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Kyrie Deka

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Everything posted by Kyrie Deka

  1. Quite likely not anything related to Firestorm - that's good news *hugs FS* You are welcomed to contact me inworld anytime if you would like help with your TVs and settings in FS. You can test on my TV which should be working for you. Flash uninstall has had no affect on my TVs. Wishing you well!
  2. Two of the best points ever. Ever. I suspect had the first been done by leaders broadly to snuff this bug out in its tracks better, then non-unionized goods-and-services essential workers would have been take care of in that response so that for 4 weeks at least they were recognized for their additional risk and contribution were they to choose or have to continue due to their own personal situation. As it is now, nothing has changed, and if I never see the phrase "unskilled job" again I will be quite happy. How gross to call it that! I'm sorry - I'm thinking even the dude who used to stand on the corner with the big pizza place arrow sign twirling it around had to have at least one skill, to keep from falling in to oncoming traffic while "performing". **Shudder** at how some treat others standing right next to them, all while benefitting from their personal risk and hard labor, as they shield many from having to leave home at all...
  3. Maybe the third bet intro... Maybe the best NY song...
  4. I need my Saturday back... desperate measures... this ought to do it...
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