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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Then it would make sense that you chose not to attend Luna's event. Those who did chose to. You are in the fortunate position of being able to choose NOT to. An optional Pride event that you must proactively decide to attend is not "throwing" anything in your face. Ignore it, and leave them be.
  2. I don't think it's a question of letting it "ruin" your day. As I understand it, Luna organized an event that was actually up-front advertised as being related to, and advocating for, Pride. And one of the people who chose to attend, who knew, or certainly should have known this, announced publicly that she found "gay" icky. Maybe I'm missing something, but this isn't a case of someone being unexpectedly "ambushed" by a "political" subtext. This is someone who deliberately went to an event about something with which they disagreed, and then proceeded to make a point of expressing their disagreement. And that is deliberately disruptive and provocative.
  3. This is very evocative, Maddy. Happy Father's Day. To both of us.
  4. I liked posts with which I agreed. Are you suggesting that doing so is in itself provocative and an instigation? Most of what I might have to say here has already been said by others, probably better than I might have said it. I have not much to add. It's important that it BE said, but I recognize the law of diminishing returns in such instances, and there's a point at which these discussions become little more than an opportunity for the publication of RL screeds under the guise of a discussion of SL culture.
  5. And this thread has wandered off on predictable ways . . .
  6. I didn't sadly, largely because my computer was having fits. (I crashed at one point!) It's too bad, because I'd have loved to document the event. Fortunately, a few people did take some shots!
  7. I think you're misreading what Luna said. My understanding is that she did no such thing, but that the person who objected was arguing that "what people do in bed" (i.e., "be gay," as though that was all that defined one's sexual orientation) icks her out. I highly doubt Luna was providing a blow-by-blow of someone's imagined sexual escapades. If any of the exhibitors wants to send me a notecard with such details, I'll happily post it next to their pic! (But blanking out the non-G rated language, of course.)
  8. I find that even relatively minute changes to, for instance, the direction of sun can make an enormous difference in terms to tone, the balance of light/dark, contrast and saturation, etc. It's both the power, and frustration, of EEP that you can do so much with it -- frustration because it's not necessarily intuitive, and one ends up spending huge amounts of time experimenting to get it "right." As I'm quite sure I don't need to tell you! It's also why the rather slapdash approach that LL has taken to EEP in the context of PBR really annoys me. Because PBR changes EEP a lot, and we all, as a result, now have a library full of EEP settings that honestly don't look very good anymore. Eventually I have to sit down and spend some serious time producing a new selection of basic EEPs that I like for PBR, but I'm honestly dreading it, so I'm putting it off.
  9. Yet another beach shot! (There is a method to my beach madness, I promise.) I did muck around a bit with the lighting on this one.
  10. And YOU were the Belle of the Ball. I wish I'd had a Linden for every time someone fangirled (and probably fanboyed too) on you in local. Basically, I'm going to have to start paying you to come to all of my events in the future, just to boost attendance!
  11. This looks like a still from a mobster film ... or an Ocean's 11 ripoff. Nice shot, anyway!
  12. No one's going to cavil at that, Sandor. Thanks for posting the lovely pics of the events! I wish my computer hadn't been so cranky; I'd have liked to have got some pics too.
  13. Awww. Yeah, I saw you pop in Bill, and even said hi, but when I next looked you were gone! I'm sorry your computer was giving you such a hard time! But thank you for coming by, even if it was only for a few minutes!
  14. Pretty much exactly that. And then remembering someone 2 hours later, and send off another. And I actually apologized to a few people i was afraid I'd spammed. God I'm hopeless. Anyway, I think it was worthwhile. I know I had fun anyway!
  15. Damn. Cinn, I'm sorry! And to anyone else I missed too! Thank you for crashing it! I'd have felt much worse if I thought you hadn't come because you weren't invited. ☹️
  16. I totally understand, and you are excused (this time)! I'll also make sure that you and Dyna get more advanced notice of it next time. It really would be nice to see you both out for one these things. You are integral to our little family here. (Even if it is occasionally in the role of indulgent or annoyed Nanny!)
  17. No need! You had me worried for a minute though. I am sorry you didn't make it! Compiling a list of invitees was complicated, and it focused on people in the Vanity thread, so I DO know that I missed people. And I was adding new invitations right up to and including the event. I'd meant to get Quartz and Dyna yesterday, for instance, and forgot, so theirs came very late. Next time I'll manage this better I hope.
  18. You should have an invite in your inventory that will have the LM! I'm sorry you couldn't make the get together!
  19. Wear what you want! This thing is literally about self-expression (within the limits of the fact that it's a G rated region of course!)
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