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Restless Swords

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Everything posted by Restless Swords

  1. puuuuuurfect. llSetLinkAlpha() is wxactely what i was looking for but could not find. THANKS !!!!
  2. is it true that i cannot jus tset the transparency (alpha) value on a prim? - that i must also set a color? That is a *real* pain, since different prims have different tinting.
  3. I have a compound object with some specific linked prims that need to be made invisible and then later visible again on specific circumstances. What is the most efficient way to do this? I assume send a linked message to the specific prims, but then: - should each prim set its transparency to 100 and/or 0? - or load a transparency alpha texture and then back to the regular one. I would have assumed it was best to set that linked prims transparency, but I have seen many examples using transparent alphas so I wanted to know if I was missing some performance aspect or other consideration.
  4. I have a compound object with some specific linked prims that need to be made invisible and then later visible again on specific circumstances. What is the most efficient way to do this? I assume send a linked message to the specific prims, but then: - should each prim set its transparency to 100 and/or 0? - or load a transparency alpha texture and then back to the regular one. I would have assumed it was best to set that linked prims transparency, but I have seen many examples using transparent alphas so I wanted to know if I was missing some performance aspect or other consideration.
  5. Nope, the other avatar will not generally allow the animal objects to take control permission Nope, the avatar hunter does not click on the animated animals, but collision and/or sensor *will* give me their key. - The problem is, given a key, can i determine if they have left-moust down (weaons active) ? - i know how to determine if they are in mouselook, but *NOT* how to check left-mouse. It looks like there is no way for an object to simply "observe" this fact about an opponent avatar.
  6. i have a scripted object (a huntable animal) that can detect if a hunter avator is closeby, and if that avatar is in mouselook. Is there anyway to detect if it has left-mouse down? I know how to do it for my own avatar/attachments (for shooting weapons etc) but how can i tell if an opponent avatar has his left-mouse down (is firing) ?
  7. yes, without a way to supress $0L items, the "sales" report is almost usless.
  8. I have some $0L freebies in my store, along with my "real" commercial items. As expected, I get lots of downloads of the $0L items. When I look at the various sales reports, my "real" sales are hidden in the mass of $0L items. In your personal transaction history, there is a checkbox to disable including $0L items and only see real transactions. How can I achieve the same thing in my merchant sales reports ??
  9. yes, i believe you have nailed the solution. The cleanest and without the hassles of http etc: - scoreboard regionSay command to game objects, objects regionSay results to scoreboard - a RegionSay listener per region whispering to adjacent regionSay repeater (easily extendable) After much thought about each of the other approaches, this seems much simplier and more reliable. THANKS for your comments.
  10. I have a functioning game: - with objects spread around that users interact with - various options, controlled from a starting scoreboard, sent to the objects - objects send results back to the scoreboard The problem is that today they "llShout" on 2 channels back and forth - so, how to best make it work beyond shout distance? (possible over 1 or 2 full SIMs) a) use several communication channel "relays" to forward the commands/results b) force uses to wear some special object to collect results (does not handle sending commands to objects) c) use EMail (probably controller and objects need both senders and receivers?) d) dome kind of in-world web-server? (but would this work for 2 or 3 SIMs) ? e) SOMETHING BETTER ??? I am sure the #d, "something better" exists but I don't know what. Any suggestions ???
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