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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. Nooo. I perceived nothing negative in your post. Nothing at all. Just sharing a fact was the way I read it.
  2. The BBs got going when I was out of SL for a couple of years, so I missed the change. Another change I missed was LL actually wanting us to AR bots. Initially, they specifically said not to report them because they'll keep tabs on things themselves. I learned about that change not long ago
  3. @Scylla Rhiadra Oh. Things have changed since the scripted agent thing came out. Initially, it was introduced to avoid counting bots for traffic, and bots had to be registered if they were on land that's in search. I stand corrected.
  4. Bots do NOT have to be registered as scripted agents. Unless the bots you reported were staying in the same place, AND the land they were on was set to show in search, you were well out of order, and wasting LL's time. ETA I've now learned that all bots need to be registered, regardless of where they are.
  5. In that case, 'unashamedly' is more applicable to the title of this thread
  6. To put your mind at rest, I have noticed neither an increase nor a decrease in the number of bots. I had no idea how many visited sims, so I was surprised by the number of them, that's all. There's no need to imagine things.
  7. I monitored scripted agents for a while out of curiosity, and the number of uniques per day was more or less constant. I can still monitor them, but I'm not doing. The people who were interested in a previous thread now know that there are probably far more than they thought. That's all I wanted to do, and I got a bit fed up of waiting for the topic to come up again. I may turn the monitor on again sometime, just to see if there's an increase or decrease. I doubt that there are many unregistered bots popping in and out of sims, because there would be no point in not registering them.
  8. Nope. There's no such thing, imo. It's just the imagination of one person. Anyone can buy quantities of sims from LL at quantity discounts. That's not been a secret. But a feted inner core, no. It's just one person's imagination.
  9. I merely thought a few people would be interested to know how many unique ones visit sims each day. That's all
  10. Nothing. The quantity of them is interesting to some people, but there's nothing to actually discuss.
  11. I was amazed at the number of them. There are always 2 bonniebots, each having a different number at the end of their names, so they are unique, but none of the rest appear to be related to each other.
  12. My understanding was a bit different. She complained that certain people got special treatment, such as the ability to buy sims at lower prices. Some people do get lower prices, of course, but it's because they buy in quantities, and anyone can do it, not just a feted inner core of people.
  13. "Unashamedly" because I like talking about about bots I've been waiting for a while for this topic to come up again in a thread, because I didn't want to start a thread for it. But it hasn't reappeared yet, so I decided to post it anyway. It's a just an 'out of interest' thing. Having monitored the bots that appear in the sim where I have a small piece of land, I've found that around 50 unique avatars, that are identified as scripted agents, appear every day without fail. I was surprised at the number of them, and some people have been interested, so I thought I'd post it.
  14. I had a bit of a shock on Wednesday. When logging in with Speedlight, a message popped up saying that Speedlight is using MFA, and I couldn't log in. It appeared to be mandatory. I'm not going to use any Google, Microsoft, or any other system for that purpose, so I thought that's the end of my Speedlight usage. It was very disappointing. A little later, I was able to log in as normal, so I must have hit a particular time when they were incorporating it.
  15. Feted Inner Core. Someone imagined that LL treated certain users more favourably than the rest. She called the group of such users the 'feted inner core'. She believed that it existed, and she probably still believes it exists, but it was just her imagination.
  16. Years ago, before we were able to do something about encroaching objects, there was a building that encroached on my land, so that I wasn't able to use that part of the land. I went through the process of IMing the owner of course, but nothing changed, so I ARed it several times with a decent time between each AR (a week or days, I forget), but nothing happened. So I started to AR it daily, stating that I would continue ARing it daily until was dealt with. After a few days of nothing, I started doing it hourly, stating that I would continue hourly until it was dealt with. Then I IMed Harry Linden, who was in charge of that team. Minutes later the building suddenly disappeared. It was a matter of principle and I simply wasn't going to put up with it any longer. I was paying LL the tier for the land, and I wasn't receiving all that I was paying for. I recommend being a very squeaky wheel, Scylla. The only positive thing I know about LL is that they've kept SL going. But I do know some very negative things about the company, and your post has reminded me of one of them - a huge shortage of customer care towards their paying customers.
  17. Probably because of the previous relatively recent ones - Jimmy Saville and that top Hollywood guy who is now in jail.
  18. Whether or not this is true, I've no idea, but I heard it somewhere. Salvador Dali was in a restaurant when a waitress asked him to do a little drawing on a napkin for her. So he did, and gave it to her. Then he said, "That'll be $10,000 please". She said, "But it only took you a few seconds" to which he replied, "My dear, it took a lifetime of drawing to produce that".
  19. Hmm. Judging by the OP's misspelling of the university name and the content of the word salad posts, I'm inclined to go along with the idea that both of her threads and posts are AI generated. And that's a pity, because I've just come out of the shower, smelling gorgeous, and totally up for a wonderful inworld encounter with her as 'my girl' I'm sulking
  20. What do you mean by "RL consumption practises/patterns"? Examples?
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