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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. I hope you worked out the neck fix problem! In any case, this is an absolutely gorgeous look! I seriously covet the jacket.
  2. I'll have to check the hair out: soooo cool! And yes. The bunny slippers. Always.
  3. Thanks Dillon! (But you don't get full credit until you post a pic of yourself dancing it!!!)
  4. OMG, I played the music while watching your video, and it's PERFECT. You're even on beat!!!! That was absolutely wonderful!!!! (I was doing a couples dance with an old friend at Fogbound a few weeks ago, and he kept insisting on stopping and restarting the animation every time it went off beat! That may be taking it a bit too far . . .) I know Abranimations -- it's been around for ever, I guess. But I don't know the others! Thanks!! I'll check them out. I really need some new dances.
  5. I don't think it, or we, need defending, though. It's not as though white supremacy is running amok here. There's a reason, too, why we have taken to referring to those who support the aims of indigenous peoples as "allies." The term implies that we are here to help: we support them in their efforts for self-determination and empowerment. And the key phrase here is self-determination and empowerment: it comes from them, because they are the only ones who have the perspective necessary to know what constitutes an appropriately supportive response. So, we need to not be White Saviours. History has already produced waaaaay too much of that. Let those who know what matters for them determine how we can help.
  6. You know, an awful lot of the slightly hysterical moaning about "political correctness" that comes from the right is built upon fabricating narratives that imagine left wing outrage where, mostly, there just isn't. The argument that "it's time to stop the War on Christmas" is an excellent example. There probably aren't too many people here who associate with more radical progressives and left-wingers than I do. I work alongside honest-to-god, card-carrying Marxists, for god's sake, and I know NO one who wants to "ban" Christmas, or Thanksgiving, or Easter, or Remembrance Day, or any of those. They may not observe them themselves, but that's hardly a "war." So, when you respond to Phorumities, what you are doing is playing along with the script: you're providing a convenient example of exactly what they think is, apparently, happening EVERYWHERE. And it's not. I don't think, in general, that your own views, as you've stated them here, are particularly unreasonable. If you say something that someone tells you they find offensive, sure, apologize and move along. Whatever. But why turn what should be simple courtesy, consideration, and common sense into a conflagration? Don't. Play. The Game. Walk away, Luna.
  7. Oh good lord. Phorumities begins a thread that more or less dares someone to be "offended." And Luna conveniently obliges. Do the two of you plan this stuff in advance?
  8. Ok, so I like dancing, a lot. I like dancing in RL, although I don't get to do it as often as I used to, but I also very much like dancing in SL. My virtual dancing obsession began when I was a noob, and didn't have an AO yet. I hated watching my avi stand around looking dorkish and restless, but I discovered that I could dance instead. I had a few pretty basic dances someone had given me, and I used them pretty much all the time I wasn't actually walking or flying. I danced while I talked to people. I danced while I looked at things. I danced in public squares, in art galleries, and on roofs. (The latter is a bit of a story in itself maybe.) Obviously, I'm not the only one: dancing is HUGE in SL. I'm not sure why it is so pleasing (and for me, calming) to watch your avatar engage in a preordained series of graceful and elegant contortions on screen. Maybe it has something to do with the way in which proprioception -- the sense we have that we "occupy" our own bodies -- is extended into the virtual realm too. (The posthumanist theorist Katherine Hayles has noted that video game players attest to this sense all of the time; she should have spoken to us.) Anyhooooooo . . . I like dancing, but i haven't bought a new dance in, like, 8 years, and so I'd love to hear (and see) what your favourite SL dance is! Tell us what YOU like to dance, and post a picture of it! (If you can do a GIF, even better!) And maybe tell us what you were listening to while you were dancing it! So, here's my current favourite dance, the imaginatively entitled "1-VARACDAN0" that came bundled in my AO. I need better dances: HELP ME, PEOPLE! And here's what I was listening to while dancing it:
  9. They really do, don't they? What lovely pics! I'm going to have to check this place out!
  10. Thank you so much! I think I agree. As nice as the "Classic" head is (can something that's still in Beta really be a "classic" already???), this one seems less severe looking, and more responsive, at least to the particular things I was trying to do. I wish it were a bit less "young" looking, but I may play around with some new skins and see if I can't find one that brings a slightly more "mature" look to the head.
  11. These are all great shots (I really like the first one, particularly), but I love what you've done for the foreground here!
  12. The new Baby Face head, tweaked and agonized over. I think this is going to be my go-to.
  13. I'm not sure what your specific issue is, but one thing I've noticed is that the "Neck Fix" attachment, far from helping, actually completely screws up the neck/head join unless you manually colour it in the HUD. And even then, it doesn't actually look as good as the natural join between the Nataly head and Skinnery body skins I'm using. But maybe that's not the issue you're having?
  14. Wow. No kidding the new head is a "younger look," especially on the default shape. It's aptly named! It looks not-too-bad on my own shape, however, and not as "young." Maybe a bit softer? I think I'll tinker a bit . . . Thanks for the assistance @TatianaNikolay, @Lindal Kidd, and @BeatriceSamson!
  15. You're probably right. I generally get group notices delivered offline to my email, and I haven't seen anything from the Genus Project in the last few days, but that's probably the best route to explore first!
  16. Weirdly, I have always thought of your avi as looking more like your forum profile. Can I say that I am a little relieved?
  17. On the bright side, you probably made some fish very happy.
  18. Beautiful picture, and I love what you're wearing! I'd be terrified of the sleeping arrangements though. You don't worry about sleepily rolling out of bed in the morning on the wrong side, and ending up in the water?
  19. Sadly not. I wasn't able to get in-world much the last two days. But, hey! This isn't about me anyway, right???? heheh
  20. Ok, so just as a sort of amusing exercise, let's pretend for a moment that I HAVEN'T been around for over 10 years, and don't know all the stuff I should know after all this time. Let's pretend, JUST FOR THE FUN OF IT, that I'm kind of clueless. So, if I am a "beta" user of the Genus Head, and wanted to get a free Baby Face (or whatever it's called) head . . . um, how would I go about doing that, exactly. Of course, *I* already know the answer (*coughs*), but it might be useful to reiterate here for those who are not as (*coughs again*) experienced and with-it as me. (*smiles uncomfortably*)
  21. This is one of the best, and potentially most expensive, threads. Ever. 😋
  22. This. This this this this. Honestly, what's the point of a nice warm cosy jacket if you're wearing it wide open, with something not much more covering than a peignoir under it?????
  23. Duh, yes. Sorry. One of my favourites, actually! I'm wearing Argrace Iori in my current forum profile, but the Chitose in my in-world pic.
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