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Ashasekayi Ra

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Everything posted by Ashasekayi Ra

  1. As for upload expense, the more triangles it has the more it will cost to upload. Also, a rigged version of the same mesh costs just a tiny bit more than its un-rigged counterpart. That being said, I haven't uploaded a piece of clothing that cost more than around 25 L yet. The 25 L item was an 18th century reproduction of a gown. As for lowering costs, that is a complex topic. The final cost of your item is the lowest weight out of download, server and physics. To cut down the download cost while maintaining visual quality of the levels of detail switches, you'll need to create your own LODs. It helps to aggressively cut the amount of triangles by a factor of 4 as you go down in detail. This is helpful for small to medium sized objects. If you have a large object, you'll need to focus more on making a high LOD the smallest amount of triangles possible because the lower LODs become more irrelevant the larger the item becomes. As for physics, this is another place where you'll want to manually do the work in your modeler. Of course, you want it to have the least amount of triangles needed to represent the collision shape you need. Curves are not your friends here. It helps to decompose them in the SL uploader as well. As for server weight, you are basically safe unless you plan to make the item physical or to add a script to it. Another issue is that large mesh can have a large land impact (LI) cost. So, it can help costs if you work in a more modular fashion and break them up.
  2. Which version of Blender do you plan to use? You will need a slightly different workflow depending on the version. But, here are some links that might be helpful in general. Here are some LL pages with information: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh/Exporting_a_mesh_from_Blender A playlist of tutorials that deal with the combination of Blender and SL Mesh: http://www.youtube.com/user/ashasekayi#grid/user/2A3AF00B41F652ED Some top Blender modeling sites: Canned Mushrooms YouTube Channel: These playlists have a class format: Blender 2.5 Training (Modeling 1) http://www.youtube.com/user/cannedmushrooms#grid/user/2BA5BDF79FF50122 Blender 2.5 Training (Texture Materials and UV Mapping) http://www.youtube.com/user/cannedmushrooms#grid/user/AB4DF1F21A33CB3B Blender Cookie: http://www.blendercookie.com Blender 3D Design Course: http://gryllus.net/Blender/3D.html
  3. If the total LI is being controlled by the physics cost (which I assume it is), you could try linking in a regular SL cube as the root prim. Then, set the physics type to "none" on the flexi parts and mesh.
  4. Most Blender 2.5 tutorials apply to Blender 2.6. Did you want tutorials on something specific?
  5. *chuckles* Yes, I'm a Blender-lover, but I can admit that the pre-Blender 2.5+ versions had a horrid UI, just hideous really.
  6. Thanks for sharing I really like the texturing job on the couch.
  7. The new version of Blender 2.5+ can make more than a template when it comes to painting directly on the 3D model. You can use vertex paint mode to paint on the per vertex level or use direct texture painting. There are also new projection painting tools that can be intergrated directly with external applications if the user wants to.
  8. For both, I can't say if the LL devs will keep it that way. But, there are JIRAs already in the system about both issues, so they are known issues. A work around for the touch situation is to use a HUD system.
  9. I've never heard of the shading type (flat versus smooth) creating spikes in the uploader. That is really odd. It would help to have some pics of the issue to better help out.
  10. Hmm... you may want to make sure that your door frame physics shape has the same scale as your model. Also, if you are using flat planes, don't hit simplify. That could close the hole.
  11. its possible to "move/rotate/scale" the joint of the base skeleton of the default avatar to create more complex rigged-mes? or any modify to the base skeleton will screw off all the work? If you want to move the joints around, you'll need to do your exporting from Blender 2.49. Make sure that you move the joints around while in Edit mode in the armature. Also, keep in mind that the SL uploader won't recognize rotations done inside Edit mode in the armature. Once you go to upload in SL, make sure to pick "Include Skin Weights" and "Include Joint Offsets" under the Upload tab. wich Viewer is raccomanded to use for testing import? mesh-viewer beta? (currently i used the Viewer 2 connected to aditi) I usually use the LL Mesh Development viewer for testing since it has the latest mesh code. However, it does have code (bug fixes) that hasn't been added to the main viewer sometimes. there is a way to do not let collada "forgot" the material and texture information when rigged? (as i said, if i export the model as statics it has all the information correct Sadly, the .dae exporter in 2.49 and 2.59 do not include the correct code for including the texture names. They do do it correctly for static mesh. Either way, you can upload your textures separately and apply them in SL by hand.
  12. You really don't want to go with weight copying when it comes to something like a skirt. It is too different from the base mesh that you are copying from. You'll need to manually paint the skirt area so that you can get a smooth transition for the polygons between the legs. I'm working on a skirt weight paint tutorial, but it isn't finished sadly. But the general concept is that you need a blend of weights on those middle vertices that create a balance of tension between the two legs. Here's a visual example of what I mean: Here are some links to a more detailed look at weight painting in Blender:
  13. Yay! I'm glad that you got it working. I must admit that I have been tricked by the skin weights display checkbox too. Now, I always triple check that I actually clicked the "Include Skin Weights" checkbox.
  14. Wow, this is a new rudeness low on this forum. Chosen Few has helped countless people on this forum and the ancient SL forums. Yet, you didn't even bother to post the "solution" that you found so that you could help other beginners. Great way to make a point.
  15. Oh, don't feel that way. I mean I think it can be confusing for us all because things keep changing with the uploader from one moment to the next. Not to mention, there are differences between bugs fixed in the project mesh viewer versus the main viewer.
  16. Post a pic if you get it sorted ^^ I loved your cat AV.
  17. I was the one that pointed out the last item joined had the highest alpha priority for objects exported from Blender. At that time, I was using Blender 2.49 and experimenting with hair models. I don't know if it is still true for the latest Blender or the latest SL uploader. I'll have to play with that again. A few of us had a good discussion about workarounds for the alpha problem in these thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Alpha-sorting-glitch-within-a-mesh/td-p/1109161/page/2 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Alpha-sorting/m-p/418761#M1741
  18. Hi Nacy, Blender 2.59: Don't check "Include Joints" when using a model exported from this version. The mesh will be scrambled. You have to use Blender 2.49 if you need to use joint offsets. Blender 2.49: I've noticed recently that I get a dae parsing error in SL if I have "Apply Modifiers" checked in the Blender 2.49 dae exporter. I'm not sure if this is your problem though. As a general note, you don't need to click "Include Joints" if you aren't using joint offsets. If you aren't using joint offsets, you don't need to include the armature with the export. Another thing to check: Make sure that all your LODs have the same amount of material ids. They should have the same names and the same order as the high LOD. This isn't related to the scrambled mesh. But, this can cause the calculate button to grey out.
  19. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Ashasekayi Ra wrote: someone mentioned not using the marketplace as a comparison. That was me, I ment don't take what you see on the marketplace as your norm. If you can justify the high polycount on an item I will be the last person telling you to redo that object. In fact I'm having a long one post a day discussion about this with Chosen, who is is more into the low poly building than I am. A lot of things on the marketplace are simply not well built, no matter how much resources they take. I'd totally agree with you on that. There are some mesh items being sold that have no justification whatsoever.
  20. Can you see your textures on it when viewed in Blender?
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