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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Can you be more specific? I'm not at all doubting you, but I'd like to hear what worries people about this.
  2. That I think is the principle. It's not a bad idea, actually -- if it's only accessing your public info (i.e., the stuff on your profile). As it doesn't require you to use your SL password, I don't see how it could access anything else.
  3. Fair! I have mixed feelings about social media platforms, and avoid some of them -- namely anything having to do with Meta -- like the plague.
  4. Paranoia ain't always a bad thing. Your profile pic is public, though, so I'm not at all surprised it can access it.
  5. Wow. My sympathies on your unexpected virtual demise!!! That's weird; it worked fine for me. Are you hidden from search, maybe?
  6. Oh, you need that. It's REALLY useful! I've tested the PBR viewer in Beta, so I'm ready to make the leap I think. If I find it annoying, I'll backtrack.
  7. @Ayashe Ninetails @Sid@Zalificent Corvinus You do NOT need to use your SL password. -- just your user name. If you want, you don't need to use a password at all, in which case you need to login with the code they send you in-world. OR you can create a unique password, not your SL one, to login. I can confirm this, having just done so.
  8. Yes, this is a feature about which I have some reservations as well, although it should be noted that the creator, Luke Rowley, is not new to this, and has already created and is running two well-liked SL-related platforms. And although you DO need to use your SL account name (which I think is to ensure that only residents can use the platform), you do not need to use your SL password, nor do I think the platform would have any way of accessing this or any other personal account info. Still, I understand your caution.
  9. Thanks Sid, although I doubt the discussion about it here is going to get the thread locked. Your thread is good, but you've focused on one issue only. And maybe that's the one that will garner the most attention? I don't know! In any case, we can stop talking about it here.
  10. So, PrimFeed has launched today, to much ballyhoo and excitement! https://www.primfeed.com/ It's a platform that is dedicated to SL users (only), is closely integrated with your SL account, and permits the posting of photos as well as including a Twitter-like social media feed. The service is tiered, with both free and paid accounts. Inara has written up a detailed account of it here: https://modemworld.me/2024/06/20/primfeed-a-dedicated-social-platform-for-second-life/ Have you tried it? Are you interested in trying it, if you haven't? What are your impressions or experiences of it? What are it's pros and cons? What, if any, concerns might you have about it?
  11. Yes, and it's been interesting. But not from users of the platform! Of which there are, if what I'm seeing on Twitter is an indication, a fair number already.
  12. So, it looks as though the new PBR-compliant FS is dropping today?
  13. So it looks as though Quartz and Dyna aren't around at the moment. /me glances around the forum. WOOT! HAVE AT IT, FORUMITES! GO WILD!!!
  14. Yes, this. And this. And the premium service is not cheap. I'll try it out on a free account, just to get a sense of it, but I'm iffy.
  15. He DOES have a track record with some existing platforms that are similarly integrated to SL. I am reasonably confident he's not a scammer. BUT, yeah, I'm a bit with you and @Ayashe Ninetails on this -- close integration with SL is one of the things I don't like about it.
  16. No, I'd like to hear about people's impressions and experiences of it. I'd like to know what works well, and what doesn't. And what, if any, reservations people might have about it.
  17. Yes, I think so. But I don't think a Twitter or Facebook thread here would fly, even though LL posts on those too.
  18. Both Flickr and Twitter are certainly problematic. On the other hand, one of the things I like about both of those platforms is precisely that they are not encased in an SL bubble. I like that I can follow RL photographers on Flickr (and a few even follow me), and I certainly value the window that Twitter gives me on the wider world (the toxicity notwithstanding). I find it odd, though, to hear SL Flickr users complain when they get faves from people not in SL, or see non-SL pics on their feed. And it's also true that some RL photographers actively avoid SL posters. I'd kind of like to break that barrier down, myself.
  19. Agreed, and tbh I'm holding back a bit at first too. However, the creator is the author of a couple of fairly popular SL-oriented services already, that serve the blogging community, so he has a reasonably good track record. And I presume LL wouldn't be including it in their community list if they weren't fairly sure he was legit. Caution is not a bad thing, however.
  20. We'll see -- if Soft is tweeting about it, and it's on the SL community resources pages, then maybe it's "official" enough? Oh, and congrats on breaching the 1000th page of the thread! Woot you!
  21. A brand new online social media platform that is specifically designed for SL users, and that is focused on photography and blogging, but has a Twitter-like element as well. https://modemworld.me/2024/06/20/primfeed-a-dedicated-social-platform-for-second-life/ Oh! Soft Linden has just noted in a Tweet that PrimFeed is now on LL's official list of social media platforms. And it is! https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Community_Resources_Portal
  22. So, Primfeed launches. I am going to guess that we'd not be permitted to open a thread on that? Even though it's a dedicated SL service, it's not LL. @Quartz Mole? @Dyna Mole?
  23. Oh, sorry! I certainly wasn't implying that you were. I think we've all inadvertently left ourselves standing or hovering somewhere at one time or another. My griefer was on SLRR land, which adjoins my parcel. It seemed odd to me when I first saw him there that he was just off the parcel, but facing into it, but I sort of shrugged and went about my business.
  24. Ironically, when the first incarnation of this thread first appeared, I decided (rather primly, with tightly drawn lips and nose in air) that I wasn't going to post in it, because I didn't want to participate in something so focused on negativity. /me looks at the list of top posters with a sense of reservation
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