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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. That's what the EU says in their laws, Theresa. But, and we've been through this before, quite recently, nobody is bound by the laws of another country, unless they are actually in that country. The EU can make all the laws it wants, but it has no jurisdiction over the people of another country. As long as LL is not actually working in the EU any more, then it doesn't have to collect taxes for the EU.
  2. To the best of my knowledge, LL no longer has any physical presence in the EU, so there is no requirement for them to collect VAT. But they do collect it (because they can't be bothered to stop collecting it since it's no skin off their noses), and they will undoubtedly collect it on name-changes.
  3. Correction: there are two of us left I've been hiding my awsomeness under a bushell - and it's been hellish trying to get off of me - it's so darned heavy.
  4. Oh look. Another one here to complain about people who complain about people who dress in too revealing clothes. Yawn. Incidentally, nobody in this thred has complained about people wearing too revealing clothes.
  5. Very good thinking! I don't have any suggestions but I do like the thinking.
  6. I arrived in SL at the end of 2006, and female clothing has always been like that. It's not jusr "nowadays". I don't have any reason for wearing the type of clothing you described, because I don't wear it. But I do have an opinion on why people dress that way. My opinion is that it's because they would like to wear such clothing in RL but they don't because society might (probably would) be too judgemental, and/or because they don't have body shapes that suit it. Also my opinion is that many, perhaps even most, of we RL people would really like to be much more sexually free in RL than we are. By "sexually free", I don't just mean promiscuous, although that's a part of it for many people. I also mean stuff like the revealing clothing we wear, and clothing we don't wear.
  7. They come with the dance animation and the script to operate it, but not with music. The idea of them is that you hear music, perhaps in a club, or from a stream on your land, and you get on a dance ball to dance to it. The animations don't have any connection with the music, so they don't aren't designed to dance in time with it.
  8. For once we are in agreement on something. I used to have land surrounding an empty 16m plot. Then one day vertical ads appeared on it, so I put prim walls up around them, so that they couldn't seen. He raised the ads, so my walls went higher. Eventually he IMed me. My walls were just a very tall square chimney but I said, "I'm building a castle" to which he replied, "It's a beautiful castle". In those circumstances, he was trying to be really nice lol. I don't remember how it ended, but he was never able to display ads that could be seen on that plot, and they disappeared. No Linden ever told me that I wasn't allowed to make the ads on his 16m bit unseeable.
  9. I've never claimed to have a great memory Quite the opposite, in fact. Dakota's post, on its own, does look as though there will be no first name changes. If what Patch said is correct, then she simply wrote the post poorly.
  10. I probably am out of the loop. Her post looked to me pretty much like the definitive information on the topic, and I treated it as such. I hope I've been totally wrong about it. I'm only going by what Dakota wrote, and what she wrote doesn't even hint at being able to change first names. It strongly suggests not being able to. Perhaps she is also out of the loop, or maybe what she wrote is dead right, and the info in the loop has changed.
  11. If that's true, she didn't say it. Judging only by what she wrote, which is what I replied to, there will be no changing of first names. Maybe she missed it out. I can only go by what she wrote, and the only change indicated was the last name. She wrote about using the first name but not about choosing (as in changing) it.
  12. Nope. She only talked about using the first name that was created when the account was created, not choosing (changing) it. From what she wrote, the only time a person can choose the first name is when the accfounbt is created, and it goes together with the 'Resident' last name. But it must exceedingly rare that someone can choose a "preferred" first name at that point because all the last names are the same - Resident. That's the point I was making - it's near impossible to choose a preferred first name.
  13. That's not what she wrote, and it's not what anyone at LL has been saying. There will only be an option to change the last name - not the first name. That was my point, because she dressed it up are "preferred first name", and preferred first names haven't possible for years, and still won't be possible. The only first name action she mentioned was using it, not choosing it.
  14. Wrong. You tried to make it all sound very good, but you were wrong. It isn't good at all. Since all new account last names will continue to be 'Resident', one's "preferred, chosen first name' will almost always be unavailable, just as it's been for many years now. People have not been able to have a "preferred first name", and that will continue. That's why you are wrong. It might sound good, the way you wrote it, but it isn't good. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the way last names are being brought back is bad. That's assuming that what you wrote accurate and not mere speculation, of course. And that's not a joke.
  15. @AyelaNewLife From what I've been able to make out so far (but my memory is never perfect), it looks like it's going to be what you call a double-dip; i.e. you have to have a premium account to change your name and, if you have that, you'll have to pay for the name change. That's what I've understood so far, but, as far as I know, it hasn't been set in stone yet. On the plus side - for you... Since you're new to SL and won't have become too far entrenched yet, and because you didn't realise that your login name would be your avatar's name, there's nothing to stop you creating another account with a name that you'd prefer, and use that one instead of the one you have now. That doesn't cost you anything. It's not even a single dip
  16. I was just posting in another thread and another past Linden came to mind. Harry Linden. He was the AR team's manager, and he was a really good guy. Unfortunately, he's no longer at the lab.
  17. You could AR it weekly. Once upon a time, after I'd tried, unsuccessfully, to contact the neighouring landowner, I ARed a building of his that encroached on my land. Nothing happened, so after a while I ARed it again. Still nothing happened, and I started to get annoyed because I was unable to use the land it covered, and I was paying for it. So I upped the frequency to daily, then to several times a day, and each time I said that I would increase the frequency until the building was either gone or moved off my land. And that's what I did. It got down to hourly, but nothing happened. So I decided to IM the AR team manager, and the building disappeared minute later. He was a good guy. Your case is different though, but it wouldn't hurt to AR it on, say, a weekly or fornightly basis. You never know. I might eventually work.
  18. Ooo it looks like we've made a match , Alexa. But I just thought of something that may or may not be good for me. Are you the Alexa that stands on the coffee table only does what you are told to do, such as turning the TV on and changing channels? I'd prefer a more independant match, but I haven't decided yet
  19. If you get it, be sure it's not a cheap fake. Fakes have a space (Super Tom), whereas the real McCoy doesn't (SuperTom). I see from your post that you've already encountered fakes
  20. Is his land in search? If it is, you can report it, and keep on reporting it until the bot disappears. BUT make sure that it's actually counting for traffic first. It may be registered.
  21. I think I've explained well enough why a 'scripted agent' is not necessarily a bot. It doesn't matter what LL write on their pages. As long as I can register myself as a scripted agent, 'scripted agents' are not necessarily bots - and that's all that matters. Of course LL would write that, because the 'scripted agent' flag was brought in specifically for bots, to curb the gaming of traffic. They didn't imagine that non-bot avatars would register themselves as scripted agents, and maybe none did, but that doesn't take anything away from the statement that scripted agents are not necessarily bots. The terms 'scripted agent' and 'bot' are not interchangeable. It's not a matter of opinion. It's a matter of fact.
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