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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. He sells a temp rezzer? Maybe 9 years ago, I stopped selling the one I wrote. Back then, they were quite popular. He's a bit late to the party
  2. You're just a kid then - compared to me, that is lol. Well, maybe not a kid, but a couple of years my junior. I can't compete with programming in the 60s though. The closest I can get is that I was working on what were effectively computers (cypher equipment - bi-magnetic cores and such) back then, but it was repair and maintenance of them.
  3. WOW! You put your script there? Script? One script? You're too funny
  4. Oh, is that what he means. I never sold on the marketplace, but I made between 4000 and 5000 US$ every month selling my stuff inworld, and almost all of it was scripted - all written by me At the moment I'm updating the security device I wrote, which is better than anything out there, to deal with the upcoming name changes. I used to sell my more basic one, but I've been spending time making it the bees knees, just for the pleasure of doing it.
  5. What? I don't sell anything any more lol. And I write in LSL every day
  6. Oh for goodness sakes. You are so ignorant about programming. BASIC HAS been an OOP language since VB6 came out. That's what - about 20 years? In future, you should look more up on the web before showing your ignorance.
  7. Then you know nothing about interpreted languages - except that they were interpreted. You probably don't even know what that means. I don't need to "Just believe me" (you). I was there. You weren't. You only know what you read. When you have the depth of programming experience that I've acquired since the mid 1980s, you'll be able to say "believe me" You mean LSL is a game, or SL is a game, or you posting in the forum is a game. That latter is true, of course, but I think you mean SL, so,. show me how to play the SL game, and I'll believe you
  8. Incidentally, in the 90s I wrote some very major hybrid programmes in 'compiled' BASIC with both what you call 'inline assembly', except mine was inline machine code, and called major chunks of machine code. You're not scoring any points here. You know that don't you? Especially since you don't seem to know anything much about it all.
  9. OOP is good. So what's your point? For all the world itI looks like you're looking stuff up on the web and posting what you find as though you know stuff. That's my latest suspicion about you.
  10. But nobody has used them since BASIC became compiled, and yet you posted that people still use them. You're only almost 30 years of date, so you either didn't know through never really being into programming, or you intentionally chose to be objectionable. Incidentally, interpreted languages were never crap and never produced crap programmes. They ran more slowly, that's all. You really don't know anything about it, do you?
  11. I bet I can beat you on the age thing, Love I didn't start programming until the mid 80s when home computers came out, and I was far from being a spring chicken then lol. I haven't stopped programming since then. Over the years, it's always been my main hobby, and sometimes it's been my livelihood too.
  12. So it was just C and Assembly. Then why did you even mention interpreted languages? C was never an interpreted one. Perhaps you were never all that into programming and didn't realise that interpreted languages went out with the ark. Still, going only from what you've written, my suspicions were quite good, don't you think? I was very proud of them. I thought they were on a par with Sherlock himself
  13. I've read some of Ernesto's posts in this thread, and I read some from the 'land' thread that was linked to, and I've arrived at some things that I suspect about him. He said that he's quite old, that he can programme in Assembly language, and he also he indicated that he thinks people programme in interpreted languages, so here's what I suspect about that... He is quite old now, and he wrote small programmes in BASIC and Assembly - back in the 1980s! BASIC was the most popular General Purpose language at that time, and it was an interpreted language, but it became a compiled language in the 1990s. Since that change, I doubt that anyone has written in an interpreted language, but Ernesto thinks that such languages are still used, which leads me to suspect that he was just a kid, who played with programming on a home computer back in the 1980s, that he hasn't done any programming since then, and that his claims to be a programmer really mean that he wrote some small stuff a very long time ago - just like millions of other kids did at that time - both BASIC and Assembly. I ought to point out that the cleverer ones wrote in machine code at that time I don't fault his thinking that good (RL) money can be made in SL. I imagine that most people would think that if they hadn't come across it, because SL does not give the impression of being a serious money-maker. But, through the years, some people have made some very good money here. I used to make between US$4000 and US$5000 every month, and others have made, and are making, much more than that. Mostly, though, like Ernesto, nobody would suspect that it's even possible. My last suspicion about Ernesto is that he loves to argue, just for the sake of it
  14. Correction: existance has always been a "me too" kind of environment or, more accurately, "me, then you"
  15. Back. I'm logged in on both the LL viewer and Firestorm, so I can't offer anything to help with the problem, except that, if it's anything to do with versions, I'm using Win10 Home, version 1709 for x64-based System (KB4056892).
  16. I had a look too. My Win10 told me that I'm up to date, but I told it to check anyway, and there's a cumulative update. So I told it to install it. It got as far as 'Preparing to install - 87%' and just stayed there. So I closed it. My Win 10 didn't seem to be bothered about that update. I went back to get the windows version number and found that it's installing the cumulative one. Now I have to restart. I'll be back.
  17. That's only 4 days ago. I'm certain that I haven't had an update in that time, so I can't offer anything. Sorry.
  18. When did you get the latest Win10 update? I use Win10, and I have auto-update downloads, and I don't have a problem, but I haven't had an update for maybe a week or so. Maybe a little less, maybe a little more.
  19. I think a number of us learned something from this thread, Mazidox.
  20. The gnome was bored so he caught a chill and snuffed it
  21. I am in the running for being the most widely discriminated against. You should see the number of women who say "No" to me. I must be up there with the best of the discriminated-against types in SL.
  22. You never know, they might put Countant in the list, and you could be Anna Countant Or maybe Noyance The last names lists alwyas included many that are not genuine surnames. One was mentiond in this thread - Sideways. I have alts with the following last names:- Moonwall, Stillwater, Darkrose, Broadfoot, Melodie, Songlark, Littleboots, Sixpence, Sunburn, and more. You might easily find one of the new last names that you like a lot.
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