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Kyrie Deka

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Everything posted by Kyrie Deka

  1. I won't ever forget this one, for the costumes!
  2. You invest a good deal. I see where you are going with your thinking and I get it. You removed the part about the fatpack you purchased in the earlier post in this thread, and I recall thinking you invested a good bit, and I get your comparison and reaction, I do. But I think they know, and you and I know, whatever they make is whatever they make. Sometimes given the seller's position, buying full perm has two responses. They don't get your Lindens anymore as a customer, and NOW you're gonna make competing items at competitive prices. I think there is always gonna be high-priced, inflexible sellers out there, and you and I aren't gonna change anyone. Sharing a funny example: Search Marketplace > All Categories > resort by Price High to Low. HAHA. First up is a Linden $1 billion trophy that looks like someone on their 32nd day in SL built with blocks. HAHA. That's gonna make me laff all day now, how cool! Anywho... what it comes down to I guess sometimes is, all we can hope for is quality in what we already spent. If it isn't enough of a product still after talking with the seller and asking for ideal or a bit more flexibility, then maybe full perm and time/investment is the best, maybe only, option if one still wants a product that is able to be modified to our liking, to whatever degree. HAHA on the trophy. There have been times I have purchased something at MP just to be able to give a great review for a job well done, or to balance out an unfair 1-star newbie review that happened before I got to the ad. YAH no I'm not gonna pick up the L$1 billion trophy today. HAHA at today's going Linden rate that makes it... HAHA
  3. Well then, sounds like feedback directly to the seller will get you exactly what you asked for in this case. I would highly recommend you contact them and ask. I have had very good luck with contacting sellers myself, who appreciate feedback.
  4. So many to quote here I will stop there. This individual(s) are playing head games, and you just weren't prepared for it so its freaking you out, and many of us (RL or SL!) have been there. I'm so sorry. But let's start with the fact that you seem to take the word of the nutcase(s) stalking you (=yes you can be tracked) *over* with knowledgeable folks here who have no reason to be freakin you out (=no you cannot be tracked except if...) are telling you. What nutcase is trying to do is freak you out to see your reaction, and its workin pretty good. That said, if you truly came here for answers to actions you can take to feel less freaked out/stalked, then first line of business is recognize that, it's cool, chill a little, donuts for everyone, and then slowly back away from believing stalker more than folks out here who have pretty vast experience to help. It's all good. Highly recommend, regardless of what you think you have/not worn or joined inworld or touched, that for EACH of your avatars - that is every alt, every main, every tester: *Open your Avatar > Appearance pop and SAVE YOUR OUTFIT. *click CTL-ALT-T to add red overlay where invisible items are. LOOK FOR items not expected that show invisible and attached > right click and EDIT > General Tab and look at the name. Be sure you recognize the item - that it makes sense. IF NOT recognized, then RIGHT-CLICK Detach. Just take it off! If it breaks your stuff, look at your just saved outfit and RIGHT-CLICK ADD. You will not break anything. If you find something, just take it off, and FIRST put it in a folder in inventory you clearly name CAUTION! If you don't miss the item in a few weeks, just delete the thing totally. I received a gift rose from someone back in the day, and somehow (perhaps I didn't realize I put it on who knows) there was an invisible ball on my left arm... when I detached the rose later, the invisible ball was not detached, and transmitted where I was all the time and showing up there. I read up, took advise of experienced others, searched as above, took off the invisible item, and moved on learning to pay attention else it would happen again. You need to do above with every single avatar you use. Clean em up. Snicker all the way to tomorrow because stalker will never be "fed" by your discomfort ever again... unless you give permission of course. Some role like that Wishing you the fun and peace on your own terms that you deserve in SL *hugs*
  5. Sellers create what they are moved to sell, at a price (high, moderate, low) they are inspired to offer those items at. The market corrects itself. Buy what is available that inspires you. Don't buy what doesn't make you happy. Accept what is not yet available here or learn additional skills and invest that additional time and money to make it oneself. And so if you want yes-mod clothes, just buy full perm seller items. That seems to solve the problem. Except that full perm clothes boxes commonly need some (or a lot of) external work (on the part of the user/seller) to make them "just change colors" properly visually. That investment on the part of a seller, gives them control over whether yes or no mod largely (reseller). No investment of time and money, then we are limited by what is/not offered. I think to myself who am I to question a seller's choices/boundaries/power-control related to what/how they sell an item(s). I think judging a seller's option (short of fraud) on what/how they sell an item(s) is a waste of my time and good that it never occurs to me. Do I send feedback that I believe they may disregard and accept the response? Do I stop shopping at their shops if I am not happy after spending? Sure! But hey, they earned the power to control those creations. I just move on, or make my own while investing time/money.
  6. I forgot we could use that! I used to type an apology disclaimer in nearby before I hit that key... but after awhile I thought it would be more neighborly just to move my buns out of the way already lol
  7. I continue to purchase used DVD's on Amazon for favorite movies which really hit a chord. Just in case the internet goes for a bit. Some movies just inspire. And some vintage music video DVD's. I have two USB dvd burners for pcs and a portable DVD player for car, beach, etc. I don't use them a lot, but I like having that option without missing a beat whenever a need hits me. $5 or less used through Amazon is a tiny price to pay for a good back-up option. I have had 100% great luck with. It appears a good number of Goodwill stores sell/ship used DVDs.
  8. Brushed it off for a very long time. I think I got trained to not care, after years of rez-delays and all the other avis - and me - cannot see anyone yet but some of us (and sometimes me) can still walk... I think bumping is unavoidable. No foul. Fun to know its in Firestorm tho!
  9. You mean like these reports? If yes, my support ticket is still open. Still happening to me. Consistently broken.
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