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Josephine Carissa

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Everything posted by Josephine Carissa

  1. picked up a new bikini from the friday hud sale : )
  2. went over to the WLRP event and picked up the gifts.....now i need to rez them : )
  3. Last night i was just hanging out doing inventory control....started out in the comfy chair....then moved out to the swing, i like it by the water : )
  4. Friday Night at my Sisters set : ) digging out more of the dance attachments : )
  5. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee.....running to hide from Maddy : ) that's what you would called a dolled up coffee.....i don't care for whipped cream, but i really like coconut and thought it looked good : ) looking for place to hide now : )
  6. Good morning everyone.....happy friday to you all : ) best wishes for a glorious weekend : )
  7. got out to visit one of the stores i like that put out a new group gift....and found this nice sitting area : )
  8. another new outfit.....yeesh, i should knock off this shopping thing real soon : ) lol
  9. picture from last night.....trying on a new outfit : )
  10. At my Sisters set : ) thought i would bring out the old dancing light orbs : )
  11. thinking about ways to improve the zen garden......
  12. picked up some new flowers at the illuminate event : )
  13. i'm thinking Skell and i might be related : ) i have "folders" and "subfolders" for everything including NCs.....the most important thing i would suggest is when you decide to work on your inventory....put on some music that you really like and devote blocks of time to work on it....its a ongoing process and you will find what works best for you.
  14. so i thought why can't i go to sleep on a couch on the water : )
  15. trying on a formal outfit for my sisters set tomorrow.....
  16. did someone mention wine before bedtime.....maddy supplied the fire....so here is a glass of wine : )
  17. i went to visit a place i hadn't been in quite some time, "Patron" sim.....its really beautiful : )
  18. when you get tired doing inventory control....go to the swing : )
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