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Scout Schwager

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Everything posted by Scout Schwager

  1. This is being arbitrary. I made a genuine effort to point out someone doing good work in world, in relation to a particular special interest sub forum here. The post included some criticism (the prices are high). The post violated the TOS and was pulled. There are no words like "Except, but, its of if" in that TOS. Makes me less likely to contribute knowledge gained from 9 years in world.
  2. I recommended someone, there was no need to ask. Deleted post.....
  3. Its not allowed, per TOS: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Community_Participation_Guidelines So things like, "Who makes a good mesh head?", "What are good programs for video capture?", "What can I use to edit a photo?", "Where can I find a ....?", "Are there any no-hassle landlords?" etc. Not gonna have any info from me,. Figure it out yourself. Scout
  4. Thanks for the tips, I will try the free version of Fraps first. Another issue I had with jerky motion, may have been because I was saving video to a separate network drive.
  5. Endless lists of cookie-cutter properties from "yada yada" Estates Agents who pop in within seconds of your arrival at vacant land 40' tall mountains, waterfalls, or just plain walls, turning a sim into SL Dilbertville NO attempt at terrascaping or any creativity Endless tropical beaches Masses of skyboxes starting at 400' Goofball builds, 10-20 story empty condos Breedable-friendly estates Wanna open a SL club? Come on over! Owner-landlords seem to be long-gone Might as well live on Mainland Pages and Pages of vacant property listed by these Estates. NO Way they are paying LL for this vacant land. Virtual land, virtual landlords, and vaporware prices. It costs money, but only if there is someone to pay....
  6. Yes, clearly, a 50yo guy having sex with an avatar that is 20yo, and calling it 'ageplay' is illegal! Its not 'age play", what it is is "pretending to be a different age, (and maybe experience/maturity level) than you really are, and having sex while doing it". That certianly is NOT age play!
  7. Does anyone accept that it is "ageplay" when you act, or look an age different from your own? I've gotten a lot of flack from "babygirls" (as in opposite to Daddy Doms) who insist that even if they look 19yo and hold a teddy bear while wearing pajamas, its NOT ageplay, which of course, is Forbidden.
  8. Its MB Skins (not MB Design) on their search listing. In Kzer Za Ah they have done some interesting things. They offer a young and old version of the same female skin. Also you can be undead Hitler and Khaddaffy. Several ethnic black and asian skins. A Neytiri (ok copyright violation there! haha)
  9. Yes, well I am not new at adjusting poses. I've been working with MLPV2 for 3 years, programming up dozens of different beds and other items, I seldome need the position information, I work it up myself with the tool included with MLPV. I suspect, don't know, but I believe these independent customer service agents also have the tools to set the positions for dancing animations, but Intan will not share that down to the cutomers. The agents have a revenue stream 'loading' dances in these balls so their is no motivation to share a "how-to". Yes a company in Indonesia is an issue, I have a lot of issues with non English-speaking programmers and the subesquent lack of good instructions. The market in SL is primarily English-speaking. I've looked at that TIS Hybrid Dance Machine that was mentioned above, They replied to some questions I had. They have a different approach, maybe not all great, but I am going to try it out, and post more later. OK and for web site owners. The copyright at the bottom of the page. In 2008, you put "Copyright 2008 yada yada.com". In 2009, you put "Copyright 2008-2009" etc. Otherwise folks will think you are asleep at the wheel.
  10. I just purchased an Intan Couples dance ball, singles ball, and the 'Dance Anywhere" add-on. I only purchased this system as it seems Every club in SL uses it. I wanted to make it easy to add dancing animations. Well that is not gonna happen, I will have to spend a lot of time to get this to work. Intan does not sell in the Marketplace, so I can't leave feedback there, but I am glad to here. You can find their store searching for "Intan Eksotics" at Sunset Beach. This companies web site is registered in Indonesia. The web site has not been updated since 2008, yet they maintain a store in world, and there are some customer support agents there. I believe the agents work and earn money independently working out problems that would be better fixed by the maker. I have a feeling the money these independents earn fixing problems is a factor in not updating the website, or system. Issues: Adjusting poses. Couples dance animations need a relative position (a set of numbers) to be adjusted correctly. If you buy dance packs, or single pairs of dance animations, with these positions recorded in a card, you are in good shape. However many animations are sold, even from major providors, without this information. Standardize these settings. There is no reason all dance ball providers can't use the same notecard information. Want to take Intan's business? Have your system read the same card format as Intan. Adjusting positions. When an animator does not provide the position settings. Provide a positioner. MLPV2 is the leading script for pose beds in SL. MLPV2 (which itself is free of change) provides a free, included pose positioner. Also one can purchase another positioner in the Marketplace to make it easy to set poses in furnature. No positioning tool is provided, or available for Intan Categorize Dance Menus. There are more than 20 dances in the world, but thats about what most Intel balls in world offer. This system will hold up to 200 animations, perhaps more, if they update it. Commonly in SL though, all the dances are listed in the menu, and users must scroll through to see them all. Do you want to scroll 200 dances? Make it easier to categorize the dances, and show Categories First in the menu, not a list of all the dances.
  11. I set up the Browser on a Prim (BOP) thing, took about 5 min. I can watch most anything I can get on a browser. Embedded flash seems to work. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shared-Media/ta-p/700145
  12. There are some who make an existance for themselves by 'squatting' on abandoned land. Need to be able to pick up and leave on a moments notice though!
  13. Worring about your IP being revealed is not a huge issue. Its like 'oh look, they're in New York City". Every web site you go to is logging your IP address. More of a worry is applications that use geolocational information. Such as Twitter (they deliverately keep it less accurate), Google maps, and especially location-specific services like Foursquare, which will peg you within a couple of blocks, if you let it. I keep geolocation on my smart phone off when I am home, and I turn it on when I travel, as I need to use the mapping tools.
  14. Wait.. no I was charged, this is about $60 USD dollars worth of stuff. Charged, item not delivered. One more time, Charged, Item not delived. (it was not)
  15. Yes I will definately make some orders with an alt, and paying by credit card/Paypal.
  16. I think I may start using Paypal/MC/Visa to make purchases. Then I will have proper dispute procedures.
  17. You don't quit bloodlines. That is why I will not get involved with girls who have any activity with them.
  18. NON Delivered, by Any means. Marked as delivered in Order History.
  19. purchases from a variety of merchants. Seems I have to check every order carefully now. This does not build trust!
  20. In the last several days, I've made several marketplace orders each day. About 40% of those orders are non-deliveries. I haven't been sweating it, as they seemed to have the [quote]1 item failed with the error: Second Life communications timeout This item wasn't delivered - No charge for undelivered items[/quote] Worked out. Since the 29th though, 50% non-delivery, and No "undelivered' message. Oh sure, I can file a complaint something for each one..What a Pain in the butt! See how long you would last in the RL with an e-commerce system like this.
  21. I've read we are not suppose to talk about the names of avatars. I don't believe business names are excluded. Banning is a like a sexual rush for estate owners.
  22. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.
  23. /me folds his arms "hmmf thanks for hijacking my thread!" But it one person needs to make serious debug adjustments on a viewer, what's the point? Will this mesh hair look bad for others? I will test it with an alt on the SL viewer next time I see it.
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