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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Awwww! Well, aren't you just the biggest sweetheart ever, Ivanova! Thank you, and hugs! Oh, I've never entirely left this place, and I'll be around. I'm actually in-world (a bit) for the first time in 4 years or so, so that's a thing.
  2. Oh goo . . . OH DARN! That's very very disappointing. I've always wanted to have virtual morning sickness. (Not to mention the joy of a new skin with stretch marks!) Oh well, maybe next time.
  3. Yes, yes, yes. That's all very well and interesting. But what about MEEEEEEEEEEEEE . . . ????? People, I think we're losing our focus here! Let's get our minds and our busy mouse buttons back on the IMPORTANT things, please!
  4. Oh yes, absolutely you're right. Sorry! Unfortunately, history is replete with examples of people realizing that too late. Fortunately, the stakes are probably a little lower in SL.
  5. Depends on what you want to do. Producing or just possessing an authoritative and trustworthy persona can make one influential or persuasive. And that can be used for good, or ill. Or maybe you really just don't care. That's obviously just fine too. I'm probably every bit as susceptible (or more) to the allure of "popularity" as anyone. But I do like to sense the approval of those I respect, in part because it is a way of measuring my own conduct by their high standards.
  6. I think it represents a pretty obvious example of the kind of use of metrics we see everywhere now. It's social engineering through a doomed attempt to quantify the ineffable.
  7. Actually, it's negotiable. My terms are quite reasonable. Par, it seems to me that quiet, gentle, and thoughtful voices sometimes possess the most authority of all.
  8. These are the sacrifices I will make for My People. HAH!!! How wrong you are! At 350 points, you're awarded a lapel pin that says "Shouldn't You Be Doing Something Important," and . . . a BIC LIGHTER!!!
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