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Sephina Frostbite

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Everything posted by Sephina Frostbite

  1. /me giggles buh buh but I made this one from my own sweat, blood and tears..
  2. Wow beautiful, you have every right to brag. And now I love topless tuesday too. /me smiles
  3. So after 3 years into sl and no technological smarts today I made my first box due to a very awesome and very patient Kylan (uncommon). You rock!
  4. Sorry this is in the wrong spot but if someone can send me or tell me how to make a box so I can put my extra stuff I wont use (the original copies of what I unpack that they tell you do not throw away but take up way to much space) in it Id appreciate it. Im not technologically smart..So dumbing it down would be nice. thank you
  5. Can anyone point me to some nice but on the cheaper end furniture. Its only temporary that's why I don't want to pump a lot of linden into it.
  6. To simply put it shape is the shape of the body and skin is the color.
  7. It's really the little orange box that say's "Join Now For Free" There should be a fine print note under that that says: .....and if you can cough up roughly 10,000 virtual dollars you can look like this too. haha SO agree with this one!
  8. I know that pain. I also had my fave skin taken without my linden replaced. Where as I dont have a solution you have my sympathy.
  9. I was taking pix and wanted to share a photo but it failed. Any reasons why. I am on late slt time.. could that be why?
  10. I agree, I dont see many people on here who arent nice. A few grumpier then others but none I would say are mean. Its possible to disagree with someone and still believe they are nice. However it is a sweet gesture on her part.
  11. I know hun just making a joke, and failing at said joke... lol hope you are having a nice night or day where ever you may be.
  12. I think you are confusing complaining with whining. Complaining can accomplish a lot however whining sometimes not so much.
  13. Acutally you were the one who helped me out the first time. It was off the Firestorm Help page. There was a way to put in CMD and then you there was a command that had flush in it. Its no longer on that page or linked to it.
  14. you could look like her but have her features and hair etc but you wont look exactly like the image. You would be a three d image of her.
  15. Does anyone know where I can get the cmd code for flushing cache.. Sorry if I am not saying it write. I had it saved but the page went bye bye thanks!
  16. I love helping out new people and I am open minded as well. I will IM you inworld.
  17. SID Riler wrote: if they talk about money we dont like but if they have no money, broke as living under linden bridge , i would tell them also dont talk to me! hahaha, Love your posts btw Awe, thanks, I always like your input as well!
  18. Your review was beautifully written. I love it!!!
  19. Okay.. so some of you think that I am hating people with money. Such is not the case. I simply dont care whether a person has a lot or a little. Its the person I am interested in. Thats all I meant.
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