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Restless Swords

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Everything posted by Restless Swords

  1. Thx Innjula, i will give it a serious try and test. PS: I know about llTargetOmega , and use it in other places and ways, but it is client side and has to many inconsistencies.
  2. I have a physical object (so cannot use llSetRot), and need to keep it facing in the same direction, but need to rotate it 90 degrees around that forward axis without changing its forward direction (so dont think i can use llRotLookAt). - think of an arrow in flight, and I need to turn the shaft so the feathers rotate 90 degrees) I must have celebrated to much yesterday, this SHOULD be easy, but I just cant get it to work.
  3. We have all used cut boxes to make rotating prim doors. but what if that door were a mesh child-prim? you cant have a larger cut-away part since transparent pieces get deleted from mesh, and its edge may be odd shaped and the rotation axis might not even be at that edge. The closest idea i have come up with is wasteful, it is to create a larger mesh prim with half of it being a unique face that I can set to transparent once the mesh piece is imported in SL, giving a similar design as the standard cut-away prim door. This of course assumes you have access to the mesh piece in a 3D modeller (like Blender) to add the extra face, and does not work if you have a mesh piece obtained from some other place. Is there a standard code snippet that will rotate an arbitrary prim around a defined axis (can be limited to X-Y-Z only) some arbitrary defined distance from the prim center? - and yes, i understand it will actually involve both roratin and translation - Or is it still best to just build a double-sized prim and hide half of it?
  4. its 2016 and the problem occurs on almost ever mesh i export from blender and try to upload into SL - current one i am fighting as 2 different pieces, both different materials assigned and no others. I think i am >< this close to giving on on mesh for SL
  5. I tried to view the JIRA (after logging in) but it would not let me. "PERMISSIONS ERROR"
  6. Is there a way to re-rezz an HTTP server, and 'request' a specific address? (its previous one) ? - if there is no way, this is a huge nightmare for me - PS: the reason is to move it to a different sim
  7. You also posted this in LSL scripting forum, and there are replies there LSL Scripting
  8. 1) I discovered if you click an MP link as "open in new tab" it is almost instantaneous - but if you click the link, it takes 20secs plus to reload into current tab window 2) same problem on Edge and IE - and i disabled all add-ins to be sure they were not the problem 3) switched to Chrome (have never used it) and links open almost instantaneously So, is clearly a massive problem in Edge/IE reloading new contents in current tab.
  9. 1) I discovered if you click an MP link as "open in new tab" it is almost instantaneous - but if you click the link, it takes 20secs plus to reload into current tab window 2) same problem on Edge and IE - and i disabled all add-ins to be sure they were not the problem 3) switched to Chrome (have never used it) and links open almost instantaneously So, is clearly a massive problem in Edge/IE reloading new contents in current tab.
  10. 1) its not exactly what you want, but when holstered the script could say in localchat "vice off". - gun would not fire - but now YOU could not be shot/wounded, which is likely not what you want 2) i *think* script could say in localchat "reload_state 0" to disable (empty) gun - and then "reload_state 2" to reload and enable gun
  11. thx. I chose to use the gridsurvey.com and it is workig well. THX again.
  12. I probably just need more coffee, but I cant figure out how to get adjacent region names. - the names of regions N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW of where i am llGetRegionName() works fine, of course, for where i am.
  13. Ooooooo, Interesting. One of the challenges is that there are many objects, each having a different SitPosition and SitRotation and even different Animation. But perhaps I see the light .... In the sailboats, you touch the boat and then sit (onto a default position/animation or the last used one) and then you get a select target (position+animation) dialog the same as you get on all subsequent touches. So i think that esentually all sits for all prims are actually done from that one root touch script (and not using SitTargets in the various prims) setting the avi Position/Rotation/Animation. I can see possibilities here. THX !!!
  14. nods. that is why i did not try unsit-sit. There are sailboats that say you can change positions/animations while the boat is moving, and not have a problem. - darned if i know how/'what they do.
  15. thanks. i keep forgetting about RLV. this is the best (only?) solution.
  16. i have boat with 2 chairs, each with a sit script. I want to be able to sit in on one, and then click on the other and move over to its locatin and animation without having to unsit my avatar. i have seen this done in multi-pose sailboats, etc. - right now, when i sit and click the other chair, the menu shows "stand" and not that other chairs sit. I first thought the solution is NOT to use sit at all, but if i just position my avatar and animation then it does not move with the boat, it seems the avatar MUST sit to move with the boat.
  17. I have 2 groups that I need to very often switch beween. - it drives my crazy having to get the Groups dialog and then select and activate the other group - Is there a chat command that can do this? (i think not) - Is there anyway a script can do this (change my active groupp) (again, i suspect not)
  18. sometimes, especially when zoomed on a target, i want to move my camer only very slightly (up, down, etc). but no matter how lightly i click the camera arrows, it moves too much. - is there some sort of micro-movement ? (like when building, and SHIFT or CTRL minimizes size adjustments on prims)? - or is there someplace or some setting where i can reduce the amount of movement?
  19. Xiija wrote: here is an example with llCastRay http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlCastRay try it with a 0.02 sec timer mebbe? RayCast was an interesting idea but i dont think it is workable if i set the timer fast enough to detect avatars in speeding cars it is a LOT of RayCast time, mostly unused and it is not even possible to always catch speeding avatars even at 0.1 sec timer if instead of timer i use CollisionStart that is usually the front of a car, and usually misses the avatar and if CollisionStart is used to do 10 or 20 0.1 sec timers, it still sometimes misses speeding avatars So, a nice idea but RayCast doesnt seem to be workable for speeding cars.
  20. Cerise Sorbet wrote: You can do it from the other direction. Check the avatars on the parcel with OBJECT_ROOT from llGetObjectDetails, this will tell you what they are sitting on. Then you can match it up with the objects you are tracking. This is a really interesting idea, from a direction that had not occured to me. - I will certainly give it a try, it sounds very promising UPDATE: Tried it and got it working. due to the delay and load of fetching sim Avatar list, i just do this and cache it (updating regularly)
  21. Dora Gustafson wrote: If you assume the vehicle is owned by the driver llGetOwnerKey( vehicle id) will provide the driver's key One of the problems is that there are also loaner vehicles that anyone can use (and many do). - i went down that "GetOwner" road and had to give up because so many drivers vs owners were different But Cerise had a fine idea i had not thought of.
  22. sadly i did not have chat logging enabled (I do now) what did you mean by "the last two viewer logs" ? what files are these (what name)?
  23. is there such a log anywhere in my appdata area? - i want to tell, on a given day, when i logged out
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