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Casper Warden

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Everything posted by Casper Warden

  1. Prokofy, as you are well aware, your name was removed from the example notecard many years ago, as soon as you drew my attention to it. As was explained at the time, I randomly (and in extremely bad judgement) used your avatar name to test name2key resolving during testing of that particular version, and I neglected to remove it before release. Again, I am very sorry for this. It was removed from the packs the very same day you informed me about it.
  2. Hi Chris! Even though the cut-off date to object to the data transfer has passed, you can still request deletion of your data in the same way - please use the tool at https://gdpr.casperdns.com/ CasperTech continues to operate in the same way as before, which includes all of our tools and support resources. They're just now owned by LL. If you have any issues just give me a shout.
  3. Hi JJValero! Although this information is largely moot due to the acquisition, I thought I'd chime in to answer this pragmatically. As I've mentioned before, CasperTech has always been profitable since day one, and there are no signs that this would change in the future. This is accomplished in a few ways: By maintaining reasonable pricing and a "free tier" to help new users get started By constantly making improvements to the back-end architecture to ensure it's as efficient as possible By carefully monitoring the most common support queries and responding to those by tweaking the user interface to reduce the need to contact support By strictly limiting support to the avatar that purchased the system (to prevent runaway support load from our customers' affiliates, staff and partners) By maintaining a wiki which is constantly updated with new information based on user experiences The result of which is: Due to heavy optimisations made in 2017, I was able to cut server costs in half We have the capacity available to more than double our current load without adding more servers (and that's even without taking the redundant failovers into account) The vast majority of our users rarely need to contact support Users are onboarded quickly, easily and regularly, maintaining the flow that we depend on, as Misa alludes to If I needed to, at any point, I could have switched to a subscription model to cover costs - and frankly, i'm sure I could have made a lot more money this way - but this was never my driving ambition. I love having people use my products, I love making a difference. And that's probably why we are still going after 13 years.
  4. That's a really cool idea. It's this kind of thing that is really exciting about this move - the possibilities are endless!
  5. Hi Bambi! I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but CasperVend vendors are very customisable! There are already many different third party vendor designs and styles (some of which can be seen in the 3rd party area of the CT store, here - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Izanagi/193/76/140) It's completely free for creators to make new designs for vendors, and they can even distribute the script with them (though the vendors will operate in free / commission mode if the end customer doesn't also own CasperVend premium). Inside the vendor crate (either the premium or free one), there's a box called "Customisation guide and tools" - there's a "mapping helper" script in there which can create a mapping notecard for the script to work with any vendor design. If you need any help don't hesitate to give us a call ❤️
  6. That wasn't a jab at you, I was talking about the person who sent the letter.
  7. Wow. Of all the things people can get upset about. An anti-VR letter bomb?
  8. It made finding and buying stuff easier for residents. Which is good for our businesses.
  9. Yes, very much this And just in general, don't use the same password on multiple sites. If one of them gets compromised, all of your accounts do.
  10. No, if you got that message then you have an account with us - you can use the "I've forgotten my password" link on the login page to reset your password if you don't remember it.
  11. Hi everyone I've posted a clarification regarding the transfer of data to LL on our wiki https://wiki.casperdns.com/index.php/Data_transfer_clarification Please do let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.
  12. I didn't want to get into this particular debate really since I don't have any definitive answers and I can't speak for the lab.. But please remember, this isn't a normal acquisition. CasperTech in SL was never really a separate, isolated business, it was operating on and actively enhancing the Second Life platform. Acquiring a company which adds value to your service seems like a logical move, to me. So does acquiring such a company to ensure longevity for residents. Of course, all businesses want to make more money, but there are multiple avenues to reach that goal - and enhancing the service to make a better value proposition to potential customers is a big one. It's not so black and white.
  13. Assuming you deleted all of the data (you can select the categories you prefer), you will be unable to use CasperTech merchant services, and any stores / rentals you have (that is, other people renting with you) would stop working. However, your purchase history with OTHER merchants will still be intact, meaning you can still get redeliveries. In this case, the merchants you bought from are the legal data controller and not us (we are a data processor on their behalf) Any rentals you have with other landlords will also be unaffected, since likewise, that data belongs to them.
  14. For the record, LL reached out to me asking about things that could be improved with the second life service to help with our services and business in general. It wasn't immediately a discussion about acquisition. But we (eventually) mutually reached that conclusion. CasperTech wasn't in trouble or at risk, but I am certainly looking forward to being able to invest more time into development. Much love to all ❤️
  15. Hello everyone I've asked the team to remove all our existing group bans, so we'll reset from scratch. Please note that you are still expected to adhere to the group rules. Things like abuse or racism/hate speech WILL get you an instant ban. Please note that we have never banned people from getting support. Our ticket system is the primary avenue for support. It might take a little while for the bans to be lifted, but please file a ticket if you would like access. ~Casper
  16. Great question! You may have noticed that CasperTech has already migrated all of its websites to use our own OAuth login. There's no timeframe for changing this to the Second Life login, but doing that does make sense to me, and should be super easy!
  17. Sorry for the confusion. My business conducts other activities outside of the Second Life services. These are things unrelated to CasperVend, CasperLet, etc. LL is acquiring everything related to Second Life, including the servers that run the services. This includes all in-world CasperTech properties and their related out of world servers.
  18. LL acquired the second life portion of CasperTech. We still exist as an independent business, but anything in Second Life is under LL's remit.
  19. It takes a little time to send out 100,000 notecards - it'll be with you! If you don't recieve anything by midnight please ping me and i'll send it over. It's also in the CT group notices if you're in there.
  20. No! We've been profitable since the day we launched. But the amount that one guy (me) can handle is limited, and as CT grew I found myself with a massive challenge and not enough time to improve the service. Now I can! *yay* Edit: I didn't mean to exclude our amazing support people, I was referring to maintenance of the servers and code primarily, and support requests which required my intervention.
  21. Yes you can. You can request removal of your data (the link is in the notecard, but IM me inworld if you want it directly - I want to avoid the service being overloaded) But yes, if you request this of course your service will cease to function, we can't operate without that data
  22. Not yet. We're following proper data protection process and contacting every avatar who we hold data on (look out for an e-mail or a notecard in-world).
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