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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Totally agree. I demoed no fewer than seven DeeTaleZ skins yesterday, and was really impressed: 3 of them made my "short list." I very nearly bought "valeska," in fact. (And who knows, may still do so!)
  2. IKR? Actually, I've always really felt squeamish about using the word "skin" in SL; it reminds me, in a not-good-way, of The Silence of the Lambs. I'm kind of happy that, nowadays, I can talk about "appliers" instead sometimes!!
  3. The new face is lovely. And I love this picture. (Although I keep thinking how uncomfortable it must be to sleep with antlers.)
  4. NO! In fact, I looked for "Not Found" (which I've never tried), and, um . . . I wasn't able to find it. 😀 Thanks for the links!
  5. Thanks Taya! Yes, the detailing is why the Mycha skin seems to me higher quality. And it is a much much "cleaner" look too. Ironically, I initially went for the darker tones on the Nataly, at least in part, because I liked the higher contrast, and I thought that it would be a richer look for photography. I'm not so sure about this now. And as regards The Skinnery -- as I said, I tried out about 20 demos yesterday, and of the half dozen or so I shortlisted, three were from there. So, yes, I agree: they do really nice work.
  6. Eyebrows have become sort of an obsession with me. The newer skins (well, newer to me, but probably not to everyone else) all seem very eyebrow heavy, so to speak, and very pointy and arched. I think they have a huge impact on how "severe" and "don't-f**k-with-me-b**tch" so many women seem to me to look nowadays. (And don't get me started on the brooding, mildly thuggish look that seems so prevalent on male avis these days). I'm still undecided on whether to soften the Nataly skin a bit, or "age" the Mycha one: I guess I'll try both, and see which one I ultimately like best. But the Nataly eyebrows are something I can fix pretty easily.
  7. These are terrific insights! One of the things that did seem to me to age the Nataly skin was the subtle but perceptible dark circles under the eyes, so, I think you're probably right about skin tone. I suppose I could either try a slightly darker shade for the Mycha, or try to tweak the sliders for the Nataly mouth (or use a lipstick pack: both are currently using the cosmetic tab in the Genus head HUD). Also, one thing I forgot to mention: I'm using an eyebrowless skin for Mycha, and tinted brows from the Baby Face HUD instead. I think I prefer that over the eyebrows in the Nataly, so I may try the same thing on that skin. Thank you for this! It's all helping!
  8. It ALL matters! Thanks! Your impressions pretty much mirror mine: the Mycha looks "nicer" generally, but definitely younger. I wish I could figure out why. And I think you're right about the quality: you have to get pretty close to see the difference, I think. Not too many people will likely be inspecting my pores, so maybe that doesn't matter too much. I'm still feeling indecisive, but your opinion helps! Thanks again!
  9. I am in the midst of an agonizing fit of indecision, and I need opinions! Having definitely decided to switch over from the Genus "Classic" head to the new "Baby Face" one (I prefer the softer, somewhat friendlier look of the latter), I decided to try out a number of new skin appliers today. I went through about 20 demos, and at last narrowed it down to one: The Skinnery's "Mycha" in a Honey tone. The problem now is that I'm not entirely sure that I prefer the new skin -- "Mycha" -- over the older "Nataly" one (in a slightly darker "Toffee" tone) that I've been using up to this point. I think, overall, that the Mycha is the better quality skin, and a little more detailed and perhaps realistic, but . . . I should note that both are using essentially the same shape: I haven't tweaked it at all for the Mycha. Which of these two do you think looks a) better, and/or b) "older"? (The two answers may differ!) HELP!!!
  10. I may have entered like a lamb . . . but I recall exiting like a scorched cat.
  11. I once received an entirely serious "Would you like to check out my collection of Blues music?" I was new, and accepted. His "collection" was housed in his bedroom.
  12. I NEVER get invited to the really GOOD parties!!!
  14. [redacted] It can be pretty easy to fail to recognize that sometimes one's laughably Hollywoodish stereotypes can mask and distort someone else's essential beliefs and identity. I am redacting this, not because of self-censorship or "political correctness," but merely because I don't like insulting people, even accidentally, and I want to acknowledge when that happens.
  15. I'm all about the bait-and-switch Except, NOW I'm feeling guilty. Maybe we should organize a dance party . . .
  16. Well, now I have to do that. (Is green baize expensive?)
  17. Well, someone should maybe organize something like that! Actually, I have very happy memories of an expedition I and a small group of friends took to Sine Wave Island a very long time ago. We spent the better part of a couple of hours, I think, hopping from pose stand to pose stand. It was a hoot.
  18. Oh, this is a good one!!! Also, I love the sign behind you. And the fact that you seem to be dancing on a pool table. (And also, I need to learn how to make gifs.)
  19. Dillon, you rock! Literally! And you definitely get BONUS MARKS for turning your front yard into a dance platform! (On another note, I'm embarrassed to admit that I always kind of thought this tune was the Beatles. Oops.)
  20. I am in awe. Seriously. I sat here watching your avatars dancing to this in nearly perfect time, twice, a big stupid grin on my face. I'm feeling a bit amateurish about this whole dancing thing now. Time to up my game! (I'm realizing that i don't link dances enough, and I am not sufficiently judicious in my choice!) That was just a complete delight to watch. Thank you. 🙂
  21. I hope you worked out the neck fix problem! In any case, this is an absolutely gorgeous look! I seriously covet the jacket.
  22. I'll have to check the hair out: soooo cool! And yes. The bunny slippers. Always.
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