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Restless Swords

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Everything posted by Restless Swords

  1. I have many items in marketplace. So, it is almost impossible to notice if a new review is posted - is there any way to get notification/email of each new review added ??
  2. Rolig: i had set preference "ShowAvatarInMouselook" so when i looked FirstPersonAvatarVisible was already true Dora: a good idea, but the zoom is not appropriate, i need to be able to see what is behind me So, after lots of looking and testing, it appears that in mouselook the camera position simply can NOT be changed. Sighs, and moves on to other work items.
  3. I can understand why the camera focus can only be controlled by the mouse (when mouse-steering)., to allow mouse steering. However I would like to be able to set the camera POSITION to being 5 or 10m behind the avatar (sort of like a super "Show-Avatar-in-Mouselook"). In essence I would like a view similar to the non-mouselook camera view, *BUT* still with mouse-steering. Darned if I can manage to set any camera position in mouselook mode. *IF* that is not possible, is there anyway to create an object to function like a drivers mirror with a camera pointing backward and showing on its surface what *it* sees? I suspect not.
  4. yes, i read it and it gave me most of what i now know. but i ended up with the uncertainty i posted about the 3 very similar parameters and their interaction.
  5. For both Angular and Linear movement, there are these 3 settings - and I am unclear about their difference - suppose I want an angular (or linear) movement to happen faster, how do these interact? - - less FRICTION should make it happen faster ? - - smaller timescale should make it happen faster ? - - higher efficiency should make it happen faster ? So, which one(s) should I change and why? - they all seem to be highly similar
  6. WOW, that was it. *some* were going into spam, *some* were getting trough.
  7. I used to get, reliably, email notifications of every sale. Now, I get very few, but still do get SOME. Are others experiencing this? (or more accurately, not experiencing emails)
  8. So, in summary, there is nothing i can do about it except to perioodically take up skeet-shooting as an animal flies by ?
  9. I have a script inside the animals, moving them using physics.
  10. I have animated animals that wander around a sim, and they work nicely for hours. - but every now-and-then they suddenly "fly" straight across the sim, - they end up right back where they were (not off-sim, not returned to inventory) It is like the havoc physics engine periodically re-initializes and during that the objects are moved. - but everything then carries on perfectly normally. Any thoughts or suggestions?
  11. like almost every combat system, spellfire does NOT publish how to create items that do damage - since then tons of griefers would run around creating massive weapons and wrecking everyones fun. If you want to create a legitimate SF weapon, you go to "Stone Keep" ndf buy a specific weapon developers kit - long bow kit, sword kit, etc- usuallyaround 3000L - *and* the scripts are NO-MOD so you cant see them and change them to do improper damage
  12. yes, i have a vehicle that moves fairly well. sometimes when it crosses into a different sim it gets "stuck" and i have to stand then sit again. i have seen various other posts about problems in sim crossings, but have seen very few specific suggestions.
  13. I know there are ever-ending problems of scripted objects, especially vehicles, doing sim crossings, - I have a simple BOX as a test vehicle, breaks/stops at sim crossing and I need to stand/sit to get going again - it has VERY few primitives, and I am wearing almost no objects or scripts (very few) - it was moving reasonably slow, but of course need to keep some momentum to get across What and the main things the vehicle script needs to do? a) I assume detect a sim edge coming up (how close before special actions?) b) what is a reasonable safe max crossing speed ? c) what actions do the script need to perform? and with what timing? d) what additional actions at 4-way corners compared to 2-way edges ? Any and All suggestions appreciated.
  14. LL customer support identified the "well-known" issue - is an interaction with some 3rd party viewers and sl viewers - "Merchant Outbox" was deleted from phoenix and in trash - logged in to phoenix, restored it - logged into to sl-viewer and Merchant Outbox works as normal !!!
  15. 1) i am not wearing anything that i want in the outbox 2) I tried the sequence Darrius recommended (although not sure why being logged into browser store makes a difference to putting items into outbox), but it did not work YES, as Darrius mentioned, my Merchant Outbox opens with the message saying anyone can create a store (as if it cannot tell i already have a store - and hence why it wont let me drag stuff there). 3) even tried going to a different computer with slightly older sl-viewer, identical results SO, in the end i have given up and opened a support ticket to see if LL has any magic answer.
  16. Could not drag anything into it yesterday, or today - i *used* to work previously. Using SL Viewer 3.4.0 (264911)
  17. the else only applies to the last if. you probably want: if xxxx else if xxxxx else if xxxx else
  18. thx for mostly confirming what i figured. however, i am pretty sure your comments about texture permissions not affecting objects is wrong. - i have (a few times) accidently used a no-copy texture when building an object i wanted users to have as copy - and then the resulting object is no-copy for them - the only solution is to make the texture copy, re-apply it, and re-ship the result to the customer. the above typically happens when i upload a texture into SL, since the SL defaults are no-copy no-mod.
  19. I build a COPY product and ship it to a customer. - then I get a customer complaint that it wont copy - I investigate and discover I forgot to set an uploaded texture to copy (darn I hate the no-perms defaults) so, I change my inventory texture permissions. - I *assume* that has no effect on the customer, that changing perms creates a new asset copy with the new perms - and that I must build and ship a new product version to the customer. Variation (more uncertain) - I build a product and during testing discover a no-copy texture and change it - will that affect the texture in the product in my inventory? - - i.e.. Is the texture perms (and texture UUID) only saved when the product is shipped? - - or, as I suspect, must I edit the product and select that piece and re-select its texture to reapply the new perms texture? - - is just editing the product enough to re-apply all textures (I think not), - - or must I specifically do a texture select operation on the prim(s) with all the previously bad textures (I think so).
  20. Good point, let me clarify. All textures were purchased with permission to use in builds and ship - but not to sell or ship the *textures* themselves full-perm so, I assume that as long as the *product* i am shipping has one or more limited perms, and that i am not including the textures in the contents tab (i.e.. I am just using them to texture build pieces), I am meeting everyone's expectations. In other words, there is no need to change permissions on the textures in my inventory as long as I never ship a full-perm product.
  21. I buy a texture full-perm and use it in my build - when I ship my product it is Mod/Copy/NoTrans (or Mod/Trans/NoCopy) - I don't ship the 3rd party textures as contents textures, I just use them in the product build. I assume this is proper and legal, that I only need to change the texture perms *if* I ever actually ship them as contents ??
  22. I need to cleanup my inventory, it is a worse mess than my RL garage. - I have build product and shipped to marketplace customers What if during my cleanup I delete a texture that I used in a product build? - is it already fully embedded into the product I shipped to customers? - or if I delete that texture will their products suddenly be missing its texture? I am fairly sure I can delete, but wanted to be sure - which I guess implies that SL keeps old (used) textures forever? even worse than TV horders.
  23. I have a full perm sound file i use in my scripted action. but i need to edit it. - there used to be a Linden wiki page describing how to export it but i lost the page - i know it had to do with finding a recent cached file on computer and renaming it Can anyone tell me the process or p;oint me to that old linden wiki page ? - or, email info to Restless.Swords@gmail.com THX
  24. Less than 30 minutes ago, i reported: - to a nearly naked slave girl that she had well over 600 scripts running - to a warrior wannabe that his weapons had more than 270 scripts running Sorry, but anyone running 200+ scripts can expect me to complain.
  25. If a script uses llInstantMessage to send an IM to an online avatar, it always arrives. If an avatar uses IM to send an IM to an offline avatar (and they have email enabled), they always seem to get it (in email) PROBLEM: If a script uses llInstantMessage to send an IM to an offline avatar (and they have email enabled) it seems like the message is simply lost, not sent to EMail. Why the diference in behavior?
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