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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. There are viewers for both. For Android, try Lumiya, or Mobile Grid Client. For iPhone or iPad, try Pocket Metaverse. Note that Lumiya is the only one of the three that has even a rudimentary graphic interface. The others are text only.
  2. Compared to Real Life jobs, there are very few SL jobs that pay well. Most pay in tips only, and you can expect to make far less per hour than a RL minimum wage. For this reason, it's a better use of your time to work a little longer or harder in RL and just buy some $L, with a credit card or a verified PayPal account. Those who make anything like "serious" money in SL are large "land barons" who rent out land to others (requires start up capital) and successful content creators (requires both business skill and skill with tools like Photoshop, Maya, Poser, etc.) Also, most people who have "jobs" to offer won't hire you unless you have more than 30 days experience in world. And many jobs require that you invest in your appearance (escort, exotic dancer, fashion model.)
  3. I am not familiar with those "games" (except to say that IMO Earn2Life and other such "earn free $L" systems are scams.) But many devices that want you to give them an input require it to be typed and "spoken" in local chat, usually within a set time period, such as 30 seconds. Read your product documentation carefully.
  4. In local chat?? Are you sure you are not wearing something you picked up from the store?
  5. I do something like what Valerie and Rolig suggest, but with a twist. I save clothing items by category, color, and maker. For example, if I wanted a sweater, I'd look in: Inventory/Clothing/Outerwear/Sweaters Then in the Sweaters folder I would find, perhaps, a folder called: Green cable knit cowl neck - SSH (In my system, color comes first. The initials on the end are for "Style Starts Here", the store where I bought it.) Within that folder, along with all the parts of the sweater, I place the picture included by the creator. If they don't include one, I take a picture of myself in the item when I first try it on. A folder can always be re-named. Sometimes there's just a single item, like a shirt layer, and it's No Modify. You can't re-name that, but you CAN put it inside a new folder, and you can name the folder whatever you want. Mix-n-match outfits can be tricky to categorize. You could split them up, putting pants in the Pants folder, skirts in the Skirts folder. What I do is put them into the folder that most closely matches what I expect my usual use of the outfit will be, like Clothing/Pantsuits/Casual/Beige pants, black top w/skirt - Morea Keeping your inventory under control is Second Life's equivalent to doing laundry...it's a chore that is never quite finished. It helps to try on and organize things at the end of every shopping expedition. You must also peridodically go through and delete things you no longer want. I try to keep things organized so that no one sub-folder gets too large. When it does, I split it into two new sub-folders. For example, I have enough Steampunk outfits that they are a separate folder within my Costumes folder. Or you can forget about organizing. If you can manage to give everything in your inventory a memorable name, you can just toss it all into a big pile on the floor of your virtual closet, and use the inventory Search window to find what you are looking for!
  6. If you are renting your home, talk to your landlord. If you own a Linden Home, or own land on the Mainland, you do have ban rights. There are several steps you can take, which I discuss below. If you lease land on a private estate, you should have ban rights, but it's up to the estate owner. If you don't, speak to the estate owner or manager. Security measures: 1. Ban by name. If the avatar is present, right click him, select Eject, then choose Eject and Ban. If not present, use About Land/Access to add the avatar name to the parcel ban list. 2. General ban. Usually only available if you own mainland. In About Land/Access, uncheck the public access box. Only you and people you put on your access list will be able to come on the parcel. 3. About Land/Options. Turn off Scripts, Object Rezzing, and Object Entry for "everyone". Only you and (if the land is set to group) your group members will be able to bring objects and scripts onto your land. 4. Also consider turning off "avatars on other parcels can see and hear avatars on this parcel". This will make it harder for the griefers to know you are home (not impossible, just harder.) 5. Security Systems. Even if you don't have ban rights on your land, your covenant may allow you to put up a "security orb". Be SURE that its area of effect does not extend to your neighbors' lands. 6. File Abuse Reports. File an AR on each person, for every incident.
  7. People 13-15 may only use Second Life in certain sponsored and restricted regions...such as a region controlled by an approved organization such as a school or youth group. Your son can not create an account directly. I would add that, in my opinion, Second Life is not suitable for persons under 18, period. But that's just me.
  8. Please give us some details on your computer specs, especially your video card. You can add information to your original post by clicking Options/Edit at the upper right of your post window.
  9. Most likely your region is off line. Try logging in to a different location. I recommend Smith, Pooley, or Heckendorf. If you find your region is off line (can't see it on the Map, can't teleport there, it looks like empty ocean when you view it from the region next door)...then contact your estate owner or manager, if it's a private estate, or file a support ticket with Linden Lab if it's Mainland.
  10. There are no Lindens on this forum, just residents like yourself. We can't offer any guidance on Maturity ratings that's better than what you can get by reading here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Maturity-ratings/ta-p/700119
  11. You can do two things. 1. Create a texture with the rules on it in Photoshop, GIMP, or another paint program. Save it as a JPEG file, no larger than 1024x1024 (preferably smaller...most signs can be no larger than 256 pixels and still be legible.) Then import the texture into SL and apply it to one face of your sign prim. 2. Create a notecard with your rules. Drop it into your sign prim's Content tab, and add a script to give the notecard to anyone who touches the prim. An extra touch is to have the script make floating text above the prim, "Touch me for important information!" If you don't have a giver script, IM me in world and I'll send you one.
  12. If you are trying to lower the land, try raising it instead, and vice versa. As Rolig says, most Mainland can be terraformed +/- 4m, but this is measured from the level at which LL originally created the land. If a previous owner has already raised or lowered it as far as it will go, you can't take it any further.
  13. First of all, make sure you are using the mesh-enabled version of Phoenix... Second, see this page: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/seeing_worn_mesh
  14. Be very careful when buying Marketplace items. In some cases, a bug puts the picture of another item on the item description page. If you buy based on the picture, you might get something other than what you expected. This is not the merchant's fault, there is nothing they can do about it, and they may not even know about it.
  15. 1. A desktop computer will give more performance than a laptop at the same price point. 2. Almost any computer advertised as a "gaming computer" will run SL well. 3. Stay away from integrated graphics solutions like "Intel HD 3000" and "Intel HD 4000". Get a machine with a discrete ATI/AMD Radeon or NVIDIA GeForce graphics card.
  16. In Sketchup?! I can't think of a worse 3D modeling program to use for creating organic shapes. Sketchup is intended for architecture. Plus it does not export cleanly to an SL-compatible file format. You have to go through Blender or another program to get a model out. Learn Blender. Or, if you have access to them, Maya or 3DS Max or LightWave.
  17. To install video drivers, go to ATI's web site, and follow their instructions to locate, download, and install the proper drivers for your video card. SL is not yet certified to run on Windows 8, and you are one of the lucky pioneers. For some help, you might check the links Irene Muni gives in this thread... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Windows-8/qaq-p/1717489/comment-id/27409#M27409
  18. A "broken link" would indicate that an outfit has a link back to the original shape. And then, for whatever reason, that original item was deleted. Either by you, or by some SL glitch. Try the usual inventory recovery technique first: 1. Clear your cache. 2. Log out. Turn off your computer, your router, and your internet modem. 3. After a minute, turn everything back on and reboot your system. 4. Log into Second Life in an empty region, such as Smith, Pooley, or Heckendorf. 5. WAIT for your inventory to load. You can speed this process by typing something -- anything -- in the inventory search window. If a couple rounds of this have not restored the missing item(s), you'll have to file a support ticket with Linden Lab. Note that this level of tech support will require a Premium membership. If the missing items are valuable enough, a one month subscription to Premium might be worth it. Also, when you make changes to something, do NOT save it as a link. Save it with its own new name!
  19. You can NOT change your user name. You can, however, choose a Display Name. Right click yourself, select Profile. Click the little wrench icon that is next to your user name. You'll see a new window open up, which allows you to enter a Display Name. You can change your Display Name as often as once per week. Other avatars may choose to see your user name, your Display Name, or both...that's in their own viewer preferences, and isn't under your control. But most people will call you by your Display name out of common courtesy.
  20. No. First of all, being in the Received Items section of your inventory has no bearing on this issue. It's just a place for something to be, like any other place in your inventory. The important thing to understand is the copy permissions of the item. If an item is No Copy, when you drag it out of its box into your inventory, the box now does NOT contain it. You have moved the only copy there is. You can create a Link to the item, for example if you include it in an Outfit, but there is still only one copy of it. If you delete it or give it away, it's gone. By the same token, you can delete the empty box it came in, just like you can throw away the box that a Real Life thing comes in. Copyable items are a little different. When you drag it out of its box, it leaves behind a copy of itself. If it's transferable, you can sell or give it away, and a copy of it will still remain in your inventory. You can make safety copies of it, and store them in other places in your inventory. And, looking back at the box it came in, you can STILL delete the box (and the copy of the item that's still in there) safely. Some people like to save boxes...for copyable items, it provides an easy and safe way to retain a spare. Or you can pitch them...it's strictly a matter of preference.
  21. You actually don't need ANY equipment. All that is necessary is that the DJ be able to change the land's audio stream setting to their stream URL...or you can do that for them, if you're present. But giving them this ability is prudent, in case the stream needs to be re-set sometime during the session. One convenient way to handle this is to create a specific group role in your land group for "DJ", with the appropriate group abilities, then add the DJ to your group. An SL radio with the ability to tune a specific URL is a handy tool. A DJ booth is just a visual prop.
  22. It might be because you have multiple languages installed on your computer. (A Windows issue, not an SL one) Here is a relevant comment from the JIRA... On XP (I don't know about Vista, but likely to be the same): The default keyboard shortcuts for "Switch input languages" and "Switch keyboard layouts" are Ctrl-Shift and LeftAlt-Shift, both of which are very easy to press when using SL. The shortcuts can be disabled, in Regional and Language Options, Languages, Details, Key Settings, Change Key Sequence
  23. Lindal Kidd


    Besides Valerie's great answer, it's a lot easier to get into SL by simply launching the viewer application, rather than going through your web browser to do it.
  24. Can you explain your problem more fully? I don't understand "internet account list". To edit your post, click the Options button in the upper right corner and select Edit.
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