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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Yes, exactly. I can't imagine that this needs a major overhaul of the code. The tools exist already: LL just needs to clarify how they can be used.
  2. No, agreed -- there is much here we don't know, really, including the reason DRD was singled out by LL for this. I'm not, however, generally a subscriber to highly speculative conspiracy theories, so it may have been something very simple. And I get your point about freezing an account while an investigation is underway, but in this case it unnecessarily(?) created a not-so-minor panic. Probably LL didn't foresee that eventuality, but this might have been handled better, I think? Surely there is a relatively easy way to fix this, long term. We have a system for registering official scripted agents; surely something a bit like that would work for designated (and approved) "business accounts."
  3. You did BRILLIANTLY, and your potato machine deserves . . . um, whatever potato machines like as treats. Give it a pat on the fan vent for me! These are worth it for the "Many Faces of Love" alone!
  4. Oh wow! Thank you, and Greg, for these!!!! I was hoping someone had got some good pics of everyone! These are EXCELLENT!
  5. I have sooooo many peeves today, I barely know where to begin, but I'll just settle for a simple, safe one. I like hats and hoods and headwear of various kinds. The problem, of course, is that most of these are sold separately from hair, and frequently don't work well with most styles (although I do have two hair styles that are reasonably good with hats). And sometimes the hair that does come with hats isn't very good. There are a few exceptions -- Magika, Doux, and Tram have a couple of styles with hats and pretty nice hair. But the headwear available in this form is pretty limited. I REALLY wish more decent hair creators would team up collaboratively with people doing things like hoods, head scarves, hats, bonnets, etc., to produce more variety of decent looks. That's especially true of headwear that wraps around the head, like scarves and hoods.
  6. We'll need to ask @Rolig Loon about the etiquette of putting mermaids in fish tanks!
  7. Thanks Luna, it's a thought! Our initial idea was to put the FC Hangout to use, but I don't know that we're wedded to that idea. I'll consult with Iva! And again, thanks!
  8. Not with me organizing it! Yeah, I'm really not thinking sexual. I'm thinking fun and a bit edgy? For instance, we FLOOD the place, and do mermaids!!!! (Joking!)
  9. Well, the hangout is by definition a pretty public place, not a private residence: I think you'd have a difficult time justifying that -- just as a "private sex club" would be at the least a violation of the spirit of the spirit of the ratings system. No matter though, it's not really relevant: we're not going to host an orgy. Or a "sex" anything. I'm not talking about a dress code here. And I am CERTAINLY not talking about something like a CMNF event. Just a theme -- again, like burlesque or cabaret -- that would allow people to get a little more racy. Maybe jazz music to go with it? You've seen the video on this thread of my cabaret dance? That sort of thing.
  10. It's totally fixable. LL just needs to put a workable system in place -- something they have bizarrely neglected to do to this point. And, as this video would suggest, they need to do it FAST. And in consultation with the merchant community. It also needs to account for the needs of other types of large groups too.
  11. lol, well, orgies are no more permitted in M rated areas than they are in G ones. Honestly, I don't know what a more "adult oriented" get together might mean. The most obvious thing relates to what one might be able to wear: there are fewer restrictions in an M rated area. So, for instance, a "burlesque" theme would be ok in M rated region, where it might cross a line in a G rated one. I think these sorts of things work better if they have a "theme" that is fun, or an additional reason (as for instance the pics at our exhibition) to bring people together. Being in an M rated regions widens the range of possibilities somewhat. On the downside, it might make it more difficult for those with child avatars to attend.
  12. The MP for a pretty well known and well established SL business, DRD, was shut down recently and the owner's account temporarily suspended because they were using a shared account to run the business -- a practice pretty common in larger groups and businesses, and apparently sort of permitted according to the old SL wiki page on running a business. ETA:
  13. I don't really know, and would gladly accept ideas! It's Moderate, so that introduces some limitations -- although I don't think anyone would be interested in the sort of thing that would only be permissible in Adult anyway. I thought maybe a burlesque or cabaret theme? Sexy and a bit edgy and fun, but not, you know, sex. Another possibility permitted on Moderate regions apparently is stripping, but that's probably going a bit further than most people (including myself) would feel comfortable with. But I'm really open to ideas.
  14. Well, I want to take a look through all of your pics, but would it be available to exhibit at the next showing of I Am a Camera?
  15. Awwww! I'm sorry! You're a bit better now? You should feel free to crash any party I hold. Always. You'd always be welcome!
  16. So, on a related subject, I was speaking to @Ivanova Shostakovich yesterday after the event, and we talked a little about how the Forum Cartel Hangout was underused. We're thinking about maybe a slightly more "adult-oriented" get together there (it's in a "Moderate" region), as the one yesterday was in a G rated sim. Would there be interest?
  17. Sabrina, I'm SO sorry you didn't get one! I'll be sure to rectify that next time! Also, about this pic . . .
  18. I'm tentatively planning another for mid August, Amata! I'm so sorry you didn't make it, but really hopeful you will next time! (Also, I'll be asking you about exhibiting one of your pics.)
  19. I'm so glad you made it by, and that there were still people hanging out there! (I had a hard time shooing them -- you know, those guests who never leave? 🙃) My visitor counter, which I reset just before the beginning of the event, says that we had over 60 people come to the exhibit as of yesterday at about 5pm SLT, all but a half dozen or so of whom were forumites. It's really encouraging to me to see that kind of an expression of our community here! And I'm glad you're now a part of it!
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