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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Void Singer wrote: sure, there's an easy solution to to dealing with RL not living up to SL expectations.... simply make your avatar less attractive than the RL you... I wonder if even this is enough. What if SL's population is more desirous of meeting others than the RL general population? If you socialize SL, but not RL, I'd expect the results to be skewed even if the avatars weren't.
  2. I need more explanation, Del. Are you thinking that SL's anonymity is an advantage over Facebook?
  3. There are some bits of that toon I find frighteningly reminiscent of the forum, including myselves.
  4. I'm still digesting yesterday's breakfast, Lillie. For those who feel like eating light today, I've left a pitcher of bubble juice and glasses on the counter. Happy Wednesday, Kids!
  5. Dillon Levenque wrote: BTW, I'm pretty sure I heard that Carole has walked through the fire. It can change a person. Didn't change me, but I've heard some people are more sensitive to the flame. Yes, Carole walked through my fire. I don't think it changed her a bit. Then you stepped in wearing a firearm and nicked your own thigh. I can't wait to see how sensitive Void is to the flame.
  6. Lia Abbot wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: It's so nice to have you back, Lia. It's been soooo long since my glasses had a good cleaning. ;-) Happy Tuesday, Kids! /me makes a dash for it whilst Maddy peers through her smudgy glasses and chats to a tree. That's a tree? I thought it was Hippie! His butt did feel a li'l rough when I patted it.
  7. Lia Abbot wrote: Happy Tuesday to all! It's so nice to have you back, Lia. It's been soooo long since my glasses had a good cleaning. ;-) Happy Tuesday, Kids!
  8. Simondavis wrote: Very well stated but yet i dont think you understood my point there, i hve true friends here in sl and i said that there are the exceptions to the rule here in sl but there are far more bad people here than good, over the five years ive been here i now have my permenent SL wife it took me awhile to get her to see thas what i wanted i personally have never cheated on anyone ive been with here in sl or rl for that matter, I have played the game so to speak and realized that the game was so much more, ive have had my share of drama more than you would believe if i took the time to explain it all i have had people just for the fun of it try to break me and my girl up using alts to slander her name and i belived it for awhile then realized she is what i wanted here and to hell with the rest, the mixture of the people that view this a s a game only are the ones you have to watch out for here in SL. This game is pardond the words the ultimate Mind **bleep**, you can make anyone think and belive anything you want here and there are those here that prey on those tender souled individuals here nad i find that disturbing because some do use this forum as a sort of therapy for their RL. I have had friends become more here and become rl married couples, those are the ones that know just what SL is really about, but most swing towardsthe drama claming that they do not want any drama lol i find that laughable actually, because you have to admit drama is the bread and butter of SL in the long run. So yes Friends are truely possible here i never deny that fact. Simondavis, you're making generalizations that certainly don't agree with my observations. I find most people in SL to be good. It would be hard to imagine all the wonderous creations I see if there were "far more bad people here than good". When the world around me looks wrong the first thing I do is wash my glasses (usually in Lia Abbot's gin). I want the best vision possible.. clear with no discoloration. Throughout life, we look for patterns to explain things in the world around us. When I look closely, the most powerful pattern in my life is my own involvement in it.
  9. UncommonTruth wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hi Lindsey, After you dig out from under all your IMs in-world, revisit the forums. We're an odd little subset of SL residents, but we're okay! If you connect with Hippie, you'll be on your way to meeting lots of folks. Make sure you join the Hippiestock group so you'll become a part of Hippiestock 2! Hippiestock 2? :matte-motes-sing: That sounds like Hippiestock, sequaled! It had to be good to be sequaled right? UncommonTruth, I think it's a common truth that Hippiestock was worth a sequel ;-) ETA: I hope to see you and Lindsey there!
  10. Suella Ember wrote: Not wanting to pee on anyone's bonfire (LL could well still be working on something like this) but Rod himself has said that this is just press speculation and he's foud in quite amusing to watch! https://twitter.com/#!/rodvik/status/117388201966047232 https://twitter.com/#!/rodvik/status/117389228563890176 Suella, I'm glad you've found evidence LL may not be doing the wrong thing. Now I can return to waiting for evidence they're doing the right thing. Not that I have any idea what that is, mind you.
  11. Hi Lindsey, After you dig out from under all your IMs in-world, revisit the forums. We're an odd little subset of SL residents, but we're okay! If you connect with Hippie, you'll be on your way to meeting lots of folks. Make sure you join the Hippiestock group so you'll become a part of Hippiestock 2!
  12. I didn't receive a notecard, Lyra. Try again? I sent you my e-mail address in a forum PM.
  13. Quinn Morani wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Dillon Levenque wrote: I've found that in the places I go regularly, most of us make a point of speaking to new people (possibly 'cause we're just getting bored with talking to ourselves all the time). As you so sagely noted, we're all prolly dying to talk to someone new ;-) No wonder no one talks to me anymore! :matte-motes-tongue: We can't ignore you if you're not there.
  14. It's a reactionary move. Lightweight mobile games have sucked all the oxygen from the room. I doubt LL would be an acquisition target. SL's learning curve is steep and gaming companies are discovering that people are not spending as much time in game as they once did (resulting in much of their development effort going unseen). There's a small and static market for SL. If I have a concern here, it's that even modest success in this new direction will draw attention away from SL.
  15. I'll trade you a Yoo Hoo for your Boo Hoo (mind the sweeties down in the chicken house)... And to compliment the odd story of being one's own grandfather, here's the definitive explanation of the butterfly effect... And finally, because I adore John Hartford and phonograph records and hors d'oeuvres in bed...
  16. DQ Darwin wrote: Hugs all, ahhhhhh Sunday:) Time to get in the mood, go ahead shake it no one is looking.... I started playing it and thought my phone was ringing. "In the Mood" is my ringtone ;-) Here's one for all the Maple Leafers... And if that's not enough... Wake up, Everybody!
  17. Void, I've never seen LOD factor not be sticky. How does it get unsticky to begin with?
  18. Void Singer wrote: heavens know I live for infamy =D Hell knows too. This explains all the interest in your incineration.
  19. Hippie Bowman wrote: Happy Saturday Everyone! Looking forward to Vals's Birthday party! YAY! For those not feeling well, I hope this changes for ya soon. I just drank a little chicken juice, an then stumble around for a bit, then collapsed on the couch. I wonder what else is listed in the ingredients. /me checks the list on the carton. Peace! We never said chicken juice was good for what ails you. It simply makes whatever ails you seem unimportant. Good morning, Everybody!
  20. Lyra, I think PNG works as well as TGA, but TGA should work fine too. That's what I use. The fastest way to get to the bottom of this might be to share the .PSD file with one of us. I will be around a bit this evening. PM if you'd like me to take a look. When I've had this problem in the past, it's been because I somehow got to saving the .tga in some odd place and was uploading an old one, or because I was actually saving the file as a PSD with a .tga extension.
  21. DQ Darwin wrote: Okay Maddy this is the way we should put it on the shell. Your thoughts? Wonderful, let's start shipping before the stuff eats its way out of the cartons. /me returns to the north forty to squeeze some more cute chicks.
  22. Void Singer wrote: nah, that'd still be included in the gross.... wait, where I'm going!? surely you must mean where I'm coming from! Maybe you aren't going anywhere?
  23. Void Singer wrote: so nobody actually caught my evil math? (25% of the net could NEVER exceed 50% of the gross) What if the promoter (Dillon) is actually willing to contribute to your singeing? Then we could have a net with no gross. Not that a net will help you where you're going.
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