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Qie Niangao

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Everything posted by Qie Niangao

  1. Free from tiers, yes. It's possible, however, that your friend is thinking of the old "first land" program which actually awarded 512 sq.m. of land to a new premium account. That program is long gone, but instead there is the Linden Home program which allows premium members to use their 512 free tier to own one of several specific kinds of pre-built houses on Linden-designed sims.
  2. FWIW, you can download .bvh files of all the built-in animations, then re-upload them however you want. See this wiki page for the link. As you see there, avatar_stand.bvh is set to loop in the built-in animation "stand", but if you look at the .bvh, it is in fact a single frame, so can be re-uploaded unlooped, for L$10. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the result to do anything interesting, so.. dunno. YMMV, I guess.
  3. Right, because you're already a premium member and don't like Linden Homes (good taste, by the way; they're pretty outdated now), you should be looking for a different way to use that "bonus" 512 sq.m. of free tier. And that means buying yourself a Mainland parcel of 512 sq.m. or less*. The aforementioned "Buying Land" knowledge base article covers a lot of ground, so the Mainland section is a little light and hard to find. Basically, you have two choices: buy Mainland at auction directly from Linden Lab, or buy it from another user. All of Mainland is "pre-owned" at this point (and has been for years), so the auction parcels are just those that were abandoned by those previous owners, rather than being sold. Besides the auction page (which is uncharacteristically out-of-stock just at the moment), you can find land for sale by owners either by looking for appealing yellow spots on the in-world Map (zoomed-in with "Land Sale" enabled) or, more efficiently, using in-world Search, Land & Rentals tab, "View All Land & Rentals", selecting the desired area and price range for Type: Mainland. Most of Mainland can be had for cheap, compared to the recurring price of tier if one didn't have that free, Premium bonus 512. ___________ *In fact, you can go up to 560 sq.m. without paying any tier, using group-deeded land, but unless you find a parcel sized exactly 528, 544, or 560, we can leave that to "advanced topics."
  4. Sudoquai Wonder wrote: There are some shops in Secondlife, which are accepting Bitcoin now ! Really? As I've been asking all along, by what specific means are these shops "accepting" bitcoin? If the whole transaction is done outside SL, as with MoaP or just llLoadURL, then never mind: nothing of interest there. (Well... it might be interesting to see if any customers would actually risk coin to MoaP vulnerabilities.) (Oh, and don't direct me to the bitcoin botfest in Miramare, whatever the heck that mess is supposed to be.)
  5. (I'm surprised that nobody has answered yet. I'm surely not the best to answer, having only ever worked on full sims for others, not owning them myself. But in lieu of anybody who actually knows whereof they speak...) It seems you're most likely speaking of a private Estate region, not Mainland. (A full sim of Mainland can be a little challenging to find for sale, and a bit pricey up-front, but of course much cheaper per month: $195, compared to $295 for a full Estate sim. You have much less control of a Mainland sim, however, even if you own the whole thing.) It also seems you're speaking of a full-primmed region, not a Homestead. That's judging from the fact you want to rent some out, and want it to be an urban setting which tends to demand more land impact than a Homestead can support. Homesteads are much cheaper, $125/mo, but first you have to have a full-primmed region -- assuming you're going to be running your own estate, not renting from an existing estate. You might, however, start out by renting a Homestead and building there, so when you later get your own full-primmed sim (perhaps your own estate) you already know what you'll be rezzing there and how you'll be terraforming it, so you can "hit the ground running" after making that steeper investment. (A Homestead only supports 3750 land impact, compared to 15,000 for a full-primmed sim... but if you'll be renting out parts of it, you'll proably want to devote most of those for tenant use -- although of course that greatly limits how much you can build for your own use.) However you decide to do it, yeah, you can terraform a private region any way you like (and use RAW files to perfectly copy your region's terrain to another, or vice versa). You can hire others to help, or you may know people who'd be willing to help set up a sim just for the fun of it. (Not so likely to find anybody willing to manage rentals for free, although possibly in exchange for free rent.)
  6. Nina Jashan wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: No one in SL should be forced to do business with someone they dont want to. Again, just stop using the Marketplace. Problem solved. So very many problems solved. Just try it for a few months. Second Life is infinitely more enoyable when one simply pretends Marketplace doesn't exist. so obviously you're not enjoying the flow of big bucks from the MP like many others. Lol, no, I quit selling stuff in SL long ago. RL prostitution is so much more respectable, at least in the estimation of non-SL civilians.
  7. Marianne Little wrote: Men has some to pick from now. It's fun to use male alts these days... so much great mesh clothes. Last skin I bought was from Aeros, they have 2 new skins at the Fair. Well, they have more than 2, but the rest was out before the Fair. I must demo 4 male skins, 2 from Aeros, Kooqla and Clef de Peau. Thanks for the tip on where the male skins could be found -- saved me a lot of time and frustration. Got all those demos, but jeepers: WTF is it with male skins this year, such that they must all be some paler or darker shade of fuschia? I guess it's some improvement from past years, when every male skin used the identical muscle-bound torso shading. Oh well. Saves me a couple thousand L$s, I suppose.
  8. Pamela Galli wrote: No one in SL should be forced to do business with someone they dont want to. Again, just stop using the Marketplace. Problem solved. So very many problems solved. Just try it for a few months. Second Life is infinitely more enoyable when one simply pretends Marketplace doesn't exist.
  9. And you can abandon your land you currently own, but at a loss to what you paid. You can also put a classified ad IW for your land for sale. Just a tiny clarification: although one could use an actual classified ad, that's very rarely done except by large land agents trying to sell many different parcels. Instead, just setting the land for sale automatically puts it in Search -- so give it a good name and description when you set it for sale! Everybody who's serious about buying Mainland either uses Search or looks for yellow plots on the Map, hence real classified ads aren't worth the cost and effort. I don't know the Boreal region and haven't had a chance to get in-world to visit. Generally snow regions fetch slightly lower prices than other land types, except early in the Northern Hemisphere's winter, but of course everywhere has some value -- worst case, it's a cheap spot for somebody to float a skybox. So a "reverse auction" makes sense if you have the patience to start at some higher-than-really-expected price and gradually drop it until somebody eventually buys. Used to be that landbots would buy any parcel anywhere for a low enough price, but they're no longer allowed. I imagine that humans have re-assumed that role, at a slower pace.
  10. I suggest just not using Marketplace any more. Solves a lot of problems.
  11. I hate to leave you in the lurch here, so I'm posting again just to "bump" this thread in hopes somebody else will see it and be better able to help. Before giving up, I started hacking together a sample of how I'd approach what I understood to be the problem -- and then realized that I completely don't understand what you're trying to build. I was thinking that these seats just spun around appearing directly attached to a spinning (llTargetOmega) central shaft, the faster it goes, the higher they should spin... but now, having looked at the script (which incidentally I couldn't get to work except the particle system), I suspect they're actually supposed to swing back and forth or something -- and using physical motion, no less. So this is some kind of amusement ride with which I'm not familiar (which isn't that surprising). Hopefully somebody else will have a clue.
  12. Yeah, maybe, but I don't think any amount of New Avatar Wonderfulness will discourage people from replacing it wholly with lagmonster AVs bigger (or smaller), with more (or fewer) tails, and somehow always an order of magnitude more geometry than whatever is offered. It's just the way of avatar-conscious SL users, so I don't see much benefit of introducing another avatar mesh that will get even less use than the junky one we've got now. If they really feel compelled to make a more extensible skeleton, okay, maybe one developer part-time on that, as long as it won't break any existing content (animations, especially). Or if they want to support arbitrary rigging deformation of unattached Mesh, I can see some value in that. But I'd much rather have anti-water surfaces. Followed by Linden-water surfaces.
  13. 2048 sq mtr (or close anyway) As I recently mentioned elsewhere, 2048 is a really bad parcel size to purchase. It's okay to rent, as long as somebody else is paying the tier. Here's why: Ignoring group bonus for the nonce, let's look at the effect of the 512 sq.m. premium bonus, combined with various tier levels, on per-square-meter costs. (In all cases, the owner is paying the premium membership fee, so we don't need to calculate the cost of that 512 bonus -- which is handy because there are different premium plans, although anyone with the hint of a clue chooses the annual plan.) A 1536 sq.m. parcel uses that 512 bonus plus the 1024 tier level for US$8 per month. That's $2.67 per 512 per month. A 2048 sq.m. parcel requires the full 2048 tier level, but leaves 512 unused. This costs US$15 per month, so that's a whopping $7.00 per month for that extra 512 above the 1536, and even overall it costs $3.75 per 512 per month. A 2560 sq.m. parcel fully uses both the bonus 512 and the 2048 for that US$15 per month. That's $3.00 per 512 per month. (To squeeze the absolute most land out of a tier level, the group bonus adds about 10%, rounded down to multiples of 16 sq.m., the smallest possible unit of land ownership. So that 1536 can actually be 1680, and the 2560 can be 2816.)
  14. But invisiprims are really quite awful for removing water because they remove all other alpha textures behind their surface. This is also why they were such eyesores as shoe parts, back before the avatar got alpha masks. The thing is, we got that much-improved way to de-render avatar parts, but have no substitute for invisiprims when trying to de-render water. Not yet. But one can imagine "anti-water" that's way better than invisiprims. There have been requests and at least one jira for it, since long before invisiprims went away. I dunno what it would take to get it made. Maybe if we all show up at Nyx's office hour and exclaim that we don't want anything else -- no more fitted Mesh fluffery, no more futzing-about with outfits, no more next-avatar nonsense, nothing -- until we get our anti-water. Maybe then they'd listen, or maybe not. I get the impression that some adult supervision is needed at Nyx's office hour to remind them that there's more to SL than avatars. Last I checked, the attendance has pretty much shifted to avatar-builders only, which happened naturally because Mesh was originally such a fustercluck for avatars. But at this point it would be better to declare that "mission accomplished" and get on with other, non-avatar stuff for a few years. (Oh, and the "power user" discussion is just too silly. Power users do not run somebody else's TPV. Duh.)
  15. It could be that due the higher population the -avatars- on that sim cause the lag? Yeah, it sure could, but again that should affect everybody else more or less the same. Well, you'd want "Avatar imposters" enabled in your graphics preferences, and probably "Hardware skinning", but they probably already are; without them, yeah, you'd get more avatar-rendering lag than others who had those options enabled. (I'd be very surprised, however, if that's the problem here.) This does seem worth pursuing further because your PC configuration looks pretty good to me; I'm sure not seeing any obvious reason why you should be experiencing disproportionate lag. It may be that a site visit would give some clues (not to pry)... or, I wonder, have you compared actual viewer framerates with others who claim not to be experiencing the extreme lag on that sim?
  16. Yeah, I guess it's too late, at least for full-scale viewer plug-ins. I still expect that some future virtual world will have compelling viewer-side scripting, or at the very least a more featured UI toolkit for scripts. [ETA: Although, ya know... it would be possible for a TPV to architect itself to support third-party plugins. That's actually the kind of project I could get interested in -- but not for virtual reality, unless there's some sudden burst of interest following all this new hardware. Augmented reality seems to have a brighter future, and there is the Google Glass Mirror API. Hmmm.]
  17. Tonya Souther wrote: Have you looked at the Firestorm codebase? (Or that of any other viewer?) It's not that neatly divided. It's one big 1MLOC mess. It's grown by accretion over a period of years, and to get to the point where we could neatly separate LL work from FS enhancements would take a major rearchitecting of the code. I think it's not so much a feature of Firestorm's code that causes it to be so intricately intertwined with the LL viewer source as it is the fact that LL simply threw open the viewer source without any consideration for how contributors might sensibly contribute. Granted, that's just what an open source True Believer would want and all, but I suspect we'd have more interesting TPV features if instead LL had circumscribed the areas where third-party contributions were possible, with a plug-in architecture for their viewer. Or, anyway, that would have been a different course that might have turned out better, which was something that popped in my head when I learned that Google just released a new Docs plug-in capabiity.
  18. But I don't see Pussycat saying anything about fitted mesh specifically. The Phoenix team says at the top of their announcement that the new release "has been a long time coming" and lists a few of the highlights that have been in Linden viewers for quite some time -- perhaps most notably, Monty's HTTP changes, and by adopting those the Firestorm viewer should again approach the Linden viewers' performance. [ETA: Although, to be honest, I've been using Linden beta and RC viewers almost exclusively for a long time, just to try to catch bugs before they spread to TPVs and everywhere else, so my recollection of when features are introduced tends to skew toward earlier-than-release dates. Also, I don't mean to belittle the achievement of releasing a new, stable Firestorm viewer. There's a tremendous amount of source to merge when there are so many wide-ranging updates in the Linden code base. It seems the viewer has been getting a lot of fixes lately, with a lot more in progress right now, too.]
  19. I'd just warn that Linden Homes are really showing their age these days, so the idea of renting one out -- or even using it for oneself, if one is watching developments elsewhere in SL -- may be a bit optimistic. On the plus side, those developments have made possible compelling furnishing with very low land-impact (given careful shopping of newer Mesh+materials creations). But that same development has left the prim+sculpty shells of Linden Homes and their built surroundings looking pretty old and tired. (Also, the "renting out" thing might not be permitted, exactly, but I don't think anybody is going to fuss about an informal arrangement. On the other hand, it may not be a very nice rental arrangement anyway because, as far as I know, you can't transfer land on Linden Homes regions, so you can't make it group-owned, so a renter can't have quite all the parcel management abilities they might expect.)
  20. Yeah, sure, but I'm still puzzled about how you're getting all the swings to simultaneously move the way you want them to. If that's already cured, then it's trivial to have them send particles from some prim in their linkset out to some other prim that's not part of the linkset. That's not exactly the same as "different spots on the surface" of a single prim; you can't really do that, exactly, because a particle target is always the origin of a prim (or of an avatar, the origin of which is notoriously near the crotch). So either all the seats could target a single prim, or they could separately each target one of several linked prims. But is this really the problem? I mean, the swings are already all moving as you want, and it's really just a matter of getting the particles to go where they should? Because Ohjiro sketches how to make that work, in the first reply to this thread. We can certainly elaborate on that if necessary, but that part seems (much) easier than getting all the seats to move together as desired.
  21. ziicutie wrote: This land should be acessable by the main grid or test grid by your choice. This is what killed the idea of the "metaverse" back in the heady days of, say, 2008. The problem is that by hosting your own sim, you are also hosting all content on that sim, which is to say you have your very own copy of all intellectual property that happens to be rezzed on or stumble upon your sim. It doesn't matter what LL may want, they are legally forbidden from allowing that to happen to any user-generated content currently on the Second Life grid. So any inter-grid movement would have to be without any assets at all -- no clothes, no skin, no avatar of any kind, and of course absolutely no inventory.
  22. Right, or if you just need those coordinates for a specific sim (not in LSL), can call the cap with a URL like this: https://cap.secondlife.com/cap/0/d661249b-2b5a-4436-966a-3d3b8d7a574f?var=coords&sim_name=Ahern as documented on the Map API Reference page. (The "opposite" cap was broken for a long, long time, but they both seem to work again at the moment.) Also, a minor detail about using LSL to find the map grid coordinates of a region: those are actually the global coordinates of the region's corner divided by 256 -- that is, llGetRegionCorner() and llRequestSimulatorData() return global coordinates in 1-meter units, and the map grid uses global coordinates in one-region units.
  23. True, but it's a waste of resources just leaving the script in the object once the hovertext is set. So that raises the question of what the OP is actually doing such that a hovertext label is useful. Maybe we can get by with dropping a script in the object each time it's to be named, just chat the name and description (or use llGetText to collect them), then have the script change the name, description, and hovertext accordingly, then remove itself. It's quicker and easier to drop a script on an object and answer a couple llGetText dialogs than it is to right-click and edit the object and change those name and description fields in the build tool. But we don't really know what the OP is doing. For example, maybe these objects get their names and descriptions through some other script, or something else that would make this even easier.
  24. ....my parcel is a little larger than 1024 by about 100m... and in the snow country of Boreal.... I want to upgrade to the 2048 size but would want to trade my parcel as part of the deal.... We're talking about Mainland ownership here, so it's cost-effective to match total land ownership with tier levels -- but keeping in mind that the premium membership comes with 512 sq.m. "bonus" tier that you can use to augment all the tier levels. Hence, for the same US$15 monthly fee as a 2048 sq.m. parcel, you can have up to 2560 (2048 + 512) sq.m. Or, at the US$8 monthly tier level, you can have 1024 + 512 = 1536 sq.m. -- and maybe spend the US$7 you saved on L$1750 more stuff in-world. (With the 10% "group bonus" you can actually do slightly better than those sizes, too, by always buying the land "for group." Group land is in fact quite useful, but also a tiny bit tricky at first, so maybe put that aside until you're looking at a specific parcel that needs some of that extra 10%).
  25. FangXiLi Xue wrote: I clean out my pc inside once in a while, like every 3 or sometimes 4 months, with the vacuumcleaner, very carefully. I just open the pc and make that carefully, the fan is always a bit dusty. and when its too dusty, the pc shuts down by itself. Then i know i have to clean it again, but mostly i clean it before that happens. I did that about 2 weeks ago for the last time. Any idea how i could cool it down more? Im scared to leave the pc open coz i think more dust will affect the pc then sooner, but maybe there are other ways? Well, I'm not 100% sure that the over-temp condition is what's causing the weird lag spikes, so I don't want to get too obsessed with cooling, but that GPU temp does seem high enough to be worth a bit more effort, even if it doesn't ultimately solve the lag spike problem. And since nobody seems to have any better ideas anyway, we may as well spend a little more time on cooling. I don't think you should leave the PC open. In fact, some cases cool better all sealed-up except for the designed-in fan vents. I'll tell you what I do and you can decide if you want to do something similar. About twice a year, I remove the graphics card from the machine and carefully use a large fluffy artist's brush to dislodge the dust from its fan and heatsink. For me, this seems to work better than compressed air (and much better than a vaccuum), although it's slightly delicate work. (I try to keep myself grounded to some metal on the card to prevent static, but that may be superstitious.) Longer term, you probably want to be planning on a more capable graphics card. It really makes a massive difference in the SL experience. But you may also be considering a whole replacement machine -- I mean, everybody has to upgrade eventually -- so I get it that we really want to get this one working better for now.
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