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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. I could be wrong but I have the impression that French fries are thinner that our chips. I make my own chips and I'm expecting a delivery of an air fryer from Amazon today. It has a tubular basket to rotate stuff in and I'm looking forward to seeing how does with chips. My current air fryer isn't geared to turn stuff, so I'm giving it away - along with my deep fat fryer that I've used for chips up to now.
  2. Firestorm IS the official viewer but with some tweaks. Yes there is advantage in using the official viewer. Because Firestorm is a modified official viewer, it takes them time to blend new stuff and their modified version. Users of the official viewer have the new stuff immediately, of course, but Firestorm, and other TPVs, can take "weeks or even months" (as someone put it in another thread) to get up to date. So the advantage is that users of the official viewer are always up to date, whereas users of other viewers lag behind. In use, there is no significant difference, except maybe that restrained love thing that some people seem to like. I don't know if that's in Firestorm though. Another question might be why there are so many users of Firestorm. The answer is not because it's so much better.
  3. 1024 free tier which can be used for a Linden Home or mainland, but mainland must be bought because it belongs to someone else. LL could give 1024 of the massive amount of abandoned land though. It wouldn't be ideal because desirable land would be in short supply, but I think it wouldn't hurt to offer it.
  4. 👍 I agree with that. When the Lindens were hands-on moderating, there were one or two idiots amongst them who suspended people for nothing at all, both from the forum and from inworld. It seemed as though they did it merely upon complaints without ever bothering to check them out. I know that at least one of them is still active in the forum who should never be allowed anywhere near that capability. Such idiotic sledgehammer moderation was also sometimes overturned, but not until after the suspension when it was too late, because there was no way to appeal it whilst suspended. These days, the moderators don't, or can't, use sledgehammers like that, so the moderation now seems to be much more in keeping with what moderation should be.
  5. You got around, and for many years, so you must have thoroughly enjoyed the life. I can't come up with the years but long before you . It would be in the region of the early 70s. Minehead twice (one of them a Christmas season) Ayr twice (the 'lovely girl' was in my second season there) Bognor once (at the end of my second season at Ayr) Skegness once Pwllheli once (at the end of my season in Skegness) Mostly in the Beachcomber bars. The only major camp that I didn't do was the nearest one to me - Filey. I considered doing it again in the 90s but the overall entertainments manager at that time told me that they do it differently. When I played in the camps, we stayed in the bar we were in for the season. In the 90s they didn't do that. Instead they had entertainers going around the camps daily, which wasn't my cup of tea. I did a few years in Portugal instead
  6. Which camp? I occasionally judged glamorous granny contests, among others. There were some very good looking grannies
  7. It's sad that compliments can be taken badly. I'd guess that most aren't. But you reminded me of of something that I was reminiscing about with a friend a few days ago. We were entertainers in a holdiay camp (Butlins for the Brits) and we were having lunch with some staff, including my girlfriend, when a lovely girl went by carrying her lunch. I told my girlfriend that she is lovely, so my girlfriend suggested that I tell her. She called her over and I told her that she is lovely. From that day on, the lovely girl became my girlfriend
  8. 👍 PEEVE I don't see the sense in limiting what can be discussed in a General Discussion thread. As long as a thread satisfies its topic, and posts don't break the rules, it's nonsense to insist that each part doesn't evolve into other discussions in this General Discussion sub-forum. That's my peeve. This thread doesn't have a specific topic, so leave it alone to evolve naturally. It's open-ended, so brand new peeves slot perfectly on the end to generate new discussions. There is never a need for new peeves to blend in with the current discussion. That's the nature of this thread. I doesn't need to be nudged back to its topic, because there isn't one. Leave it alone.
  9. I know....but it got much better. LL started using the GSA (Google Search Assistant) which was an actual search engine. And I was suddenly in my element. Rankings were much more fun then
  10. Surprisingly, I agree with you. But I got into it when the #1 ranking for 'low prim furniture' was a place that sold furniture but not low prim, and the ranking traffic wasn't from the store. It was generated by a club that was on the same parcel. That was the game back then. You either played the game or you left all the sales to those who did.
  11. I don't argue without basis or reason. In the case of traffic bots, the basis was that they were legal, and the reason was that my competitors used them. Both basis and reason were indisputable facts, so I was always right in those arguments. All the others had in their armoury was that they didn't like search rankings being manipulated.
  12. I don't get into debates and arguments where there are opposing views unless I believe that I'm right. Isn't everyone the same?
  13. Yep :D. I enjoy a good debate and/or argument, and the ones about traffic bots were arguments. Some people were so against them that any discussion/debate quickly turned into arguments, and I was always in the right on that topic.
  14. "the good old bad old days" Those were the days I yearn for Back in RA I had some really good arguments - really good arguments. I attracted them and I loved it. I loved it because I was always right, of course . They were about traffic bots, which everyone knew I used, but many people seriously objected to manipulating search results like that. I was always right because they were absolutely legal at that time. Wonderful days
  15. You certainly jumped to the wrong conclusion. You're right about that, but you are definitely wrong about why it takes some time for TPVs to release their catch-up viewers. It simply can't be done until they've blended their modifications and the new code together. It's rather obvious. Incidentally, I use the official viewer (and another one) and new releases of it work just fine. Nothing needs fixing. It could be that the LL developers omitted to clear a variable or two so the viewer uses a tiny bit more memory than in necessary, but looking for such things isn't needed, and isn't the reason for the time it takes to release the catch-up TPVs. You only need to think about it to realise it.
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