise that has sold only a few times. in the past, it would be sitting at number one slot right now. will assume this is being carried out across the board, and not just in store page. doesn't seem smart. if it's permanent, would be nice to know....as this would mean an entirely different approach we need to use on promotion and listing enhancements.
  2. hmmm....interesting..... seemed like my world tonight..... see that little speck in the sky? really nice couple up there flying around, and they came down to the patio to do some planking! fun
  3. It means something new almost every day, Venus! I do stuff in SL that I can't do in physical world. Last week....wanted to be in the food truck race on the food channel, but just not up to speed yet...so set it up inworld, and good to go! Today....it's Planking. All the twitter folks have been posting their pics all month and felt left out. Got it goin' on today! Don't really get to chat with Hefner much anymore, since the huge break-up - he's still bent and hiding out..... but had a great chat with SL's Infamous Heff this morning about his next project. Last week sneaked into his bachelor pad and tapped into his computer system, so he had to come clean about what's up. something new and exciting every week.
  4. lol - good job, Peewee! gotta admit....the adrenaline rush just was not there on the Owling.... going to stick with Planking. reading the news articles and owling seems to be a replacement for the dangers of planking... but sticking with the danger.
  5. Planking is where it's at.... Get Hip. eta: kinda embarassed....was just informed via twitter that planking is yesterday's news, and Owling is hip now. Owling Planking would be the ultimate - will try that tomorrow
  6. If you don't get that back to normal, you might try Planking as a new hobby. much safer in SL.
  7. Blot Brickworks made that - and makes a ton of cool stuff. have a cotton candy making machine too. love watching the race on the food channel - it just started last week. my money is on the Lime Green truck. those guys have gumption! they blew it away last weekend.
  8. Lucky you - landlocked on my end, so not the best fish....unless you go to Red Lobster. have to go fix dinner now....but will be back with more pics! see you later - enjoy your afternoon
  9. my pool in SL is not quite finished yet - hoping to work on that tonight had to try out the water colors and styles a bit to get perfect one. but I'll assume you're talking about a real pool!
  10. Cool! sounds like you have a great weekend planned. I've got food to share too - just recently got a fish and chips food van - (and just recently figured out that it's super easy to inser a pic) hoping that soon we will have a great food truck race here in SL...like the one on the food channel, because I'm not qualified for the food channel one.....just yet. Crepes are my specialty, but need to refine those a bit before entering the food channel race. help yourself
  11. ooops..... was tracing back a few pages to say hi to Venus - she was here earlier, and can't find her. but found a post where you said something about "everyone in this thread"..... is this a private thread? was really confusing earlier when I tried to respond and say hi and couldn't, but Keli said it was locked then.
  12. Hi Bandito! be sure to pull up your SL profile online and add all those interests to it. Also, you can use that as your social networking tool within SL once you start adding friends. tons of SL people using twitter now, too....and a bit easier there to concentrate on specific interests using the hashtag searches. twitter seems to be preferred choice over facebook - and a lot of people are using Plurk too. do you know how to do that?
  13. good grief! that is tiny! ok...well it felt weird to try to respond and no response button, so maybe heads up to someone new trying to make friends...that it wasn't a private thread. gosh, having a "making friends" thread locked doesn't look super inviting....does it? but can't really ask about that. against rules. just observation. thanks, Keli
  14. yes - that was the one. interesting....don't really see an indication that it's locked. people were just now responding there today.
  15. Hi! was getting ready to say Hi to a few people in a making friends thread, and there is no reply button on any of the posts. are some of these private? I'm logged in...so maybe you have to ask permission? thanks for info.
  16. yeah...will keep main store, but it's on a really small parcel. added very slowly over the years, but always kept the parcels separate in case some had to be turned in. was kind of a bummer all those years not having estate rights to the entire sim....and the estate owner was really cool and offered me that option a few weeks ago to try to work with me. but the environment just did not look good, so turned a few in and passed on that deal. plus, who knows how long we're going to be out of business when the direct delivery goes into place. it's been HUGE relief not having to pay for an entire sim last few weeks. although the separate parcel thing may not score you well enough in an inworld search now (I really don't know right this minute - but in past there was a time when the separate parcels were punishment).... but might be the way to go for someone now if they see uncertainties. just add and subtract as you can and make sure you give out only one LM to main store...and hang on to that location. I messed up and put several LMs into the boxes that would take them to other parts of the store ....which will be the parcels being removed now.
  17. read additional part of your response... all I know...was told that this thread went off topic and did not meet guidelines. not really sure what part did not meet guidelines as there is a fairly similar thread that got a direct answer from you. I am receiving PMs and that question is answered. thank you for response....but others have questions. asking the questions seems to be against the guidelines based on your actions.
  18. I appreciate you replacing it. not sure what good that does now, since you've got my other thread sitting there breaking every rule in the guidelines. up to you what you want to do on that. expected it to get pulled within 5 minutes. but people commented and took time for thoughts. also....appears that someone got a post pulled from the thread-that-breaks-every-single-guideline, This Forum is a Crock thread....and that's not fair, unless he removed it himself. if the original post breaks the guidelines...not really fair to pull a post within. inconsistencies and frustrations...kinda hard to clean it up and even it all out for everyone now. not sure what to say about that.
  19. I'm going to turn in another piece next week, VonG. It's not related to the price of things on marketplace at all though. It's related to the inworld search constantly being flipped upside down, and it's related to how I view the direction of the virtual world venue going, and related to how I see a new user experiencing that first few hours. Did fair amount of research on that. Yeah...playing around with the search again, might be a fairly easy thing to do...maybe just a few hours of time...but the entire year proved to be a colossal waste on that, and not risking any more time on it. Was fortunate in fact that parcels were purchased piece by piece. Have to say....very liberating, and a ton of pressure off back when I turned in some pieces last week. I made a new avatar to open a new business...since they make it difficult to add a separate product line within your store (not waiting around on that) Chose a pretty blonde avatar that would actually be just fine and dandy without any new skin or clothing, no cost....and this is one hour into experience at welcome center doesn't look very EXCITING to me....even knowing what is around the corner and what I had lined up.... and haven't logged that one in since then. probably have to spend a few hours in tech forum to figure out how to get her skin and clothes going.... and the whole experience of meeting a ton of new people at the welcome center.... well look at it. You be the Judge.
  20. If your thread gets removed for a derail.... then the flagging might offset that. but it did not in this case. just found that removal of the thread to be a blatant back-tracking on what they said they would work on. I mean right on the same day! if they want to appear not to play favorites....that blew it. if that thread were still here today... would have kept mouth shut and continued to play the game as they wish. maybe. deal is....if you can't even get by with playing their game.... the other option is leaving it alone entirely. but personally need to have access to merchants forum...so the same voices that control in general area...do not control outcomes there. I don't care too much for your voice some days (as you well know)....but they take that away...they take away all the others, and they just ditched the virtual world for what it is....and replaced it with a Pollyanna Farmville that Breeds on Fake BS. might as well just plug the whole thing into Facebook and Google+ and get it over with.
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