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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Ah, OK .... So llGetMassMKS == llGetMass / 1000.0 ? Seems like kind of a useless function to me.
  2. If you are asking about how to set the permissions on objects that you create, see http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Permissions-on-objects/ta-p/700129. If that is not your question, please add more information here so that we can help you. I am guessing that you are not a native speaker of English. If you write your question in simple sentences in your own language, someone here may be able to translate it and give you a better answer.
  3. That's not a compiler or run time error message from any LSL script. My guess is that it's either something coming from your viewer's code or from some other program that you have running on your computer, but I don't have a clue what it is. Maybe Nalates will know, if she stops by here. Tell us more about your computer and which viewer you are using. That might suggest an answer. To add that information, just click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question here and select EDIT. Do NOT start a new thread, please. ETA: Aha! Nalates got it. :smileywink:
  4. I'm having trouble understanding your question, but I think the best way for you to get an answer to whatever it is, is to call the LL billing office and ask. LL's billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only
  5. Thank you, Digit. I somehow missed seeing a couple of those as they were introduced. Time to start playing and see what they can do. BTW, llGetMassMKS doesn't show up yet for me. I wonder about that one, though. It's never been clear to me what unit LSL uses for mass, but I have assumed that it was kilos. No? If not, and they had to introduce a whole new function just to apply a constant factor, what unit were they using before?
  6. Rolig Loon


    Click on the word "Help" at the top of this page and then select "Contact Support" from the menu on the right side of the page. You will see options for submitting a support ticket or for contacting Live Chat.
  7. Wenn Sie Probleme beim Anmelden haben, prüfen Sie immer die Grid-Status Web-Site zuerst ..... Anmeldungsfehlversuchen [Posted 12.15 PST, 15 November 2011] Einige Bewohner möglicherweise nicht zu diesem Zeitpunkt anmelden. Wir sind uns bewusst für das Problem und sind an einer Lösung. Bitte halten Sie ein Auge auf diesem Blog für Updates. Dieser Eintrag wurde am dienstag 15 November, 2011 um 01.16 Uhr veröffentlicht und wurde unter SLGrid-Status abgelegt. Sie können alle Antworten zu diesem Eintrag durch den RSS 2.0 Feed verfolgen. Dies ist wahrscheinlich ein vorübergehendes Problem. Versuchen Sie, sich später noch einmal.
  8. Whenever you have login problems, always check the Grid Status web site first :.. Login Failures [Posted 12:15PM PST, 15 November 2011] Some residents may be unable to login at this time. We are aware of the issue and are working on a resolution. Please keep an eye on this blog for updates. This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 at 1:16 pm and is filed under SLGrid Status. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
  9. Whenever you have login problems, always check the Grid Status web site first : Login Failures [Posted 12:15PM PST, 15 November 2011] Some residents may be unable to login at this time. We are aware of the issue and are working on a resolution. Please keep an eye on this blog for updates. This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 at 1:16 pm and is filed under SLGrid Status. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
  10. Whenever you have login problems, always check the Grid Status web site first ..... Login Failures [Posted 12:15PM PST, 15 November 2011] Some residents may be unable to login at this time. We are aware of the issue and are working on a resolution. Please keep an eye on this blog for updates. This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 at 1:16 pm and is filed under SLGrid Status. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
  11. Whenever you have login problems, always check the Grid Status web site first ..... Login Failures [Posted 12:15PM PST, 15 November 2011] Some residents may be unable to login at this time. We are aware of the issue and are working on a resolution. Please keep an eye on this blog for updates. This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 at 1:16 pm and is filed under SLGrid Status. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
  12. "Following" is not exactly like "stalking," although I, too, find it annoying. It's a feature of the facebooky style of the new web profiles. As far as I know, there's no way to prevent people from following what is on your profile, but you can make it extremely dull for anyone who wants to. Just make all of your Privacy settings as restrictive as possible. Don't let anyone see or post to your feed, and restrict access for the other parts of your profile to "Friends" only.
  13. Several people have asked here about Toshiba Satellite notebooks. The answer, in general, is that you will probably get low to medium quality performance from that computer in SL. It has built-in graphics chip instead of a separate graphics card, and was not truly designed for the graphics expectations that SL places on a GPU.
  14. If you are using a LL viewer but you downloaded it before about two weeks ago, you may still have one that starts you out in Basic mode. You'll be able to tell by looking in the far upper right corner of your screen. If you see a button that says MODE, then click it and select Advanced. Then log out of SL and log back in. You will be in Advanced mode and should have all of the normal functions of the viewer. LL finally realized that modes were a bad idea, so they folded Basic back into the normal system in the most recent viewer.
  15. There's not likely to be an online tutorial for something as specific as that unless the creator has made one himself. If you have questions, the smart idea is to contact the creator directly. You'll find his name in the Creator field on the Gerenal page when you select your HUD with the Build Edit tool (CTRL + 3).
  16. I have never understood why anyone wants to do that, but I have seen this question several times over the years. It's difficult enough to make realistic looking skins and match them to shapes that look "normal". Making them look like a specific person is very difficult. There are a few true experts in SL, but they charge megabucks for their custom work (not mega L$, but real dollars). If you want to try it yourself, start with baby steps, by learning how to create skins. You'll find a few tutorials listed at >>> http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/109/07/327603/1.html.
  17. DPI is irrelevant in a non-print context. The only thing that counts is the total number of pixels in your image. Unlike a printed photo, which we all see at the same magnification, an image on screen varies in size depending on how much each person has zoomed in on it at the moment. Also, computer screens vary widely in size and in the number of dots per inch. The old standard of 72 DPI hasn't been relevant since the mid-1990s. So, when you are making clothes, just create the texture in Photoshop or GIMP or whatever as a 1024 x 1024 or even a 2048 x 2048 image, then reduce it to 512 x 512 for upload to SL. Don't worry about DPI.
  18. Es könnte sich als verfrüht auf Ihren neuen Computer schuld. Es gibt ernste Probleme mit Stimme auf vielen sims in SL ins Gespräch. Siehe die JIRA Bericht über dieses Problem unter>>> https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-7442? . In manchen Fällen verschwindet das Problem, wenn die SIM-Besitzer startet den Server. Versuchen Sie besuchen andere Orte in SL auf Ihre Stimme dort zu testen.
  19. Start using an external editor like LSL Editor that gives fairly helpful error messages and that you can use when you are not logged in to SL. You can see a range of choices at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Alternate_Editors . There are many ways to start learning LSL. One way is to work through some of the tutorials at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Tutorial and elsewhere. They at least give you a feel for the structure of the language andd the syntax of its functions. The heart of scripting, however, is logic. That's harder to pick up from tutorials than it is to learn by example. I'd recommend starting to examine sample scripts to see how they work. Play with them, modify them to see what your changes accomplish, and gradually try writing your own. There are freebie scripts all over SL and in wb sites, as well as in the LSL library and in examples buried throughout the wiki. Try not to be discouraged when things don't work quite the way you expect. You often learn more from mistakes than when things always do what you predict they will. As you start working on your own projects and have questions, bring them here. That's exactly what this forum is for. Welcome aboard.
  20. It could be a firewall or router issue, or something more distant. As a first, easy step, try rebooting your router by unplugging it from the power for a few minutes to see if that helps. Then, take a look at >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Checking_for_packet_loss_%28network_lag%29 to see how to trace your route and find out where the bottleneck is. You'll also find that Nalates' blog at http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/ has some helpful suggestions.
  21. Or actually llSetTexture(llList2String( textures,current_index ), 0); :smileywink:
  22. I agree with Lindal. You seem to have kept your cool well enough. Hope you got a good pic to go with that AR too. At times like that, it's hard to remember that you can't get hurt physically in SL. If you take your time and stay calm it takes some of the fun away from griefers, who expect you to panic, and it gives you an opportunity to make a good AR and then TP away. You may find this site interesting >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/User:Fr43k_Paine/Dealing_With_Griefers
  23. Sometimes clearing your cache manually from outside SL helps. See >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clear_Cache. Log back in to a very quiet sim like Smith or Furball and open your inventory. Type a random letter in the search field to jump-start rebuilding and resyncing the locally cached copy of your inventory. When it stops saying "fetching .... ", you should have a rebuilt inventory and (with luck) the missing items. If that doesn't work, it's time to turn to Live Chat.
  24. AFAIK, there's no control in Phoenix that will create a blinking cursor. There is no Debug Setting that does it either. My guess is that it's a routine on your own computer, a special "feature" that you have activated somehow. BTW, you are always welcome to ask questions about any SL viewer. These are public resident-to-resident forums, so you're likely to get answers from people who are using all of the LL and Third Party viewers. As Jenni says, however, if you have a viewer-specific question, you can often find more expertise in groups dedicated to your own particular viewer. The Phoenix/Firestorm is one of the best, so it would be wise to ask there too.
  25. It should be deducted automatically from the USD balance in your account. If that balance is not sufficient, LL will charge the credit card that you used as backup. You may also sell L$ to increase your USD balance.
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