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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Well, and here's the irony that speaks volumes about our relationship to SL. In RL, you don't want the outline of your bra (or, probably, your panties) visible. But in RL it very often is. So a desire for "realism" dictates that I want SL to reflect a reality that I wish were not true in RL. Humans are very weird.
  2. Seriously. I have decided NOT to purchase some tops because they made me look as though I'd either just walked in from a blindingly cold snowstorm, or was in a permanent state of excitement.
  3. It's subtle, but that's fine. Clothing makers have gotten much better at showing folds in tops, both in the mesh and the texturing (although I suppose baked-in shadow is supposed to be a no-no these days?). But they seem to think that we all want to convey the impression that we're bouncing around, free and unfettered all the time. (See for instance most body physics! Bounce bounce!)
  4. That's my experience as well. The stretching across the boobs frequently does poke out through rigged clothing, but the crotch smoother is, unless I'm wearing very tight jeans, usually pretty ok. Especially, of course, if one has the area alphaed out, which one certainly can.
  5. (Side note of interest to no one but me, or anyone else who is interested in "realism" in SL. That may be the only top I own that actually shows the outline of a bra underneath. As opposed to erect nipples, which are hard to avoid.) Peeve: In RL, most women wear bras most of the time, for a host of reasons. It would be nice if clothing makers could reflect that fact.
  6. Well, the wry smiling emoji might have been a clue? >>>> 😏 <<<< No mind! Rest assured I am not quietly pining away for lack of love in SL (or RL for that matter). (OMG what an ancient picture!!!)
  7. A year and a half ago, I rezzed an entire column of Russian tanks for a photo in popular sim. No one is going to AR you for a Russian tank. Or, if they do, LL isn't going to act on it.
  8. Любой, кто не любит кого-то из-за его этнической принадлежности, является идиотом. Я наполовину украинец, но, несомненно, есть и немного русского. Даже если бы ты был полностью русским, я бы все равно тебя обнял. Very loose paraphrase for the curious: anyone who hates someone because of their ethnicity is an idiot and a bigot. I'm half Ukrainian, but I'd judge anyone who was Russian by the content of their heart, not by the firepower of their government.
  9. I'd not have a problem with any of this, although there are certainly those who would. For one thing, Soviet Russia is not Putin's Russia (although there's certainly some political overlap!) An additional wrinkle with Soviet iconography is that it has been, and still is, employed a fair bit by griefers and griefer groups. Woodbury University, for instance, had an entire region at one point that was done up as a sort of mock Kremlin. And at least one of the griefer groups that was harassing me until last year was using fake Soviet iconography, language, etc. But as you're not doing that stuff, I should think you won't be misunderstood.
  10. No, I've not done it yet, so there's nothing to see! I'll do something maybe in the next week or so. There is evidence that the priestess class wore special (and rather peculiar) makeup, so I might actually need to produce that by hand! Peeve: That an historically accurate image of a Minoan priestess would need to be posted in the Adult forum, despite the fact that there is absolutely nothing sexual about it!
  11. There is an irony here, too, in that I couldn't post a picture of myself wearing the costume of a Minoan priestess anywhere here but in the "Adult" forum.
  12. I actually have a Minoan costume not unlike those above that I've not had the chance to model or use yet. The Minoans were interesting . . . the early assumptions of archeologists were, of course, that it was a patriarchal society, and that the throne that Sir Arthur Evans discovered at Knossos was for "the king" -- despite his initial conclusion that it had been shaped and built for a woman. New assessments of Minoan culture suggest that it might well have been much more "open" with regard to gender hierarchy than those early assessments. At the least, it had a very powerful and prominent class of priestesses.
  13. I have an apartment (still) in a region modeled after a Soviet Bloc city of the 70s/80s era. I have, in a sense, "repurposed" it by filling it with Ukrainian memorabilia: Ukrainian folk art, posters (from the 70s), books, and photos of Ukrainian intellectuals. And, of course, it's entirely historically accurate -- although such decor would have been severely frowned upon by "authorities" in that era. Couldn't you do the same with at least some of your Russian stuff?
  14. No, but I'm someone who has seen this this thread threatened by closure for off-topic discussions that were much less heated and lengthy than this one. Hate on child avis if you must, but for god's sake do it elsewhere.
  15. Once again, this is NOT the place for this conversation. Can we PLEASE take the Ladies for Liberty Crusade against Child Avatars somewhere else?
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